Monday 16 December 2019

20 short scary stories.

1: We don’t mind our dog sleeping in our room at night. It’s the thing that lives in our closet that is bothered by it.

2: I don’t mind the tapping on my window. Until I found out that it was coming from inside my house.

3: I used to whistle when I fetch water from the well. Until something started whistling back.

4: I had a terrible nightmare where I was attacked by a derange person at four thirty p.m. I was glad that I finally woke up from it. However, as my clock hit 4:30, I hear hurried footsteps coming up the stairs.

5: What do you do when you are looking at a photograph and it starts smiling at you?

6: There was a message on my bathroom mirror. But I live alone.

7: Blackberries used to be my favourite fruit. Until I saw one get up and crawl away.

8: It’s great to have a phone. But it is annoying to be constantly getting phone calls from complete strangers. Especially when they are from the grave.

9: I have a new camera. But it keeps taking strange photos. In all of them, there is a strange blurred out figure in the background. I wouldn’t mind but every time I take a picture, the closer the figure gets.

10: I keep getting messages from my wife. Who had died a year ago.

11: I won a new camera and decided to test it out with my friends. But the photos turned out to be disturbing. They show how and where my friends would die. But what was more disturbing is that the photo that of me that I took by accident… shows nothing.

12: I used to collect portraits of people. Until one of them blinked.

13: It’s horrible when someone won’t stop talking about worms when you are eating spaghetti. It’s another thing when you find out that they were telling the truth.

14: I hate that constant knocking noise. But I don’t want to lift up the floorboards.

15: I went to complain about my new wardrobe. I had opened it and found that it was invested with spiders. The shop manager said that it was strange. The last owners complained that there were zombies in it.

16: There is nothing like the sound of laughing. Unless it is 2 pm and you are alone.

17: I was shocked when the announcer came over the train’s speaker. “Next stop is Purgatory”.

18: I have the ability to stop time. But I can’t restart it.

19: It is one thing finding a skeleton in your living room. It’s another thing when it starts talking to you.

20: I don’t want to blink. Cause every time I do, that statue moves closer.

Tuesday 3 December 2019

TV Review: Monster in my pocket.

Release date: 1992.

Story: Deep within a mountain in Transylvania, Doctor Henry Davenport (a.k.a the Invisible Man) and his friends (Frankenstein's monster, Mummy, and Wolfman) have managed to capture all of the evil monsters and have placed them behind bars. But one of the evil monsters (Vampire) tries to escape with the help of a shrinking spell. But the spell backfires and shrinks all of the monsters and the mountain instead. And then the mountain teleports to Los Angles. Which causes all of the bad monsters to escape. Now the Invisible Man and his friends have to go and recapture them. Especially Vampire, Medusa, and Swamp Beast. But it isn't easy when they are one inch high. So the good monsters decide to visit a famous horror writer in order to get some help. But the writer is away. Apart from his daughter Carrie. Who decides to help the good monsters in their fight against the evil ones. While also trying to find a way of regaining their normal height.

My thoughts: This one off special, named the Big Scream, was the pilot for a cartoon series based on the toy line of the same name. And it is indeed a good special. It is such a shame that this didn't get a series. yet there are rumours of five or six more episodes that were created. But they are either extremely difficult to find or non-existent. I like the character designs as well. Frankenstein's monster is renamed Big Edd and looks like Franken-berry from the American cereal brand (and also has this thing were every time he gets angry, sparks fly from his head), Wolfman has a Jamaican accent, Swamp Beast is just a large blob type of creature that can separate into other versions of himself, and the Invisible Man is without his bandages (properly so that he won't be mistaken for Mummy). If this had a series, I would have liked to see them encountering other good or bad monsters (including Warlock. Who is a fan favourite). Also it is a cool concept that while trying to find a way of regaining their height, the good monsters discover that they can active that by laughter and the bad monsters can grow back through screams. This special is available on Youtube and I would recommend that you check it out.

My score: Five stars.

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Film Reviews: Haxan (a.k.a Witchcraft through the ages).

Release date: September 18th 1922.

Story: This Swedish documentary style horror movie is about the study of witchcraft, devil worship, and how the misunderstanding of mental illness and diseases could have led to the hysteria of witch hunts in medieval Europe.

My thoughts: Dark, creepy, atmospheric, and bizarre. This seven part movie really catches the horror element with images depicting witches, demons, and the devil himself (played by the director himself). This film was banned in the USA and was heavily censored in other countries. In 1968, the movie was re-released in the USA in a re-edited form. Now called Witchcraft through the ages and has an narration by William S Burroughs.

Even though this is a silent era classic, this film is really not for everyone. Some people might get offended and/or horrified at the scenes of devils, witches, creepy scenery, and torture. So I would warn you before watching it.

My score: Four stars.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Film Reviews: The Fog

Release date: February 8th 1980.

Story: The costal town of Antonio bay, California is getting ready to celebrate it's 100th anniversary. But things are not so smoothly as the inhabitants wanted. For on the night of the celebrations, a strange thick fog comes in from the sea and soon ingulfs the town. But it's not the fog that is a threat... it is what's in the fog that is the main threat.

My thoughts: This is one of John Carpenter's most recognisable films. And it is great. The pirate ghosts are cool and some of the effects are impressive. If you haven't seen it yet, I would recommend it.

My score: Three stars.

Thursday 10 October 2019

Youtube Reviews: The Stories of Sodor.

Series creator: Victor Tanzig.

Starting date: 20th February 2017.

Story: The train, for its type, is the most powerful vehicle on land. And the engines of Sodor are the power behind the docks, industries, and pipelines that make up the world renowned North Western Railway. Join Thomas, Edward, Percy, and all of the other Sodor engines in their daily tasks to keep their business going. For these, are the Stories of Sodor.

My thoughts: The great series is based on the popular Thomas the tank engine series. the show itself has three series, many shorts, and a fourth series is currently being made. What I like about this show is that it doesn't follow the books or the tv series at all. It kinda does it's own thing. And it isn't set in one time period. It starts after the first world war and is likely to finish in the present day. And includes many historic events as well. Including the rise in communism, the nationalization of Britains railways, world war two (which was it's own side season called The Stories of War), and even goes into detail on how the railways worked and operated at the time. I was surprised that Edward is the narrator of the show. But then I realised that it might be mainly based on the Railway book series and not the Thomas and friends show (where Thomas is the main character). The show even has characters from a similar show called Tugs.

Any dislikes?: Only a few. One of them being the swearing. I mean I wasn't expecting swear words in something based on Thomas and Friends. But in the third series and the Stories of War side season, there are times that the characters use the F and W words. Also some viewers may not like some strong issues that some episodes are centred on. Such as prejudice, war, bullying, unfairness, and other subjects like them.

Overall: It is a great show and I would recommend it.

My score: Four stars. 

Thursday 26 September 2019

Film Review: Ace Ventura. When Nature Calls.

Release date: November 10th 1995.

