Tuesday 4 June 2019

Film Review: Godzilla (1998).

Release date: May 20th 1998.

Story: There have been increasing reports of ships being attacked by an unknown menace. Nobody knows who or what is that cause of the attacks. But it turns out to be a very huge threat indeed. And it is heading towards New York city.

My thoughts: This was America's first attempted to create a Godzilla film. And it didn't turn out so well. This film was hated by Godzilla fans and even by members of Toho itself. But I have to say that I like the design of the monster itself. It's not Godzilla but it is a cool looking kaiju in it's own right. In fact Toho brought this monster and renamed it Zilla and it even appeared in two other Godzilla films. Well the first one was a breath mentioning in G.M.K: Giant monsters all out attack (where a group of students were talking about recent Godzilla sightings. One of them mentions about an attack in New York city and that the Americans claimed that it was Godzilla. But the other students are no so sure). And the other one was in Godzilla Final Wars. Where Zilla was quickly defeated by Godzilla in Sydney. Like I said this film may be a bad Godzilla film, but it is a good kaiju film.

My score: Three stars.

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