Wednesday 1 May 2019

Film Review: The thing with two heads.

Release date: July 19th 1972.

Story: This is the story of two people. A terminally ill doctor named Maxwell Kirshner and a African American convict named Jack Moss. Jack had been sentenced to death for a crime that he did not commit and only managed to escape death by signing up for a science experiment. Which as it turns out is to transplant Kirshner's head onto Jack's body. Which is a problem seeing that Kirshner is a racist. So Jack has another man's head on his shoulders and had taken the opportunity to go on the run in order to prove his innocence. Will they managed to get along? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: This is an ok film. The characters are ok and there is some comedy to be found in it. But I was a bit disappointed. The trailer made it look like that the film was going to be a comedy/science gone wrong/ someone trying to prove their innocence while on the run type of movie. I was expecting that Jack would have proved his innocence and that Kirshner would have find another body to transfer his head onto and perhaps stop being a racist at the end of the movie. But what we get is what I felt like was a little let down. Kirshner wants to remove Jack's head so that he can have his body but is double crossed and left for dead while Jack leaves to look for the person who wronged him. And the end credits start playing. Apart from that, it is an ok film to rent or if you like science gone wrong type of movies.

My score: Three stars.

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