Sunday 25 February 2018

Film Review: Total Recall

Image result for total recall 1990

Release date: June 1st 1990.

Story: In the year 2084, Construction worker Douglas Quaid (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is having dreams of Mars and a mysterious woman. But his wife (Sharon Stone) dismisses the dreams and discourages him of wanting to move to Mars. Seeing that there is a civil war raging at the moment. Later that day Douglas sees and advert for a company named Rekall. Which installs memory implants of vacations and decides to ask for a memory for a trip to Mars as a secret agent. But while at the company's building, something goes wrong and Douglas begins to remember pasts memories of being a secret agent. Had the procedure to install the memory gone wrong? Is Douglas really a secret agent? Is this all part of the memory implant? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: Another Schwarzenegger movie that I like. The special effects are amazing and the action is great as well. But what I particularly like about this movie the most is that it never tells you if what you are watching after the memory implant is all in Douglas's mind or not. It's left to the viewer's imagination to decide.

My score: Four stars.

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