Story: Having failed a mission to save a racoon, Ace has left the detective business and has joined a Tibetan Monastery. But then a British correspondent visits him to ask for his help. It seems that a sacred animal of an African tribe has been taken just before a wedding is to be taken place. And if the animal is not returned, the tribe will be at war with an neighbouring tribe. Ace then takes the job and soon is traveling across Africa in order to find the missing animal. But things soon start to turn on the uncertainty side when Ace finds out what the sacred animal actually is... an albino bat

My thoughts: Not as funny as the first one but still a great film. It parodies the movie Cliff-hanger in the first part (where Ace unsuccessfully tries to rescue a racoon from a cliff face). And also some of the movie isn't even filmed in Africa. But one thing that I didn't get is Ace's fear of bats. Even though he is supposed to like all animals, yet is horrified by the near mention of bats. But still it is a good film to put on one evening.

My score: Three stars.

Sunday 22 September 2019

Film Reviews: Ace Ventura. Pet Detective

Release date: February 4th 1994.

Story: Jim Carrey stars as Ace Ventura. An over the top, eccentric, and unorthodox private investigator who specialises in animals. So one day, he gets hired to try and find out who had kidnapped a dolphin who is the living mascot for an American football team. But as he descends deeper into the investigation, he realises that there is more than meets the eye.

My thoughts: I like this film. Jim Carrey is his over the top self and the jokes do get laughs out of everyone. The only thing I didn't get is the fact that an American football team has a living animal that they use as a mascot. I'm sure that brakes a lot of animal care rules. This movie spawned a sequel, a cartoon show, and a straight to dvd sequel. Overall, it is a good movie and I would recommend it.

My score: Four stars.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Film Review: The Nutty Professor

Release date: June 28th 1996.

Story: Eddie Murphy stars as an overweight scientist Sherman Klump. Who has invented a serum that will turn anyone who drinks it into a slim ladies man. So he test it on himself and it turns him into Buddy Love. But soon things start to go wrong as he starts to develop a split personality.

My thoughts: I don't like this movie. I never found the jokes funny and most parts (the dreams especially) I found unsettling. There was a sequel to this but I'm not going to review it. Mainly because it looks worse than this one.

My score: One star.

Monday 19 August 2019

TV Review: The Simpsons.

Release date: December 17th 1989 - present (30 seasons, 662 episodes).

Story: The many comedic happenings of a suburban family living in the fictional American city of Springfield and the people around them.

My thoughts: This was one of the first animated sitcoms to be created (the first being the Flintstones). And I have mixed feeling about this show. On one hand I like it and on the other hand I don't. There were parts that of the show that I found funny and others that I was like "Seriously why did you do that?".  The characters are ok and there are some good emotional moments and morels that can be found in it. But one of it's many flaws is that it been going on for far too long. It has thirty seasons and it is going to go on for another two. Everyone has said that the show started to go down hill by the 9nth season (with it's second episode 'The Principle and the Pauper' being one of the most hated episodes) and that the show feels like it is on it's last legs. Still this show has spawned games, a comic series, a movie, tons of merchandise, and has even created internet phenomenon's (the many incarnations of Steamed Hams sketch for example).

My score: Three stars.

Tuesday 16 July 2019

YouTube Review: Turnabout Storm.

Type of video: My little pony/Ace Attorney crossover, court room drama, mystery.

Release date: 2011 - 2013 (five parts in six episodes).

Story: Rainbow Dash has been accused to murder and she is facing huge consequences if she is found guilty. It is up to the great defence attorney/investigator Phoenix Wright to prove her innocence in a court of law. Will he be able to do it? Watch and find out.

My thoughts: I found out about this when I was watching a review of this by the Mysterious Mr Enter. I then managed to find the series and give them a watch. And it is good. There are twist and turns that no one could see coming and there is some great suspense. And there is some comedy as well. If you are a fan of either My little pony or Ace Attorney, then I would give this a watch. But the episodes (apart from the first) are around one or two hours long. Just to tell you.

My score: Four stars.

Sunday 30 June 2019

Gaming Reviews: Asterix & Obelix. XXL2

Release date: June 30th 2006 (original PlayStation 2 release). November 29th 2018 (remastered PlayStation 4 release).

Type of game: Beat them up, adventure, comedy, cartoon.

Platforms: Originally release on the PS2 and Windows in 2006, it was later remastered with new graphics for the PS4, Xbox one, Nintendo Switch, and Windows (only through Steam).

Story: A rouge Roman spy named Sam Shieffer tells Asterix and Obelix that their druid friend Getafix has joined with the Romans and had helped Julius Caesar capture three other druids. Asterix doesn't believe Sam saying that Getafix wouldn't do such a thing and so he sets off with Obelix and Dogmatix to rescue him and the other druids. Who are all located at this new city that the romans have nearly finished building. A city that is centred around fun and games... named Las Vegum.

My thoughts: I never thought that there was a video game based on the Asterix comics until I found the original PS2 version in a used game section in a cheap shop. And I like it a lot. The idea of an ancient roman Las Vegas is quite interesting. They based the casinos on places that the Romans have conquered. Lutetia (the capital of ancient Gaul), Little Venetia (a parody of Venice), LuckSore (ancient Egypt), WCW, Pirate Island, and finally SeizeUs Palace. Also the Roman soldiers are dressed up as classic video game characters (including Mario, Sonic the hedgehog, Pac-man, Rayman, and there is also a centurion named Larry Craft).

Gameplay: Your mission is to visit every place in Las Vegum and rescue the captured druids. You will also have to face a final boss which is a gigantic super soldier (which the druids were forced to create). You can also collect helmets and use them to buy character upgrades and extra stuff. And also Asterix can use the magic potion which gives you extra abilities.

Any dislikes?: The fact that you'll have to fight off seemingly endless waves of enemies can get annoying. Also when you die, you'll loose every single helmet that you had collected. This is worse in the boss battles when you had collected every item available in the arena, yet get killed and you've lost everything and there is no way that you can get it back. Another annoying thing is that the Mario soldiers shoot water that can force you backwards. Which is frustrating when you are also surrounded by enemies.

My score: Four stars.

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Scary story 7.

It comes at night.

Listen. Can you hear it? That faint clicking noise. Yes, you can hear it. That means only one thing… it is back again. I can hear it while laying in bed, trying to get some sleep. It’s getting closer by the minute.

What ever it is, it keeps coming over to my house at night. It then wonders around my home and then goes back to wherever it came from. All the while making that horrible clicking noise. I tried my best to ignore it, but it isn’t easy. Oh god… I can hear the gate opening and the slamming shut.

It is now at the bottom of the drive. I can hear it walking on the gravel. Getting closer and closer by the second. Thank god that I always lock the doors and windows before going to bed. That thing has tried to get inside in the past, but luckily it gives up easily.

I am now hiding underneath my covers, trying my best to ignore it. I can hear it wondering underneath my bedroom window. How the hell does it know that that’s my bedroom window, I have no idea. I can sense it looking up at it. All the while continuing that vile clicking. Why does it target me and not the other houses in the village? Surely everyone else can hear the loud clicking.

It is now trying the front door handle. I can hear it rattling as the thing is trying to force the door open. But luckily, it is strong, and it won’t give way easily.

You may be wondering, why don’t I just grab a weapon and kill it? Well the answer is simple… I have already tried to do that in the past. But it is smart. It hides when ever I go outside and there is a chance that it would try and get inside the house while I am outside. And I rather not want that to happen.

