Thursday 13 June 2019

TV Review: Blackadder goes fourth.

Release date: 28th September - 2nd November 1989.

Story: Captain Edmund Blackadder commands a group of British soldiers in the trenches of World War one. Though he would rather avoid the big push (when they finally go over the top). Along with Private Baldrick and Lieutenant George, Blackadder has to put with constant attacks from the enemy lines and having to deal with his superiors Captain Darling and General Melchett.

My thoughts: This was the first Blackadder series I have ever seen. It may still be a comedy, but this series throws some realism into it. The last episode is the best remembered. Mainly due to the fact that Blackadder and co finally go over the top. Which, with the slow motion, a minimal and downbeat piano version of the theme tune, and then the scene fades to a poppy field with birds chirping, has become not only one of the most remembered finals in tv show history, but a great tribute to all those who have served their countries during the war.

My score: Four stars.

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