Tuesday 26 March 2019

Gaming Review: Jurassic World Alive.

Release date: 23rd May 2018.

Type of game: A Pokemon Go style game on the Mobile Phone. Where you go around catching dinosaurs rather than pokemons.

My thoughts: This is a really cool and amazing game. Just like Pokemon Go, you yourself travel around the open world and catching dinosaurs. Using darts to collect DNA samples and also being able to create hybrids of various dinosaurs (not all of them but still cool). There is a large variety of dinosaurs to collect and unlike Pokemon Go (where you'll have to hunt for them) the dinosaurs appear everywhere and all you'll have to do is click on them.

Any Dislikes: This game is huge. It takes chunks out of your battery life and you have to carry a portable phone charger with you. And it also asks you to play on Wi-Fi only when you try and get the game. Also there is a part of the game where you can fight other players, but the problem is that you find yourself fighting players that are many levels higher than you. Also this game can't be played everywhere. The signal goes out a lot and you may need to restart the game over and over again. Also the thing that shoots out the darts sometimes has a life of its own.

What I want to see in a future update?: Perhaps something educational where we can learn about the dinosaurs that we've had caught. I know that there is already something like that but perhaps it can be expanded more. Perhaps showing us where this dinosaurs once roamed, the food that it ate, and how it would spend it's day.

My score: Four stars.

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