Oh… it’s given up now. I can hear it walking away now. The clicking is becoming fainter now. Finally, I can get some sleep now. Until the next night that it comes back. Back to torment me more…. Oh wait… Did I close the basement window? Oh havens above I didn’t! I have to quickly run down and… Oh no! It’s inside the house! The clicking is coming up the stairs! I have to quickly hide before…

Thursday 13 June 2019

Film Review: Blackadder Back and Forth.

Release date: 6th December 1999.

Story: On New Years eve 1999, Lord Edmund Blackadder invites Archbishop Melchett, Archdeacon Kevin Darling, Major George, and Lady Elisabeth for the celebrations. Where he tells them that he and Baldrick have invented a working time machine. And places bets on which historic item that his guests would like to have. But in reality, it is a con in order for Blackadder and Baldrick to get some money. But things become weird when it turns out that Baldrick had indeed invented a real time machine.

My thoughts: I like this tv movie. It is great to see the current incarnation of Blackadder and Baldrick traveling through time and encounter historic characters. Only for them to act themselves and, after returning back to their time, to find out that they have seriously altered history in a bad way. So if you like time travel comedies, then I would recommend giving this a watch.

My score: Four stars.

TV Review: Blackadder's Christmas Carol.

Release date: 23rd December 1988.

Story: In a parody of the Charles Dicken's story, Ebenezer Blackadder is the most kind and generous man in Britain. And sadly everyone keeps taking advantage of him. Until one night, he has a visit by the Spirit of Christmas, who tells him about his past incarnations and what horrible people they were. This then sets in motion that will change Ebenezer Blackadder forever.

My thoughts: What I like about this Christmas special is that Blackadder started off as a kind person. But then changed into a bad and selfish man that we all know. Which is a complete reversal of the original character in A Christmas Carol. Also there is an interesting part where Blackadder asks to see the future. And we are shown where if Blackadder is bad, his descendances will rule the entire universe. But if he remains good, they'll just ends up being a slave to Baldrick's descendant. Also Robbie Coltrane is great as the spirit of Christmas.

My score: Four stars.

TV Review: Blackadder. The Cavalier years.

Release date: 5th February 1988.

Story: In 1648, King Charles the first has lost the English civil war, and is in hiding at Blackadder hall. Where Lord Blackadder and his assistant Baldrick remain loyal to him. But Oliver Cromwell soon finds him and takes him to the Tower of London.

My thoughts: This 15 minute one off was a special created for the first ever Comic Relief day. Stephen Fry based his interpretation of Charles the first on the current Prince Charles. And it is interesting how Blackadder quickly change his plans from rescuing King Charles to how to get his hands on his money and wealth.

My score: Three stars.

TV Review: Blackadder goes fourth.

Release date: 28th September - 2nd November 1989.

Story: Captain Edmund Blackadder commands a group of British soldiers in the trenches of World War one. Though he would rather avoid the big push (when they finally go over the top). Along with Private Baldrick and Lieutenant George, Blackadder has to put with constant attacks from the enemy lines and having to deal with his superiors Captain Darling and General Melchett.

My thoughts: This was the first Blackadder series I have ever seen. It may still be a comedy, but this series throws some realism into it. The last episode is the best remembered. Mainly due to the fact that Blackadder and co finally go over the top. Which, with the slow motion, a minimal and downbeat piano version of the theme tune, and then the scene fades to a poppy field with birds chirping, has become not only one of the most remembered finals in tv show history, but a great tribute to all those who have served their countries during the war.

My score: Four stars.

TV Review: Blackadder the third.

Release date: 17th September - 20th October 1987 (six episodes).

Story: In this reincarnation, Edmund Blackadder is the butler to the Prince of Wales George the fourth. And shows what life is like in late 18th century Britain with his sidekick Baldrick.

My thoughts: This is my favourite series in the Blackadder series. Even though they mention historic events in the wrong order (such as the case in the whole run of the show), it is both funny and witty.

My score: Four stars.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

TV Review: Blackadder two

Release date: 9th January - 20th February 1986 (6 episodes).

Story: The many happenings of Lord Edmund Blackadder during the reign of Queen Elisabeth the first.

My thoughts: This second Blackadder series is where the creators change many things. Blackadder is now the sly and cunning one while Baldrick is now the stupid one. And along with Percy, new characters were introduced. Including Queen Elisabeth the first, her advisor Lord Melchett (played by Stephen Fry), and her former nanny Nursie. And The idea of putting each series in a different time period is a cool idea.

My score: Three stars.

TV Review: The Blackadder.

Release date: 15th June - 20th July 1983 (6 episodes).

Story: In an alternate reality, Richard the third won the battle of Bosworth field, yet was killed accidently by the second son of his nephew (Edmund). Because of this, Richard's nephew (also named Richard) became Richard the fourth of England. And Edmund became the prince of the realm. And so he decides to give himself a new title. And so with his two sidekicks (The idiot Percy and the scheming Baldrick), Edmund strives forth as Prince Edmund Blackadder.

My thoughts: This was the very first Blackadder series. And it is very different from the others that will follow. Edmund is more of an idiot in this series and Baldrick is the schemer who has all of the ideas. This will change in the later series. Brian Blessed is great as Richard the fourth and the other characters are ok. And the theme music and song is one of the most recognisable in television comedy history.

My score: Three stars.

Film Review: Westworld.

Release date: November 21st 1973.

Story: In the far future, there exist a ultra expensive amusement park. Where visitors can enjoy what their hearts desire. They can chose one of three worlds. Western world (a cowboy themed area), Medieval world (a knights and castle area), and Roman world (an ancient roman area). And in each of these worlds are robots. Human looking androids which follow a series or orders and act like the people of the era. Yes it is indeed an amazing place to visit... what can possibly go wrong?

My thoughts?: This is a good film. The characters are good and the whole idea of a amusement park with androids is something that might happen in the future. There is a slow build up to when the androids malfunction (yet they don't say who or what caused it) is worthwhile and this film spawned a sequel, two tv shows, and was the inspiration for the novel Jurassic Park.

My score: Three stars.

Friday 7 June 2019

Film Review: Batman vs the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Release date: June 4th 2019.

Story: Batman encounters the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as two of their deadliest enemies join forces in order to bring chaos to Gotham city.

My thoughts: This is a good film. It is based on the six issue comic book series of the same name. And it is great to see these two series meeting each other. But there are somethings that I didn't like about it much. One thing was the fact that the TMNT world co-exist with the Batman world. There was no "Interdimensional travel" to be found here. Also there was the mutagen or ooze. In the TMNT lore, when you come into contact with the ooze, you'll be transformed into the animal that you've been in contact the most. Yet in this, you just transform into any random animal (and in one case a plant). But apart from those, it is a great film with a lot of comedy and action.

My score: Four stars.

Tuesday 4 June 2019

Film Review: Godzilla (2014).

Release date: May 8th 2014 (Dolby theatre release). May 16th 2014 (US release).

Story: After a horrible accident that killed his mother fifteen years ago, US Marine bomb disposal expert Ford Brody returns home to be with his family. Yet he is called to come and collect his father in Japan who has been caught trespassing in an quarantine zone. It turns out that his father (named Joe) believes that the accident wasn't an accident and that something else had caused it. And it turns out that he was right when two giant monsters (named Mutos) have awakened and are rampaging across America. Yet there is hope for mankind. And it comes in the form of another giant monster... named Godzilla.

