Thursday 22 February 2018

Film Review: The Raven.

Image result for the raven 1963

Release date: January 25th 1963.

Story: Vincent Price stars as the sorcerer Dr Erasmus Craven who sadly still morns the death of his late wife Lenore. But while he is in his study fooling around with his magic, He notices a raven tapping at his window. It turns out that the raven is in fact an old colleague of his Dr Bedlo (played by Peter Lorre). After Craven manages to turn Bedlo back to normal, Bedlo says that he just had a magic duel with Dr Scarabus (played by Boris Karloff). Bedlo then lets slip that he noticed someone who resembles Lenore at Scarabus's castle. So he and Craven decided to visit the castle to find out if what Bedlo saw was true and also to retrieve Bedlo's wizard equipment. So they set off to the castle with Craven's daughter Estelle (played by Olive Sturgess) and Bedlo's son Rexford (played by Jack Nicholson in one of his first movies). Can they find out what was going on before things get out of hand? Give the movie a watch to find out.

My thoughts: This is my second favourite movie. It says that it is a horror but there is little to no horror elements in it. It's more like a supernatural comedy with wizards and magic. It also pays homage to Edgar Allan Poe's the Raven. With Vincent Price reciting the poem during the opening credits and even in the opening act. If you are a fan of Vincent Price or Edgar Allan Poe's works, then this is the right thing for you.

My score: Five stars. 

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