Tuesday 27 February 2018

Film Review: Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

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Release date: October 8th 1978.

Story: All over America, tomatoes are growing bigger and attacking people. The government calls for Mason Dixon (played by David Miller) to investigate what is going on. Will Mason be able to find out what is going on before it's too late? Watch it and find out.

My thoughts: This is a strange hybrid of a comedy, horror, and a musical. It's more comedy musical than a horror. This movie has three sequels and a cartoon series. If you are into weird movies then give this a watch.

My score: Three stars.

Film Review: Killer Klowns from outer space.

Image result for killer klowns from outer space

Release date: May 20th 1988.

Story: When a group of teenagers are getting some time to themselves, a strange meteorite falls out from the sky and lands in the nearby woods. It turns out to be a circus tent which is the spacecraft for aliens that resemble clowns. And they began to infiltrate the nearby town in order to restock their larder. Will the teenagers be able to alert the townsfolk and save everyone? Watch it and find out.

My thoughts: This is another weird movie. The clowns are both impressive and freaky and the song that plays during both the opening and the ending credits is enjoyable. The characters can be a bit boring and if you are afraid of clowns then this isn't your movie. But if you are a fan of scary clown movies then you would find this enjoyable.

My score: Four stars.

Monday 26 February 2018

Film Review: The Stuff

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Release date: June 14th 1985.

Story: When major Ice Cream companies are going out of business due to a new cream like substance that is taking on the world by storm, some of them band together and hire a saboteur David Mo Rutherford (played by Michael Moriarty) in order to find out what the stuff is and destroy it. Mo the quickly finds out that the stuff is in fact a living parasitic like organism that slowly takes over he brains of who ever eats it, turns them into mindless zombies, and then consumes them from the inside out. Along with a advertising executive Nicole and a boy named Jason (who's family had become zombies thanks to the stuff), Mo sets out to destroy the Stuff and save mankind. Will they be able to do it in time? Watch the film and find out.

My thoughts: This is a weird movie. It's like the Blob meets a killer ice cream. The special effects are quite good and cast is also great. This movie sounds like it belongs in the same category as both Killer Klowns from outer space and Attack of the killer tomatoes. But it is good enough to rent for a movie night.

My Score: Three stars.

Sunday 25 February 2018

Anime Review: One Piece

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Release date: October the 20th 1999 - still airing (Sub), September 18th 2004- still airing (Dub).

Story: This anime tells the story of Monkey D Luffy. A young man who has a dream of becoming the king of the pirates. With the help of his crew and a magic fruit that gave him the ability of elastic skin, he sets out to accomplish his goal.

My thoughts: This is one of the big three that I like (The big three if you are wondering is the three biggest and longest running Shonen mangas out there. They are One Piece, Naruto, and Bleach). And I have to say that I like it a lot. The comedy, the action, and the characters are a lot of fun and I would recommend it a lot.

My score: Five stars. 

Film Review: Total Recall

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Release date: June 1st 1990.

Story: In the year 2084, Construction worker Douglas Quaid (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is having dreams of Mars and a mysterious woman. But his wife (Sharon Stone) dismisses the dreams and discourages him of wanting to move to Mars. Seeing that there is a civil war raging at the moment. Later that day Douglas sees and advert for a company named Rekall. Which installs memory implants of vacations and decides to ask for a memory for a trip to Mars as a secret agent. But while at the company's building, something goes wrong and Douglas begins to remember pasts memories of being a secret agent. Had the procedure to install the memory gone wrong? Is Douglas really a secret agent? Is this all part of the memory implant? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: Another Schwarzenegger movie that I like. The special effects are amazing and the action is great as well. But what I particularly like about this movie the most is that it never tells you if what you are watching after the memory implant is all in Douglas's mind or not. It's left to the viewer's imagination to decide.

My score: Four stars.

Film Review: Commando

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Release date: October 4th 1985.