My thoughts: This is a very great movie. The characters may be on the dull side (apart from Joe Brody) but it's Godzilla and the Mutos that make up for it. Apart from the small amount of time that the monsters are on screen (everyone keeps complaining that the movie concentrates more on the people instead of the kaijus and also that it keeps cutting away from the kaiju action. Yet there are other Godzilla films that do the same. And others where Godzilla shows up even less then in this movie), it is still a great film. Godzilla looks impressive, the Mutos look cool, and the build up to these monsters is great. It's sequel (Godzilla: King of the Monsters) is already in cinemas and I would highly recommend you go and see it.

My score: Five stars.

Film Review: Godzilla (1998).

Release date: May 20th 1998.

Story: There have been increasing reports of ships being attacked by an unknown menace. Nobody knows who or what is that cause of the attacks. But it turns out to be a very huge threat indeed. And it is heading towards New York city.

My thoughts: This was America's first attempted to create a Godzilla film. And it didn't turn out so well. This film was hated by Godzilla fans and even by members of Toho itself. But I have to say that I like the design of the monster itself. It's not Godzilla but it is a cool looking kaiju in it's own right. In fact Toho brought this monster and renamed it Zilla and it even appeared in two other Godzilla films. Well the first one was a breath mentioning in G.M.K: Giant monsters all out attack (where a group of students were talking about recent Godzilla sightings. One of them mentions about an attack in New York city and that the Americans claimed that it was Godzilla. But the other students are no so sure). And the other one was in Godzilla Final Wars. Where Zilla was quickly defeated by Godzilla in Sydney. Like I said this film may be a bad Godzilla film, but it is a good kaiju film.

My score: Three stars.

Friday 31 May 2019

Gaming Reviews: Godzilla (PS4).

Release date: July 14th 2015 (North American release). July 16th 2015 (Japanese release). July 17th 2015 (Europe release).

Type of game: Kaiju simulator, monsters, action.

Story: Many years after Godzilla first rampaged across Japan, the Japanese have harnessed Godzilla's energy (G-Energy as they call it) and stored them in huge turrets named G-Energy Generators. In an attempted to create a better energy source for the country. But then Godzilla resurfaces and starts to attack the generators in order to get his energy back.

My thoughts: This is my first ever game that I've played on the PlayStation 4. And I like it a lot. There are three selections that you can choose from. God of Destruction (the main game), King of the monsters (where you can choose a kaiju other than Godzilla and battle six monsters. Each getting harder as you progress), And a online multiplayer battle mode (where you and other players can battle each other). And there is also an Evolution mode (where you can upgrade your monsters), A kaiju field guide (which tells you all you need to know about the kaijus), and a mode where you can set up a scene and take a photo of it.

This game sadly received mainly negative reviews. And there were many arguments made about it. There are just a few of them.

1. The characters are too slow.

2. The graphics are seriously outdated.

3. You have to press the L1 and R1 buttons to turn the character.

4. You have to play the game a billion times over in order to get to the ending.

5. It's a really bad fighting game.

To which I say...

1. I can understand that but they are giant monsters.

2. This was previously released on the PlayStation 3. You can't expect the creators to upgrade the game every time an old game is re-released on a later game console.

3. That I can understand.

4. In order to get to the ending, you have to destroy every single thing in the levels and get a 100% destruction score before you destroy the last generator.

5. It is not a fighting game.

Any dislikes?: Apart from the fact that you have to use the L1 and R1 button in order to turn the characters, none what so ever.

Any thing that I want to see in a future DLC or update?: More monsters to choose.

My score: Four stars.

Wednesday 29 May 2019

Gaming Reviews: Spider-man.

Release date: September 7th 2018.

Type of game: Action and superhero.

Story: Peter Parker is having a normal type of life. He has broken up with Mary Jane (now an investigating reporter), he has a new job working with a scientist named Otto Octavius (working on robotic artificial limps), And his aunt May is working for a homeless shelter. But his life as Spider-Man is mainly the same. Swinging around New York city, fighting crime, and taking on supervillains. But things begin to change when crime boss Wilson Fisk (a.k.a the Kingpin) is finally sentence for his crimes and a new villain shows up.

My thoughts: This is an amazing game. The characters, the visuals, the graphics, and the story are great. You can unlock different costumes for Spider-Man to wear and there are even some DLC's that contain a separate storyline (which involves Black Cat, Hammerhead, and Sable). The villains are impressingly designed as well. And there is an uneasy feeling that you helped create the final villain. Another element that I like is that you can play as two other characters (Mary Jane and Miles Morales) in stealth missions where you have to avoid being caught while investigating. Which to me, makes a great change to swinging around.

Any dislikes?: The villains don't have health bars and it sometimes takes forever to defeat them. Also some of the side quests can get annoying at times. Especially the Screwball ones. Also the are stealth mission like in the Batman Arkham games. Where you as Spider-Man have to sneak around and pick off random enemies one by one. I didn't like this mainly because...

1: It was done better in the Batman games.
2: You can easy slip up and get spotted.
3: When you got rid of every single there is, more then rush in and are instantly aware of where you are no matter how well you do. Especially when you are trying to clear out an enemy hide out.

What I would like to see in a future update or DLC: I would say more costumes but there is enough of them to keep anyone happy. But I would like to see a DLC where you can play as the villains and or perhaps one where we can create your own costume.

My score: Five stars.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

The top four games that I want to see in the near future.

No 4: An open world pokemon game.
Pokemon is a popular game in its own right. And with the recent release of Detective Pikachu, it is still highly talked about. So what I would like to see is a game similar to that of Skyrim online or World of Warcraft. Where you can freely walk about, collecting pokemons, building gyms or towns, and challenging and trading with other players. This would be a massive successful game if done right. Minecraft had something similar to this called Pixelmon. But it is sadly no longer around.

No 3: Creepypasta and/or Godzilla Go.
With the success of mobile games like Pokemon Go and Jurassic World Alive, then I wouldn't be surprised if other franchises would try and cash in on their successes. I would like to have two based on the Godzilla and the Creepypasta franchises. Where you travel around and collect the characters.

No 2: A Friday the 13th style game but with other slasher killers.
I love the Friday the 13th game and I want to see other similar games like it in the future. But perhaps one where you can play as other slasher killers from other horror movies (like The Burning, Madman, Nightmare on Elm Street, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween, Child's Play, My Bloody Valentine, and others). And perhaps something like you can create your own slasher killer and even name them as well. But this could just be a DLC for the Friday the 13th game.

No 1: An open world superhero game.
A open world game where you can create and name your own superhero would be amazing. One where you can play with other players and can even form superhero teams. Something similar to GTA online perhaps.

Monday 13 May 2019

TV Review: The Green Green Grass

Release date: 9th September 2005 - 5th March 2009 (4 series. 32 episodes).

Story: In this spin off/sequel to Only Fools and Horses, Boycie, Marlene, and their son Tyler move from Peckham to Oakham, Shropshire. Where Boycie decides to become gentlemen famer after purchasing a farm. But things are not easy with a dim witted staff and having to settle down in different place.

