Wednesday 14 February 2018

Anime Review: Toriko

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Release: April 10th 2011-March 30th 2014 (sub), January 8th-May 7th 2013 (dub. Abruptly ended).

Story: In a world obsessed with everything related to food and drink, there are people who are named Gourmet Hunters. Those who hunt for wild and out of this world ingredients that other people cannot get. The anime is based on one of these gourmet hunters named Toriko. Who is also one of the four Heavenly Kings (possibly the best of the best gourmet hunters). He partakes in many adventures with his friends Komatsu (a head chief of a five star restaurant), Coco (another Heavenly King who's skin is poisonous), Sunny (another Heavenly King who has wild hair which he can control), Rin (Sunny's sister who is madly in love with Toriko), Terry (a Battle wolf pup who Toriko adopted), and Tina (who is a character who only appears in the anime and who is also a news reporter). Their adventures take them to many weird and wonderful places, encounter many strange and magnificent creatures, and fight against the evil Gourmet Corp.

My thoughts: I never thought that I would like an anime a lot ever since I brought the complete first two series of Hetalia. It is full of comedy and action. As well as great landscapes. I mean the world is something I would defiantly like to visit. Mountains that snow powdered chocolate, salt flats which are made from tofu, trees that produce a hybrid of fruits and bread, four leaf clovers which folded in a certain way creates the perfect burger, and rivers of fizzy drinks. The animals are pretty creative too. Fish with lobster claws, large birds which are half vulture and half chicken, giant mammoths which are so huge that they'll rival Godzilla in height, Four armed gorillas named Troll Kongs, and large wolf like creatures named Battle Wolves (who are the ultimate killers). So in conclusion, Toriko is a amazing anime to watch. But only fifty episodes were translated into English. But the rest is available in subtitled only.

My score: Five stars.

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