Story: Ex commando John Matrix (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger) lives a perfect life away from his former army duties with his daughter jenny. But then he learns that his former unit members are being killed by unknown agents. And those same agents later attack John's home and kidnap his daughter. It turns out that a former member named Bennett (played by Vernon Wells) was behind everything and has teamed up with a former dictator Arius (played by Dan Hedaya). Arius then tells John that if he wants his daughter back, he must travel to Arius's country Val Verde (a fictional country located in South America) and assassinate it's new president so that Arius can reclaim the presidency. But while at the airport, John kills the two henchmen who were assigned to accompany him and then teams up with a stewardess Cindy (played by Rae Dawn Chong) in order to locate and rescue his daughter. Will he be able to save his daughter and defeat the bad guys? Give it a watch and find out.

My thoughts: This is my second favourite Schwarzenegger movie. It has lots of action, one liners, and suspense. Arnold is always great to watch and Vernon Wells is also great. So I would recommend this for any action film fans and Schwarzenegger fans alike. But it is certificate 18 so only those who are 18 and over can see it. Fun fact the fictional country Val Verde is also mentioned in Die Hard 2.

My score: Five stars

Film Review: Terror of Mechagodzilla

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Release date: March 15th 1975 (Japanese release), March 1978 (American release).

Story: After the events of the previous film, the Black Hole aliens rebuilt Mechagodzilla with the help from a scientist Shinzo Mafune, who was humiliatingly dismissed of the science committee for his discovery of a giant aquatic dinosaur named Titanosaurus and a way of controlling it. So both Mafune and the aliens decided to team up and get their revenge by destroying all of mankind. Can Godzilla be able to defeat both Mechagodzilla and Titanosaurus all by himself and save the world? Watch the movie to find out.

My thoughts: This was the first movie to have Godzilla go up against multiple monsters by himself (the others include Godzilla: Final Wars and 2014 Godzilla). The Japanese title translates to Mechagodzilla's counter attack. This was the final film in the Godzilla Showa series and Godzilla won't make another big screen appearance until 1984's Return of Godzilla (a.k.a Godzilla 1985). This is an another amazing movie and it's a must have for Godzilla fans. But this movie is labelled as Certificate 15. So its for older viewers only.

My score: Four stars. 

Film Review: Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla

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Release date: March 21st 1974 (Japanese release), March 1977 (American release).

Story: Ape like aliens arrive on Earth to order to conquer it. And they created a robot version of Godzilla. But the humans begin to suspect that there is something wrong when Mechagodzilla (disguised as Godzilla) attacks Anguirus (who is Godzilla's friend and ally). Things then became clear as the real Godzilla appears and reveals the imposter to be Mechagodzilla. Things then lead to an exciting climax when Godzilla fights Mechagodzilla with the help from a ancient dog/lion hybrid guardian kaiju named King Caesar. Will Godzilla defeat his robotic rival and save the day? Give it a watch and find out.

My thoughts: This was the second Godzilla movie I have ever see. And it is awesome. Back then I didn't know who Anguirus or King Ghidorah (the monster that a Azumi priestess had a vision of at the beginning of the film) were but I later learned about them in the PlayStation game Godzilla: Save the Earth. Mechagodzilla is a cool villain and King Caesar is also amazing. I hope that these two (along with Anguirus) will appear in Legendary's monster cinematic universe. This movie went by many names like Godzilla vs the Bionic Monster and Godzilla vs the Cosmic Monster. And the German release called it King Kong vs Godzilla. If you are a Godzilla fan, I would recommend this but there is some blood and gore in this so viewer discretion is advised.

My score: Four stars.

Saturday 24 February 2018

TV Review: The Brittas Empire

Release Date: January 3rd 1991 - February 24th 1997 (Seven series. Fifty three episodes).

Story: The comedic goings on at a Leisure Centre managed by Gordon Brittas (played by Chris Barrie).

