Thursday 8 February 2018

Film Review: The Super Mario Bros

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Release date:  July the 9th, 1993.

Story: Two Italian plumbers (Mario and Luigi) encounter a student (named Daisy) who ,while on a archaeological dig, is kidnapped by Iggy and Spike. Who are working for the villainous King Koopa. Mario and Luigi go after her and soon encounter a whole new separate world where dinosaurs haven't gone extinct. Can Mario and Luigi to save Daisy and stop Koopa before it's too late? Give it a watch to find out.

My thoughts: This is an amazing movie! I just saw this at a shop and instantly liked it. The characters, the story, the scenery, and everything else. I don't understand the huge amount of hate this movie has been receiving. I know that this has hardly anything from the games but not all films based on games are. GoodBadFlicks (a Youtube reviewer) says that this is one of his favourite films ever and goes into great depth in reviewing it. This movie is umber three in my top ten favourite films ever.

My score: Five stars.

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