Monday 16 December 2019

20 short scary stories.

1: We don’t mind our dog sleeping in our room at night. It’s the thing that lives in our closet that is bothered by it.

2: I don’t mind the tapping on my window. Until I found out that it was coming from inside my house.

3: I used to whistle when I fetch water from the well. Until something started whistling back.

4: I had a terrible nightmare where I was attacked by a derange person at four thirty p.m. I was glad that I finally woke up from it. However, as my clock hit 4:30, I hear hurried footsteps coming up the stairs.

5: What do you do when you are looking at a photograph and it starts smiling at you?

6: There was a message on my bathroom mirror. But I live alone.

7: Blackberries used to be my favourite fruit. Until I saw one get up and crawl away.

8: It’s great to have a phone. But it is annoying to be constantly getting phone calls from complete strangers. Especially when they are from the grave.

9: I have a new camera. But it keeps taking strange photos. In all of them, there is a strange blurred out figure in the background. I wouldn’t mind but every time I take a picture, the closer the figure gets.

10: I keep getting messages from my wife. Who had died a year ago.

11: I won a new camera and decided to test it out with my friends. But the photos turned out to be disturbing. They show how and where my friends would die. But what was more disturbing is that the photo that of me that I took by accident… shows nothing.

12: I used to collect portraits of people. Until one of them blinked.

13: It’s horrible when someone won’t stop talking about worms when you are eating spaghetti. It’s another thing when you find out that they were telling the truth.

14: I hate that constant knocking noise. But I don’t want to lift up the floorboards.

15: I went to complain about my new wardrobe. I had opened it and found that it was invested with spiders. The shop manager said that it was strange. The last owners complained that there were zombies in it.

16: There is nothing like the sound of laughing. Unless it is 2 pm and you are alone.

17: I was shocked when the announcer came over the train’s speaker. “Next stop is Purgatory”.

18: I have the ability to stop time. But I can’t restart it.

19: It is one thing finding a skeleton in your living room. It’s another thing when it starts talking to you.

20: I don’t want to blink. Cause every time I do, that statue moves closer.

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