My thoughts: Very funny and very entertaining. The characters are also great and I would recommend it for everyone. Gordon Brittas himself is especially funny. He tries to do good but it ends up backfiring but his heart is in the right place. The opening credits are very creative (Brittas trying out various gym equipment with the crew's names written on the clothes that Brittas is wearing or on the gym equipment). This is one of the many comedy series that I wished had continued (perhaps something similar to Doctor Who, the Leisure Centre has a new manager now and then). The only thing I have to complain about it is the final episode of series seven. Which states that the whole show was just a dream. This is a major continuity error as we see in an early Christmas special that was set in the future. Where all of the staff of the leisure centre had left and had gotten other jobs, only to meet up again at a reunion Christmas party hosted by Brittas himself. But apart from that, this is still a great show.

My score: Four stars.

Film Review: Ghostbusters

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Release date: June the 7th 1984.

Story: When three collage professors are fired from their jobs, Peter, Raymond, and Egon decided to open the first ever ghost extermination company. Things are slow to begin with but things get hot when a apartment building in New York city starts to show signs that it is neck deep in supernatural goings on. Will the Ghostbusters be able to stop what ever is happening before it is too late? What it and find out.

My thoughts: I was a fan of the cartoon series The Real Ghostbusters before I ever saw the movie. And it terrified me when I was a kid but it grew on me and later on I brought the twin pack DVD which came with it's sequel. Like I said there is some scary scenes in this movie but it's a fun movie and the comedy is also great. I would recommend it.

My score: Five stars

Friday 23 February 2018

Film Review: Die Hard

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Release date: July 15th 1988.

Story: A New York police officer John McClane visits his wife at a Los Angeles Office block. But things go out of hand when a group of terrorists take over the building during a Christmas party. John is the only one who managed to slip past them and decides to take them on. Will he be able to fight against the terrorists and save the day? Watch it and find out.

My thoughts: This was the movie that turned Bruce Willis into a star, was the first big screen appearance for Alan Rickman, and started the whole trend of "lone wolf" style action movies. This movie also has a great cast, amazing action scenes, and great one liners. The only thing I don't get is the whole "Die Hard is a Christmas movie" thing. The last thing that comes to my mind while watching it is Christmas. It may be set during Christmas and it may have a Christmas party in it, but the movie has nothing to do with the holiday whatsoever. But anyways it is a great action movie and I would recommend it.

My score: Four stars.

Thursday 22 February 2018

Film Review: The Raven.

Image result for the raven 1963

Release date: January 25th 1963.

Story: Vincent Price stars as the sorcerer Dr Erasmus Craven who sadly still morns the death of his late wife Lenore. But while he is in his study fooling around with his magic, He notices a raven tapping at his window. It turns out that the raven is in fact an old colleague of his Dr Bedlo (played by Peter Lorre). After Craven manages to turn Bedlo back to normal, Bedlo says that he just had a magic duel with Dr Scarabus (played by Boris Karloff). Bedlo then lets slip that he noticed someone who resembles Lenore at Scarabus's castle. So he and Craven decided to visit the castle to find out if what Bedlo saw was true and also to retrieve Bedlo's wizard equipment. So they set off to the castle with Craven's daughter Estelle (played by Olive Sturgess) and Bedlo's son Rexford (played by Jack Nicholson in one of his first movies). Can they find out what was going on before things get out of hand? Give the movie a watch to find out.

My thoughts: This is my second favourite movie. It says that it is a horror but there is little to no horror elements in it. It's more like a supernatural comedy with wizards and magic. It also pays homage to Edgar Allan Poe's the Raven. With Vincent Price reciting the poem during the opening credits and even in the opening act. If you are a fan of Vincent Price or Edgar Allan Poe's works, then this is the right thing for you.

My score: Five stars. 

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Film Review: The Puppet Master.

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Release date: October 12th 1989.

Story: A group of psychics are invited to a beachside hotel under mysterious circumstances. Where they find out that a colleague of  theirs has recently died and (supposingly) had wanted them to stay at the hotel for the wake. But something appears to be wrong as they are soon picked off one by one. Could the mysterious goings on have anything to do with five living puppets that are roaming around the hotel? What the film and find out.

