Saturday 24 February 2018

Film Review: Ghostbusters

Image result for Ghostbusters

Release date: June the 7th 1984.

Story: When three collage professors are fired from their jobs, Peter, Raymond, and Egon decided to open the first ever ghost extermination company. Things are slow to begin with but things get hot when a apartment building in New York city starts to show signs that it is neck deep in supernatural goings on. Will the Ghostbusters be able to stop what ever is happening before it is too late? What it and find out.

My thoughts: I was a fan of the cartoon series The Real Ghostbusters before I ever saw the movie. And it terrified me when I was a kid but it grew on me and later on I brought the twin pack DVD which came with it's sequel. Like I said there is some scary scenes in this movie but it's a fun movie and the comedy is also great. I would recommend it.

My score: Five stars

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