Thursday 14 March 2019

Scary story 6.

The Pig Woman.
Somewhere in the US state of Wisconsin, is the last remains of a hospital built in the mid to late eighteen hundreds. It was a successful hospital and even donated some of its time to create new cures for illnesses that pop up now and then. But for some reason just before the Great Depression, it was closed and then later fell apart due to weather and nature. Nobody knows why it was immediately shut down. Some say that it was due to money problems. While others say that there was an outbreak of something, and it had to be put under quarantine. It remained a mystery for centuries. Until a group of urban explorers discover some documents and shed a light on the real reasons.
In 1933, a woman was brought into the hospital after developing a strange new illness. The doctors went into overtime trying to find a cure for her. But no matter what they did, the woman grew worse and worse. It looked like that she would never be cured. Until one of the doctors discovered something. While reading a book on mystical healing, he read about a ritual that involves making a drink out of wild herbs, water from a nearby stream, and a quarter pint of blood from an animal that had been part of a sacrifice. This potion would cure the drinker of any illness known or unknown. The doctor brought this idea to the other doctors and (as was suspected) he was laughed at. But the doctor refused to give in and set about to re-create the potion himself. He managed to locate some of the wild herbs in the nearby woods and the rest of them he brought from local apothecaries. He then went and collected water from a nearby stream and purchased some pigs blood from a slaughterhouse. Then alone in his study, the doctor begins to mix the ingredients together and soon created the potion.
He quickly yet secretly visited the ill woman and told her that he had found a cure for her illness and sated that she must drink the potion in one go. Wanting to be cured of her long-term illness, the woman took the potion and drank it all. While the doctor performed some sort of chanting (this was also part of the ritual). And at first, all was fine. Over the next few days the woman showed signs that her illness was fading away and that she was almost cured. The doctor was over joyed with this and began boasting about it to the other doctors. Who were both shocked and amazed that a potion found in an old book was able to cure someone. But the celebrations were short lived. As soon things began to turn bad.
Three weeks after she was cured, the woman began to act strangely. The first thing was that she had difficulty talking. She slowly lost the ability to talk and could only communicate with grunts and squeals. Then she began to change physically. Her hands and feet changed into trotters, her ears grew bigger and longer, her nose turned into a snout, she grew tusks, and she had even grown a tail. After a month, she no longer resembled a woman. She was now a human/pig hybrid. The doctors were horrified by this and blamed the one who had caused this. And on re-reading the old book, they discovered something truly horrifying. The formula stated that if the animal’s blood wasn’t from a sacrificed, then the drinker will slowly turn into the animal itself. This was truly bad for the doctors. Not only did one of them turn a woman into a hideous monster, but that they all would be blamed for this and would properly be hanged. So, there was only one option left…
It was quick and easy. The pig woman was taken deep into the cellars of the hospital and was shot through the head. Her body was then placed inside the incinerator (which was used to burn bodies who have died from a plague or something else) and it was burned into ashes. And after that, the doctors all agreed to never speak of this again and to keep it a secret from the rest of the world. And that was it for many years. Until one day, the hospital suddenly began to suffer from bad luck. And the doctors themselves began to be killed off in weird yet horrifying ways. The public weren’t told how and why they died but what they were told was that their bodies were in a real mess. As if a wild animal had been eating them. Fearing that whatever was killing the doctors might keep coming back, the other staff and patients were quickly moved to other hospitals. And several armed policemen kept guard at the hospital. Waiting for whatever was killing the doctors to return and capture it. But many years passed, and nothing happened. So, the police decided to build a large fence around the building and left it for nature to reclaim it.
The hospital remains there to this very day. Yet it is now a shell of its former self. Now and then urban explorers would often force open a window or a door and go wondering about inside. It was all good for a while until they begin to hear a weird sort of grumbling. Like that of a wild animal trying to talk. People would either go and see what was making the noise or get the hell out of there. Which one would you choose if you just so happen to be exploring an abandoned hospital and started hearing a low grumbling? If I were you, I would choose the get out of there option. Because you may not like what you find!

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