My thoughts: This is my favourite horror film series. This straight to home entertainment movie spawn twelve sequels, a comic book franchise, toy figures, and a video game. The puppetry is amazing and the designs for the characters are also amazing. Blade, Jester, Leech Woman, Tunneler, Pin-head, Torch, and Six Shooter stand out as recognisable characters in their own right. So I highly recommend this for everyone. But this being a horror movie, some scenes are not for everyone.

My score: Five stars.

Film Review: Destroy all monsters

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Release date: August 1st 1968 (Japan release), May 23rd 1969 (American release).

Story: All of Earths kaijus have been gathered and placed on an island located in the Ogasawara island chain. Godzilla, Mothra, Anguirus, Rodan, Baragon, Varan, Gorosaurus, Manda, and Kumonga (a.k.a Spiga) are now living peacefully on the island until an alien race named the Kilaaks take over the minds of the monsters and let them loose on major cities. Can the people of Earth find a way of defeating the aliens and therefor stop them from controlling the monsters? Watch the film and find out.

My thoughts: This is the third Godzilla movie I have ever seen. It may be slow when the humans are on screen but the kaiju action is great. The final fight against King Ghidorah is also amazing. But the only downside to this is the fact that not all monsters are present in this. Baragon and Varan only appear at the very end of the movie and they including Manda (even though he appears attacking cities) do not take part in the final fight. But over all it is a great movie and I would highly recommend given it a watch. Fun fact this was supposed to be the final Godzilla film in the Showa series.

My score: Four stars.

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Film Review: Yellow Submarine.

Image result for Yellow Submarine

Release Date: July 17th 1968.

Story: Once upon a time.... or maybe twice, there was a unearthly paradise called Pepperland. A place of wonder and music. But all that changed.... When the Blue Meanies attacked. Desperate, the mayor asks a veteran sailor named Fred to take a large yellow submarine and go and get help. Fred does so and ends up in Liverpool, England. Where he encounters the only group of people who could help. The Beatles. Will they be able to travel back to Pepperland safely and defeat the Blue Meanies through music? Give it a watch and find out.

My thoughts: This has to be one of my favourite musicals. The songs are terrific (all sung by the Beatles themselves) and the animation is good as well. The designs of the Blue Meanies and the other characters are amazing too. This year marks the 50th anniversary of this movie's release so it would be great to give this a watch if you are a Beatles fan.

My score: Four stars.

Monday 19 February 2018

Anime Review: Hellsing Ultimate

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Release date: February 10th 2006 - December 26th 2012 (Sub), December 5th 2006 - October 28th 2014 (dub). Ten O.V.A's.

Story: When her police squad is wiped out by a vampire, Seras Victoria is saved by another vampire named Alucard. She is soon severely injured in the fight but Alucard turns her into a vampire. Seras then joins the Hellsing Organisation and helps them defend Britain from vampire threats. But things quickly change when a much bigger threat appears.

My thoughts: This version of Hellsing has better animation than the original. And the English dub cast return to reprise their rolls. This anime follows the manga more closely and has a lot of action in it. But there are some thing in this anime that some viewers might find disturbing and horrendous. So viewer discretion is advised.

My score: Four stars. 

Film Review: The return of Godzilla (a.k.a Godzilla 1985)

Image result for the return of godzilla

Release date: December 14th 1984 (original Japanese release), August 23rd 1985 (American release).

Story: Years after Godzilla stomp his way through Tokyo in 1954, things are quiet in Japan. Until a volcanic eruption on a uninhabitable island unleashes another Godzilla and attacks a nearby fishing boat. The only survivor tells a news reporter about the incident but the reporter is unable to print the story (mainly due to the fact that the news don't want to start a massive panic that there's another Godzilla on the loose). Soon Godzilla attacks a Russian submarine and then a nuclear power station. And it's clear that Japan itself is under threat. Can Japan deal with this new Godzilla and also with both Russia and the United States who also want to deal with the monster? Watch it and find out. But be aware that this has frightening images in it.