My thoughts: This is a great show. I like the characters (well some of them) and the comedy is top notch. The only thing I didn't like about it is the reasoning why Boycie and co left Peckham. It was because Boycie was going to give evidence in court about a drug and illegal immigrant smuggling being managed by two local gangsters. And realising that him and his family's lives are in danger, he flees the airer overnight. This was something that I didn't like. If it had been a different reason (Boycie loosing his job and then decides to become a famer after something that he read in a magazine for instance) then I wouldn't have mind. But apart from that, it is a good show and I would recommend it.

My score: Four stars.

Thursday 9 May 2019

Anime Review: Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust

Release date: 2000 (US release). April 21st 2001 (Japanese release).

Story: D has been hired to find and rescue a woman named Charlotte, who has been abducted by a vampire baron named Meier Link. But he doesn't know that he is not the only person who is hired. And soon it has become a small race to see who can rescue

My thoughts: This is an ok sequel. The animation is great and the characters are ok. Yet the only thing I didn't like about it is the fact that Charlotte and Meier are in love. All throughout the film, It gives you the feeling that Charlotte is under some sort of spell. And instead of rescuing her, D lets her and Meier get away. Apart from that, everything else is ok.

My score: Three stars.

Anime Review: Vampire Hunter D

Release date: December 21st 1985 (Japanese release). August 1992 (US release).

Story: In a post apocalyptic future, vampires and other supernatural creatures have awoken and are trying to claim the world. But a handful of humans have also survived and are doing their best to fight back and carry on with their lives. This is the story of a dhampir who is only known as D. He is a human/vampire hybrid who travels around on his cyborg horse, hunting and slaying monsters. One day, he is hired by a young woman named Doris Lang. Who has been bitten by a vampire noble named Count Lee. And wants D to slay him so she can be cured. Will D be able to slay the count? Watch the film and find out.

My thoughts: This was based on a series of novels by Hideyuki Kikuchi. And it is pretty good. D himself  is a cool character yet rarely speaks. This anime movie is a cross between Fist of the North Star and Hellsing (D himself is the son of Dracula). This movie has a sequel named Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (which I may cover in a later review). If you like anime or horror, then I would recommend giving this a watch.

My score: Four stars.

TV Review: Buck Rogers in the 25th century

Release date: September 20th 1979 - April 16th 1981 (2 seasons. 37 episodes).

Story: The year is 1987, and NASA has launched the last of America's deep space probes. In a freak mishap, Ranger 3 and its pilot, Captain William Buck Rogers, are blown out of their trajectory into an orbit which freezes his life support systems. And returns Buck Rogers to Earth... five hundred years later.

My thoughts: I like this show. I like the settings, the characters, and the action. This series was based on a series of novels which also spawned a comic strip, a radio series, a serial film, three video games, a board game, other novels, and loads of merchandise. This show was inspired by the Star Wars films and had recycled props, effects shots, and costumes from Battlestar Galatica. This show definitely is one of the best sci fi tv shows along with Star Trek, Doctor Who, Battlestar Galatica, Space: 1999, and Blake 7. If you like sci fi tv shows, then I would check this out.

My score: Four stars.

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Film Review: King Kong vs Godzilla

Release date: August 11th 1962 (original Japanese release). 1963 (US release).

Story: Godzilla has returned after being trapped inside an ice tomb for seven years. And wastes no time in going about his old ways of rampaging through cities. Everyone has no idea how to deal with a giant monster that can't be killed. Until the recent discovery of another giant monster that has escaped from capture and is also arrived in Japan. The giant gorilla... King Kong.

My thoughts: One of the few Godzilla movies to have been released on DVD in the UK. And it is really good. The American monster fighting the Japanese monster on the big screen in full colour for the first time. Yet there are a few things that I didn't like. One of them being that Kong looks like a giant yeti rather than a gorilla. The other is Kong's ability to gain more strength and power by absorbing electricity. But then I found out that this was going to be Godzilla vs Frankenstein. But they switched Frankenstein's monster for King Kong. But they kept the ability to get stronger when absorbing electricity and gave it to Kong. Also there was a myth floating around for years after the film's release. It states that in the original Japanese version, Godzilla wins. And in the American release, Kong wins. Then years later, it was finally revealed that the different endings were untrue. They both fall into the ocean, Kong surfaces, he swims off, and Godzilla is nowhere to be seen (until the next film Mothra vs Godzilla). If you are a fan of Godzilla and kaiju films, then I would recommend this. And I am looking forward to the remake Godzilla vs Kong in 2020.

My score: Five stars.

Saturday 4 May 2019

Film Review: Charlie and the chocolate factory.

Release date: July 10th 2005 (Grauman's Chinese theatre release), July 15th 2005 (US release), July 29th 2005 (UK release).

Story: Charlie Bucket wins a golden ticket and goes on a grand tour of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.

My thoughts: A good remake but it has a few flaws. Like Willy Wonka acting like a creepy man with the mind of a child for example. Put on the plus side, the scenery is impressive (Tim Burton directed this movie) and I do like the fact that they tried to give Wonka a back story (showing him to be the son of a seriously strict dentist. Played by Christopher Lee). And the boat ride scene is more family friendly then the previous movie. I remember when this movie was in cinemas, there was a line of actual chocolate and confectionaries being released to help promote the film. I used to buy them a lot (the Scrumdidilyumtious Fudgmallow delight was my favourite). And the Oompa Loompa songs are catchy and imaginative (each song was styled from the 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's). I would recommend it for anyone who is a fan of the book and/or the previous film.

My score: Three stars.

Film Review: Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory.

Release date: June 30th 1971.

Story: Charlie Bucket lives with his mother and his four bedridden grandparents in a tiny hut just on the edge of a large town. A town which is also the home of a world famous chocolate and confectionary factory owned by the mysterious Willy Wonka. One day, Wonka announces that he has hidden five golden tickets inside the wrappers of five chocolate bars and that the ones who find them, will be given a grand tour of his factory. Will Charlie be one of the lucky ones to find a golden ticket? And if he is, what amazing experiences awaits for him in the factory?

My thoughts: One of the first films to be based on the book 'Charlie and the chocolate factory' by Roald Dahl. And one of the most remembered (even though Roald Dahl hated the movie). The sets are amazing, the characters are recognizable, and the songs are catchy. Gene Wilder does a great performance as Willy Wonka. In fact, Jon Pertwee (Doctor Who and the Navy Lark), Peter Sellers (the Goon show, the Pink Panther), Spike Milligan (the Goon show), Fred Astaire, and all six members of Monty Python were all considered to play the role. The only thing that I didn't get about it is the subplot where Wonka's rival Slugworth asks each ticket finder to steal a new yet unreleased creation called the everlasting gobstopper. How on earth did he managed to track them down? I can understand Augustus Gloop, Violet Beauregarde, and Mike TeeVee (Slugworth could have just followed the news crews) but what about Veruca Salt and Charlie? Slugworth was at Veruca's father's factory when the second ticket was found and he encountered Charlie just seconds after Charlie finds the last ticket. But apart from that, this is a good film and I recommend it for everyone. Though you might want to skip the boat ride through the tunnel scene.

My score: Four stars.

Thursday 2 May 2019

TV Review: The Addams Family

Release date: September 18th 1964 - April 8th 1966 (2 seasons. 64 episodes).

