Tuesday 13 February 2018

Film Review: THEM

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Release date: June the 19th 1954.

Story: After a series of unknown and destructive incidents happen in the New Mexico desert, a group of scientists visit the desert in order to find out what is happening. But then soon they discover what was the cause of the previous events...... Giant killer ants. With the help from the army, the scientists manage to locate the ant's nest and destroy it. But they realise that a couple of princess ants have recently flown to make new nests else where. So it becomes a race against time to locate these new nests and exterminate the ants before new princesses can be born and create new nests around the world. And if that happens, mankind would be extinct within a year.

My thoughts: This is considered one of the first 'giant bugs on the loose' movies. And it is one of the classic monster B-movie films of the fifties. It is also very suspenseful for a giant monster movie. Also the sound that the giant ants make can send a chill up your spine. So this is a great movie for fifties monster movie fans.

My score: Five stars.

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