My thoughts: This was the very first Godzilla film I have ever seen. The one I watched was the English dub of the original Japanese one and not the American re-edit version starring Raymond Burr. This is a very impressive sequel to the 1954 film and also being the first film in the Heisei series. But it's such a shame that there are no Godzilla films released on DVD in England. I wouldn't mind if they were complete boxsets of the Showa, Heisei, and the Millennium series. I either have to buy VHS tapes or foreign DVDs and hope that they have English dub. But overall this is the movie that made me a Godzilla fan and I hope to see many more in the future.

My score: Five stars.

Sunday 18 February 2018

TV Review: Frasier

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Release date: September 16th 1993 - May 13th 2004 (Eleven seasons).

Story: The comedic goings on with a radio psychiatrist Frasier Crane, his brother Niles, their father Martin, Martin's physical therapist (and Nile's love interest) Daphne Moon, Martin's dog Eddie, and Frasier's producer Roz Doyle. Other characters include Sports critic Bob 'Bulldog' Briscoe, Restaurant critic Gil Chesterton, Roz's admirer Noel Shemspky, Frasier's boss Kenny Daly, and Daphne's mother Mrs Moon.

My thoughts: This is my all time favourite American sitcom of all time. this show is a spin off of another sitcom called Cheers (which Frasier Crane originally came from). I have to say that there are a number of episodes from the first two seasons that I don't like at all but it grew on me as I watched the other seasons. So in conclusion, I highly recommend giving this a watch.

My score: Five stars.

TV Review: Friends

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Release date: September 22nd 1994 - May 6th 2004 (Ten seasons)

Story: The comedic goings on with six friends living in a apartment complex in New York City. They are Joey, Rachel, Chandler, Monica, Ross, and Phoebe.

My thoughts: This is my second favourite American sitcom ever. I like the characters, the jokes, the serious stuff, and character development. But I have to say that there are somethings that I don't like. One of them being the whole "Ross and Rachel. Will they or wont they?" thing. But overall this is an amazing show and I highly recommend it.

My score: Four Stars. 

Anime Review: Sherlock Hound.

Image result for Sherlock Hound

Release Date: November 6th 1984-May 21st 1985 (twenty six episodes.)

Story: Set in 19th century London, Sherlock Hound and his assistant Doctor Watson solve mysteries and take on the villainous Professor Moriarty and his two henchmen.

My thoughts: I kind of like this anime. It isn't the first show I have seen that is a parody of Sherlock Holmes but it is one that I would watch the most. The only downside to this show that it is predictive at times (Moriarty is either always behind the mysteries or shows up in the episodes). But overall it is a good anime and deserves at least a sit through. Fun fact famous anime creator Hayao Miyazaki directed six episodes in this series (they are the ones where Moriarty's henchman Smiley, the tall one, is coloured green. While he is brown in the other episodes).

My score: Three stars

Friday 16 February 2018

Film Review: Judge Dredd

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Release Date: 30th June 1995.

Story: In the far distant future of 2080, the Earth has become a uninhabitable wasteland. The last surviving humans gather in gigantic futuristic cities scattered across the world. These cities are called mega cities and (like in all cities) crime is an issues. So they decided to upgrade their police force into a new type of police corps. They are the police, judge, jury, and executioner all in one. They are the Judges. One of these Judges is the much feared and much admired Judge Dredd (played by Sylvester Stallone). He is considered the best of the best. But one day he is framed for murder. Who framed him? Will Dredd be able to go undercover and exposed the real murderer? Watch the movie to find out.

My thoughts: This is the very first Sylvester Stallone movie I have ever seen. And I have to say it is pretty good. It's not the greatest film I have ever seen but it still is impressive. There is many great effects in this movie. Ranging from the city itself, the vehicles, and even a very cool robot. There are some things in this that you may not like but the rest you might like.

My score: Four and a half stars.

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Anime Review: Toriko

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Release: April 10th 2011-March 30th 2014 (sub), January 8th-May 7th 2013 (dub. Abruptly ended).