Story: The many happenings and adventures of a macabre family named the Addams family. Whose family members include Gomez, his wife Morticia, their children Pugsley and Wednesday, Uncle Fester, Grandmama, their butler Lurch, and the mysterious unseen Thing.

My thoughts: This show was based off the newspaper cartoon strip by Charles Addams. It has been often mistaken for The Munsters (a similar comedy show about a family of monsters) and they even share the same musical clips. The cartoon strip later spawned two animated shows, four movies, a musical stage show, another tv show, and loads of merchandise. The theme song is widely known all over the world and it is one of the best known tv theme songs. If you like comedy shows like the Munsters then I would give this a watch.

My score: Three stars.

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Film Review: The thing with two heads.

Release date: July 19th 1972.

Story: This is the story of two people. A terminally ill doctor named Maxwell Kirshner and a African American convict named Jack Moss. Jack had been sentenced to death for a crime that he did not commit and only managed to escape death by signing up for a science experiment. Which as it turns out is to transplant Kirshner's head onto Jack's body. Which is a problem seeing that Kirshner is a racist. So Jack has another man's head on his shoulders and had taken the opportunity to go on the run in order to prove his innocence. Will they managed to get along? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: This is an ok film. The characters are ok and there is some comedy to be found in it. But I was a bit disappointed. The trailer made it look like that the film was going to be a comedy/science gone wrong/ someone trying to prove their innocence while on the run type of movie. I was expecting that Jack would have proved his innocence and that Kirshner would have find another body to transfer his head onto and perhaps stop being a racist at the end of the movie. But what we get is what I felt like was a little let down. Kirshner wants to remove Jack's head so that he can have his body but is double crossed and left for dead while Jack leaves to look for the person who wronged him. And the end credits start playing. Apart from that, it is an ok film to rent or if you like science gone wrong type of movies.

My score: Three stars.

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Film Review: Space Jam

Release date: November 15th 1996.

Story: Bugs Bunny and his friends are facing a crises. A group of aliens have landed in their world with the intent of enslaving them for their boss's amusement park. But the Looney Tunes characters decided to challenged them to a basketball game (seeing that the aliens are the size of cats). But soon the aliens put a spanner in their works by stealing the talents from professional basketball players and using them to transform themselves into well skilled players (as well as giant monsters). With little to no help, the Looney Tunes characters have only one hope left. That is to get a professional basketball player to play for their team. And then they found one in the form of Michael Jordan.

My thoughts: This is a good film. This was probably one of the first Looney Tunes movie that I have seen at the cinema. This is an alternate history of what happened in-between Michael Jordan's retirement from basketball in 1993 and his big come back in 1995. There many things in this that I found weird though. Like the fact that the Looney Tunes world is under the ground and that you'll have to push your way through a large Warner Brother's logo in order to enter said world. But on the plus side, I really like the theme song that plays over the opening credits. It is one of those songs that stays in your head for ages and I would listen to it constantly. And despite having mixed reviews, this movie was a box office success. If you like sports movies and live action with animation type of movies then I would give this a watch.

My score: Three stars. 

Tuesday 9 April 2019

TV Review: The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.

Release date: January 5th - February 9th 1981 (1 series. 6 episodes).

Story: Arthur Dent is having a terrible morning. Not only has loads of bulldozers suddenly turned up on his front doorstep with the intent on demolishing his home, but also that one of his closest friends is in fact an intergalactic hitchhiker who is a researcher for a intergalactic travel guide. And also that the planet Earth is about to be demolished as well. This leads to a series of adventures where Arthur will meet new people, strange places, bug eyed monsters, and will also learn about the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

My thoughts: This was based on the successful book of the same name by Douglas Adams. Which also spawned a radio series (which the cast had also starred in), a comic book, a stage play, video games, and a feature length movie. This is a great show which mainly follows the first book but takes the ending from the second book (where the characters arrive at the Restaurant at the end of the universe, they then highjack another space craft, then they all get teleported to random places, and Arthur and Ford end up on prehistoric Earth). If you like science fiction with a twist humour then I would recommend this.

My score: Four stars. 

Monday 8 April 2019

Fan Fiction Reviews: The Cough.

Type of fanfic: My little pony, dark, horror, epidemic, gory, short.

Story: Equestria is suffering from an epidemic. Nearly everypony is either dead or become zombie like. Twilight and her friends have boarded themselves inside a house and are trying to wait until the epidemic is over. That is until somepony coughed. Realising that one of them has the illness, they start to quickly turn on each other. That is until Fluttershy admits to be the one who coughed. And in order to save everypony present, Rainbow Dash is instructed to kill her. Which she sadly does so. With one of their friends now dead, the remaining five try and continue with their survival. Only to hear another cough...

My thoughts: This is the very first MLP fan fiction that I have read (apart from the infamous Cupcakes but this one I've read all the way through). It is set in one dark room with the only light being generated by Twilight's magic. The fact that what ever the illness is turns ponies into zombies isn't said in the story but you get the feeling that that is what is going on outside. The ending is one of those endings that is great and that it makes you think. Did Fluttershy develop the illness and had passed it on to somepony else? Or was she lying to protect one of their friends?... This fanfic has a sequel and a prequel. Both of which I recommend checking out.

My score: Four stars.

Wednesday 27 March 2019

TV Review: Extreme Ghostbusters

Release date: September 1st - December 4th 1997 (1 season. 40 episodes.).

Story: Set many years after the Real Ghostbusters, supernatural activity had quiet down and had put the Ghostbusters out of business. Only Egon, Slimer, and Janine stayed behind at the firehouse. While looking after the containment unit (which houses the ghosts and the other supernatural threats that the Ghostbusters have faced and caught), Egon gets a job teaching about the paranormal at the New York City College. But then one day, the supernatural decide to become active again and Egon is forced to recruit a new Ghostbusters team. Mainly the only students that attend his class. They are Kylie Griffin (a goth girl genius who is an expert in the supernatural), Eduardo Rivera (a cynical slacker), Garrett Miller (a young paraplegic athlete who uses a wheelchair), and Roland Jackson (a studious mechanical whiz).

My thoughts: This was a cool sequel series to the Real Ghostbusters. The characters are great, the ghosts and other supernatural threats are creepy and awesome, and the show got darker in tone in some episodes. This is a cool show and I would recommend it for everyone.

(For more info on this show, check out the Extreme Ghostbusters review by Phelous on Youtube)

My score: Four stars.

TV Review: Street Sharks

Release date: September 11 1994 - May 18th 1997 (3 seasons. 40 episodes).

Story: After being mutated into four humanoid sharks, The Street Sharks decide to use their powers to protect their city against the evil Doctor Piranoid and his gang of mutant fish monsters. They are Ripster (a Great White shark), Jab (a Hammerhead shark), Streex (a Tiger shark), and Slammu (a Whale shark).

My thoughts: This is an ok show. I'll admit that I have collected the toys but never had seen the actual show until now (this was one of those shows that is just a big advertisement for toys). The characters are ok (Doctor Piranoid has a cool feature that he can transform into a human/piranha thing when ever he gets angry) yet the animation at times can be lazy. But there is good action and the character designs for the fish monsters are cool. There are even song segments in this which I felt were unnecessary. The theme song is ok as well. This is defiantly a 90's cartoon and I only recommend it for those who like 90's things.

Fun fact: The street sharks even have a crossover with another cartoon called the Extreme Dinosaurs.

