Tuesday 7 May 2019

Film Review: King Kong vs Godzilla

Release date: August 11th 1962 (original Japanese release). 1963 (US release).

Story: Godzilla has returned after being trapped inside an ice tomb for seven years. And wastes no time in going about his old ways of rampaging through cities. Everyone has no idea how to deal with a giant monster that can't be killed. Until the recent discovery of another giant monster that has escaped from capture and is also arrived in Japan. The giant gorilla... King Kong.

My thoughts: One of the few Godzilla movies to have been released on DVD in the UK. And it is really good. The American monster fighting the Japanese monster on the big screen in full colour for the first time. Yet there are a few things that I didn't like. One of them being that Kong looks like a giant yeti rather than a gorilla. The other is Kong's ability to gain more strength and power by absorbing electricity. But then I found out that this was going to be Godzilla vs Frankenstein. But they switched Frankenstein's monster for King Kong. But they kept the ability to get stronger when absorbing electricity and gave it to Kong. Also there was a myth floating around for years after the film's release. It states that in the original Japanese version, Godzilla wins. And in the American release, Kong wins. Then years later, it was finally revealed that the different endings were untrue. They both fall into the ocean, Kong surfaces, he swims off, and Godzilla is nowhere to be seen (until the next film Mothra vs Godzilla). If you are a fan of Godzilla and kaiju films, then I would recommend this. And I am looking forward to the remake Godzilla vs Kong in 2020.

My score: Five stars.

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