Wednesday 21 February 2018

Film Review: The Puppet Master.

Image result for The puppet master

Release date: October 12th 1989.

Story: A group of psychics are invited to a beachside hotel under mysterious circumstances. Where they find out that a colleague of  theirs has recently died and (supposingly) had wanted them to stay at the hotel for the wake. But something appears to be wrong as they are soon picked off one by one. Could the mysterious goings on have anything to do with five living puppets that are roaming around the hotel? What the film and find out.

My thoughts: This is my favourite horror film series. This straight to home entertainment movie spawn twelve sequels, a comic book franchise, toy figures, and a video game. The puppetry is amazing and the designs for the characters are also amazing. Blade, Jester, Leech Woman, Tunneler, Pin-head, Torch, and Six Shooter stand out as recognisable characters in their own right. So I highly recommend this for everyone. But this being a horror movie, some scenes are not for everyone.

My score: Five stars.

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