My score: Three stars.

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Gaming Review: Jurassic World Alive.

Release date: 23rd May 2018.

Type of game: A Pokemon Go style game on the Mobile Phone. Where you go around catching dinosaurs rather than pokemons.

My thoughts: This is a really cool and amazing game. Just like Pokemon Go, you yourself travel around the open world and catching dinosaurs. Using darts to collect DNA samples and also being able to create hybrids of various dinosaurs (not all of them but still cool). There is a large variety of dinosaurs to collect and unlike Pokemon Go (where you'll have to hunt for them) the dinosaurs appear everywhere and all you'll have to do is click on them.

Any Dislikes: This game is huge. It takes chunks out of your battery life and you have to carry a portable phone charger with you. And it also asks you to play on Wi-Fi only when you try and get the game. Also there is a part of the game where you can fight other players, but the problem is that you find yourself fighting players that are many levels higher than you. Also this game can't be played everywhere. The signal goes out a lot and you may need to restart the game over and over again. Also the thing that shoots out the darts sometimes has a life of its own.

What I want to see in a future update?: Perhaps something educational where we can learn about the dinosaurs that we've had caught. I know that there is already something like that but perhaps it can be expanded more. Perhaps showing us where this dinosaurs once roamed, the food that it ate, and how it would spend it's day.

My score: Four stars.

Thursday 21 March 2019

Film Review: Blade 2.

Release date: March 22nd 2002.

Story: Two years after the events of the first movie, Blade is still hunting vampires and has recently rescued his friend and mentor Abraham Whistler. But now there is a new breed of vampires that has emerge. And the situation is so bad that the vampires themselves have asked Blade himself to help them kill off this new mutation before both them and the humans are wiped out.

My thoughts: This is the second sequel to Blade and the one I have watched the most. It has a great concept (Blade having to team up with his enemies in order to take on an even bigger threat) and the action is great. Danny John-Jules even stars in this as one of the vampires who teamed up with Blade. Like I said this is a good movie and I recommend it for anyone who likes action and vampire films.

My score: Four stars.

Tuesday 19 March 2019

TV Review: The A Team.

Release date: January 23rd 1983 - March 8th 1987 (Five seasons. Ninety eight episodes).

Story: In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escape from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire... The A Team!

My thoughts: Arguably one of the best shows to ever come out of the 1980's. The characters are enjoyable, the theme song is highly recognisable, and there is a good blend of good action and comedy. Most of the shows are basically someone is trying to live their lives, yet they keep being menaced and threatened by local jerks, and the A Team gets hired to help them out. The team consists of John 'Hannibal' Smith (the teams leader who has a hunger for danger and life threatening situations. And has the catchphrase "I love it when a plan comes together"),  Templeton "Faceman" Peck (a suave ladies man who is also a con artist and scrounger), H.M. "Howling Mad" Murdock (a helicopter pilot who is either mentally unstable or is just pretending to be), and Bosco Albert "B.A" Baracus (the team's mechanic and mussels. Played greatly by Mr T). Other characters include Amy Allen (a intrepid reporter who sometimes joins the team on cases) and Colonel Lynch (who keeps trying to recapture the team). Like I said this is a great show and I would recommend that you check out a few episodes.

My score: Five stars.

Sunday 17 March 2019

Film Review: Outbreak

Release date: March 10th 1995.

Story: A white headed capuchin monkey is captured in the jungles of Africa and is smuggled into the USA. But is released into the countryside after failing to be sold on the black market. But what everyone doesn't know is that the monkey is a carrier of a very deadly virus which is deadlier then the plague and is easier to catch then the common cold. Soon it is a race against time to both quarantine a town which is infected with the deadly virus and to find the monkey before all of the USA is infected. Will they be able to save the day? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: If you need a film to explain the saying "Coughs and sneezes, spread diseases", then this is the film for you. The effects are good and the scenes of people being effected by this is slightly disturbing. The characters are great as well. Dustin Hoffman is great as the hero, Morgan Freeman is great as Hoffman's boss who had a previous experience with the illness, and Donald Sutherland is great as the villain who refuses to use anything else apart from the 'use a nuke to solve everything' method. Fun fact the monkey in the movie also starred in Friends as Marcel (Ross's pet monkey) and the film is also based on the nonfiction book The Hot Zone. This is a great movie with a lot of suspense and action and is a good addition to any Disaster movie collection.

My score: Four stars.

Thursday 14 March 2019

Scary story 6.

The Pig Woman.
Somewhere in the US state of Wisconsin, is the last remains of a hospital built in the mid to late eighteen hundreds. It was a successful hospital and even donated some of its time to create new cures for illnesses that pop up now and then. But for some reason just before the Great Depression, it was closed and then later fell apart due to weather and nature. Nobody knows why it was immediately shut down. Some say that it was due to money problems. While others say that there was an outbreak of something, and it had to be put under quarantine. It remained a mystery for centuries. Until a group of urban explorers discover some documents and shed a light on the real reasons.
In 1933, a woman was brought into the hospital after developing a strange new illness. The doctors went into overtime trying to find a cure for her. But no matter what they did, the woman grew worse and worse. It looked like that she would never be cured. Until one of the doctors discovered something. While reading a book on mystical healing, he read about a ritual that involves making a drink out of wild herbs, water from a nearby stream, and a quarter pint of blood from an animal that had been part of a sacrifice. This potion would cure the drinker of any illness known or unknown. The doctor brought this idea to the other doctors and (as was suspected) he was laughed at. But the doctor refused to give in and set about to re-create the potion himself. He managed to locate some of the wild herbs in the nearby woods and the rest of them he brought from local apothecaries. He then went and collected water from a nearby stream and purchased some pigs blood from a slaughterhouse. Then alone in his study, the doctor begins to mix the ingredients together and soon created the potion.
He quickly yet secretly visited the ill woman and told her that he had found a cure for her illness and sated that she must drink the potion in one go. Wanting to be cured of her long-term illness, the woman took the potion and drank it all. While the doctor performed some sort of chanting (this was also part of the ritual). And at first, all was fine. Over the next few days the woman showed signs that her illness was fading away and that she was almost cured. The doctor was over joyed with this and began boasting about it to the other doctors. Who were both shocked and amazed that a potion found in an old book was able to cure someone. But the celebrations were short lived. As soon things began to turn bad.
Three weeks after she was cured, the woman began to act strangely. The first thing was that she had difficulty talking. She slowly lost the ability to talk and could only communicate with grunts and squeals. Then she began to change physically. Her hands and feet changed into trotters, her ears grew bigger and longer, her nose turned into a snout, she grew tusks, and she had even grown a tail. After a month, she no longer resembled a woman. She was now a human/pig hybrid. The doctors were horrified by this and blamed the one who had caused this. And on re-reading the old book, they discovered something truly horrifying. The formula stated that if the animal’s blood wasn’t from a sacrificed, then the drinker will slowly turn into the animal itself. This was truly bad for the doctors. Not only did one of them turn a woman into a hideous monster, but that they all would be blamed for this and would properly be hanged. So, there was only one option left…
It was quick and easy. The pig woman was taken deep into the cellars of the hospital and was shot through the head. Her body was then placed inside the incinerator (which was used to burn bodies who have died from a plague or something else) and it was burned into ashes. And after that, the doctors all agreed to never speak of this again and to keep it a secret from the rest of the world. And that was it for many years. Until one day, the hospital suddenly began to suffer from bad luck. And the doctors themselves began to be killed off in weird yet horrifying ways. The public weren’t told how and why they died but what they were told was that their bodies were in a real mess. As if a wild animal had been eating them. Fearing that whatever was killing the doctors might keep coming back, the other staff and patients were quickly moved to other hospitals. And several armed policemen kept guard at the hospital. Waiting for whatever was killing the doctors to return and capture it. But many years passed, and nothing happened. So, the police decided to build a large fence around the building and left it for nature to reclaim it.
The hospital remains there to this very day. Yet it is now a shell of its former self. Now and then urban explorers would often force open a window or a door and go wondering about inside. It was all good for a while until they begin to hear a weird sort of grumbling. Like that of a wild animal trying to talk. People would either go and see what was making the noise or get the hell out of there. Which one would you choose if you just so happen to be exploring an abandoned hospital and started hearing a low grumbling? If I were you, I would choose the get out of there option. Because you may not like what you find!

