Wednesday 29 May 2019

Gaming Reviews: Spider-man.

Release date: September 7th 2018.

Type of game: Action and superhero.

Story: Peter Parker is having a normal type of life. He has broken up with Mary Jane (now an investigating reporter), he has a new job working with a scientist named Otto Octavius (working on robotic artificial limps), And his aunt May is working for a homeless shelter. But his life as Spider-Man is mainly the same. Swinging around New York city, fighting crime, and taking on supervillains. But things begin to change when crime boss Wilson Fisk (a.k.a the Kingpin) is finally sentence for his crimes and a new villain shows up.

My thoughts: This is an amazing game. The characters, the visuals, the graphics, and the story are great. You can unlock different costumes for Spider-Man to wear and there are even some DLC's that contain a separate storyline (which involves Black Cat, Hammerhead, and Sable). The villains are impressingly designed as well. And there is an uneasy feeling that you helped create the final villain. Another element that I like is that you can play as two other characters (Mary Jane and Miles Morales) in stealth missions where you have to avoid being caught while investigating. Which to me, makes a great change to swinging around.

Any dislikes?: The villains don't have health bars and it sometimes takes forever to defeat them. Also some of the side quests can get annoying at times. Especially the Screwball ones. Also the are stealth mission like in the Batman Arkham games. Where you as Spider-Man have to sneak around and pick off random enemies one by one. I didn't like this mainly because...

1: It was done better in the Batman games.
2: You can easy slip up and get spotted.
3: When you got rid of every single there is, more then rush in and are instantly aware of where you are no matter how well you do. Especially when you are trying to clear out an enemy hide out.

What I would like to see in a future update or DLC: I would say more costumes but there is enough of them to keep anyone happy. But I would like to see a DLC where you can play as the villains and or perhaps one where we can create your own costume.

My score: Five stars.

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