Thursday 8 February 2018

TV Reviews: Red Dwarf. Back to Earth.

See the source image

Release date: The 10th-12th of April, 2009 (Three part special).

Story: Back to Earth takes place after series ten. Kochanski is dead and the crew are hurled through a portal and discover that they are just characters in a TV series. Knowing that they will die in the final episode, the Dwafers (in the best Blade Runner traditions) decide to track down their creators to plead for more life. But first the crew attempt to track down the actors who played them in the series and their metaphysical odyssey begins...

My thoughts: This is a very good three parter. And this is also my introduction to the show as well. The cast are able to reprise their rolls as if the show never ended. If you haven't seen this before, check it out and you'll find it funny. On the dvd all three episodes have been combined into one full length feature (but you can still watch the episodes individually). The Blade Runner parodies are in the third and final episode which is also where the cast arrive on the set of  the British soap opera Coronation street.

My score: Four stars. 

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