Tuesday 13 February 2018

Film Review: The Deadly Mantis

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Release date: The 26th of May 1957.

Story: After testing nuclear bombs in the Arctic, a team of scientists and army people release a giant prehistoric mantic that was frozen alive in an ice glacier. Now it has thawed from it's icy tomb and makes its way towards Washington DC. Leaving a trail of carnage in its wake. Will the giant insect be stopped in time? Watch it and find out.

My thoughts: This is one of the great B-movie classics from the fifties that I like. I like stories of science gone wrong, giant monsters running around, and things like that. The only point I have to bring up is the monsters roar. Even though it's an awesome roar (its a public domain roar) it not the sound that an insect makes. Even if it is a prehistoric insect. But overall it is a good film. So if you are a fan of giant monster movies, I would recommend it.

My Score: Four stars.

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