Tuesday 11 June 2019

TV Review: The Blackadder.

Release date: 15th June - 20th July 1983 (6 episodes).

Story: In an alternate reality, Richard the third won the battle of Bosworth field, yet was killed accidently by the second son of his nephew (Edmund). Because of this, Richard's nephew (also named Richard) became Richard the fourth of England. And Edmund became the prince of the realm. And so he decides to give himself a new title. And so with his two sidekicks (The idiot Percy and the scheming Baldrick), Edmund strives forth as Prince Edmund Blackadder.

My thoughts: This was the very first Blackadder series. And it is very different from the others that will follow. Edmund is more of an idiot in this series and Baldrick is the schemer who has all of the ideas. This will change in the later series. Brian Blessed is great as Richard the fourth and the other characters are ok. And the theme music and song is one of the most recognisable in television comedy history.

My score: Three stars.

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