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Film Reivew: Halloween (2018)

Release date: October 19th 2018.

Story: Years after the events of the first movie, Laurie Strode has become a one woman army. Living in isolation from the town, has boobytrapped her whole house, and has trained herself on self-defence and on how to use guns. For what reason? Because she knows that one day Michael Myers would one day return to seek her out. Which will come sooner than she thinks.

My thoughts: This movie is a direct sequel of the first movie from 1978. This time the movie takes a different turn as we see Laurie preparing herself if Michael returns. And we also see how this effects her family. It is great to see a good Halloween after all of these years. And I hope that we would get some more movies in the future. And I also hope that if they are going to remake other horror movies, that they would be as great as this.

My score: Four stars.

Tuesday 26 February 2019

TV Reviews: A bit of Fry & Laurie

Release date: January 13th 1989 - April 2nd 1995 (4 series. 26 episodes).

Story: A comedy sketch series starring Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie.

My thoughts: This is a funny show. Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie are on top form and there are a lot of great moments in the show. From Stephen making his cocktails and the "Please Mr Music, will you play?" to the 'People in the street' sketches. If you like comedy sketch shows then I would recommend this. But just to warn you that there is a lot of adult humour in the show so it is only for 15 year olds and up.

My score: Four stars.

Sunday 24 February 2019

Film Review: Back to the Future. Part 3

Release date: May 25th 1990.

Story: After the events of the second film, Doc is trapped in 1885 (the wild west era). So Marty travels there in order to rescue him. But things aren't easy when the DeLorean runs out of juice and you are stuck in a time period where gasoline isn't yet available. And also when you run foul with an outlaw.

My thoughts: This is the third and final part of the trilogy. The movie was shot back to back with the previous film and was released six months after the previous film. Again they recycled some jokes from the other movies and there are some parts that I didn't like. But it was nice to see Doc get a love interest and the wild west setting is cool. Would I want to see a possible fourth film? Properly. But only if everybody else wants to.

My score: Three stars.

Film Review: Back to the Future. Part 2

Release date: November 22nd 1989.

Story: After a trip into the future (October 21st, 2015 actually), Marty and Doc discover that their world has changed badly. And after discovering what had caused it, they realised that they must travel back to 1955 in order to changed things back to the way they once were.

My thoughts: This was a good sequel. I will admit that it was funny what they had predicted will be around in 2015 (hover boards, self tying shoes, flying cars, Jaws 19) yet they predict some things as well (unmanned drones, video chat systems, talking hologram billboards, wearable technology, widescreen flat panel televisions, head mounted displays, hands off video games, and tablet computers). One of the downsides of the film in my opinion is that they recycled some of the jokes. Yet it is a good film and I would recommend it.

My score: Three stars.

Film Review: Back to the Future.

Release date: July 3rd 1985.

Story: Seventeen year old Marty McFly is accidently sent back in time to 1955 in a time machine made out of DeLorean. While he is looking around, He accidently prevents his own parents from meeting each other. Realising that he will be erased from reality, he tries to sort things out before it is too late.

My thoughts: This is one of the most recognisable movies ever produced by Steven Spielberg. And it is a great film. From the comedy and the special effects to the characters and the story telling. Michael J. Fox  is great as Marty and Christopher Lloyd does a great performance as Dr Emmett 'Doc' Brown, the creator of the time machine. There are some moments in the film that you may not like but overall it is still a great film.

My score: Three stars.

Friday 22 February 2019

Film Review: The kingdom of the crystal skull.

Release date: May 18th 2008 (Cannes film festival release). May 22nd 2008 (US release).

Story: Indiana Jones is back as he and a young adult Mutt Williams (played by Shia LaBeouf) travel the world in order to save Mutt's mother and to retrieve a skull made out of crystal.

My thoughts: This is the fourth and last Indiana Jones film. And also the least liked one. This was the one which started all of those "nuking the fridge" memes and I can understand the other reasons that fans did not like about it. But apart from those things, it is an ok film and properly good for a rental.

My score: Three stars. 

Film Review: The Last Crusade

Release date: May 24th 1989.

Story: Indiana returns as he and his father (Sean Connery) go searching for the Holy Grail.

My thoughts: This is the third in the Indiana Jones series. This one is more light hearted than the previous one and it is a great movie. Sean Connery is great as Indiana's father and there is a good presence of us vs them when they try and stop the grail falling into enemy hands.

My score: Three stars.

Film Review: Temple of Doom

Release date: May 23rd 1984.

Story: Indiana Jones returns as he, along with a nightclub singer named Willie Scott and a kid named Short Round, travel in India to take on an evil cult.

My thoughts: This is the second Indiana Jones film and the most darkest one. This was the movie that created the PG-13 certificate in order to avoid the film getting an R rating. Like the previous film (which is set a year after the events of this film) there are a lot of memorable scenes and lines. Like the scene where Indiana retrieves his hat before a huge stone door slides shut (which I have seen parodies of it before watching this film). I would recommend this for any action/adventure fans out there. But just be warned that there are a lot of dark and scary imagery in the movie.

My score: Four stars.

Film Review: Raiders of the lost ark.

Release date: June 12th 1981 (US release). July 30th 1981 (UK release).

Story: Harrison Ford stars as Indiana Jones. A adventurer/archaeologist who travels around the world seeking hidden treasure. Now he is task to seek out the Ark of the Covenant before it falls into enemy hands and is used as a weapon.

My thoughts: This was the first of the Indiana Jones films. Harrison Ford is great in one of the most memorable roles in cinema history. His character and most scenes were parodied a lot and the dialog is really quotable. The action is great from Indiana being chased by the giant bolder to the fight scenes. If you like action/adventure films then I would give it a watch.

Release date: Four stars.

TV Review: Father Ted

Release date: April 21st 1995 - May 1st 1998 (3 series. 25 episodes).

Story: The many misadventures of three Roman Catholic priests and their house keeper on the fictional Irish island of Craggy island.

My thoughts: This is a very funny show. The characters are great, the jokes are funny, and the locations are cool. If you are interested in religious comedies then I would give this a watch. But just to warn you that it is for 15 year olds upwards.

My score: Four stars.