Wednesday 7 February 2018

Anime film Review: One Piece. Strong World

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Release date: December the twelfth 2009.

Story: While on their way of searching for the One Piece, Monkey D Luffy and the crew come across a flying pirate ship captained by Golden Lion Shiki (who not only has the ability to alter gravity but has recently escaped from jail. And also had lost both of his legs during the escape and now walks around on sword blades). After Nami helps them avoid an oncoming storm, Shiki offers her a place on his crew. But she declines. Shiki doesn't accept this and kidnaps her. Shiki then takes Luffy and the others and scatters them all over his domain (which is a series of floating islands inhabited by strange monsters and a town of people with bird wings). Will Luffy and the others be able to regroup and rescue Nami before Shiki unleashes his plans to world domination? What it and find out.

My thoughts: This is a must have for any anime fan and One Piece fans alike. It is full of jokes and action as with many anime films. Nami is especially great in this (as she tries to escape from Shiki and find her friends). There is a running gag in this with one of Shiki's henchmen (a clown) who wears shoes that make fart noises whenever he walks. The battle at the climax of the movie would take your breath away (especially the final fight between Luffy and Shiki). So I would recommend you either stream it of buy it. In either sub or dub.

My score: Four and three quarter stars. 

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