Story: In a world obsessed with everything related to food and drink, there are people who are named Gourmet Hunters. Those who hunt for wild and out of this world ingredients that other people cannot get. The anime is based on one of these gourmet hunters named Toriko. Who is also one of the four Heavenly Kings (possibly the best of the best gourmet hunters). He partakes in many adventures with his friends Komatsu (a head chief of a five star restaurant), Coco (another Heavenly King who's skin is poisonous), Sunny (another Heavenly King who has wild hair which he can control), Rin (Sunny's sister who is madly in love with Toriko), Terry (a Battle wolf pup who Toriko adopted), and Tina (who is a character who only appears in the anime and who is also a news reporter). Their adventures take them to many weird and wonderful places, encounter many strange and magnificent creatures, and fight against the evil Gourmet Corp.

My thoughts: I never thought that I would like an anime a lot ever since I brought the complete first two series of Hetalia. It is full of comedy and action. As well as great landscapes. I mean the world is something I would defiantly like to visit. Mountains that snow powdered chocolate, salt flats which are made from tofu, trees that produce a hybrid of fruits and bread, four leaf clovers which folded in a certain way creates the perfect burger, and rivers of fizzy drinks. The animals are pretty creative too. Fish with lobster claws, large birds which are half vulture and half chicken, giant mammoths which are so huge that they'll rival Godzilla in height, Four armed gorillas named Troll Kongs, and large wolf like creatures named Battle Wolves (who are the ultimate killers). So in conclusion, Toriko is a amazing anime to watch. But only fifty episodes were translated into English. But the rest is available in subtitled only.

My score: Five stars.

Film Review: The Beast from 20,000 fathoms

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Release date: 13th June 1953.

Story: A team of research scientists are testing a new atomic bomb in the Arctic Circle. Where the explosion awakens and releases a giant dinosaur named the Rhedosaurus. Where it makes its way towards New York city. Leaving a trail of chaos and devastation in it's wake. Will the scientists and the army be able to stop this creature before it is too late? Watch it and find out.

My thoughts: This was the first film where Ray Harryhausen did the stop motion animation. And the movie was based on the short story The Fog Horn by Ray's friend Ray Bradbury. Which tells the story of a dinosaur being drawn to a lighthouse by a fog horn that it thinks is another dinosaur. But it's then disappointed when it finds out that it was just a lighthouse and destroys it. This scene was incorporated into the movie where the Rhedosaurus encounters a lighthouse on it's way to New York. This is a classic stop motion monster movie that not only lanced Ray Harryhausen's career and was the creator of the genre of giant monster movies on the rampage (after King Kong). But was the inspiration for other giant monster movies like The Giant Behemoth, Gorgo, and of course the king of the monsters himself.... Godzilla.

My score: Five stars.

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Film Review: THEM

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Release date: June the 19th 1954.

Story: After a series of unknown and destructive incidents happen in the New Mexico desert, a group of scientists visit the desert in order to find out what is happening. But then soon they discover what was the cause of the previous events...... Giant killer ants. With the help from the army, the scientists manage to locate the ant's nest and destroy it. But they realise that a couple of princess ants have recently flown to make new nests else where. So it becomes a race against time to locate these new nests and exterminate the ants before new princesses can be born and create new nests around the world. And if that happens, mankind would be extinct within a year.

My thoughts: This is considered one of the first 'giant bugs on the loose' movies. And it is one of the classic monster B-movie films of the fifties. It is also very suspenseful for a giant monster movie. Also the sound that the giant ants make can send a chill up your spine. So this is a great movie for fifties monster movie fans.

My score: Five stars.

Film Review: The Deadly Mantis

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Release date: The 26th of May 1957.

Story: After testing nuclear bombs in the Arctic, a team of scientists and army people release a giant prehistoric mantic that was frozen alive in an ice glacier. Now it has thawed from it's icy tomb and makes its way towards Washington DC. Leaving a trail of carnage in its wake. Will the giant insect be stopped in time? Watch it and find out.

My thoughts: This is one of the great B-movie classics from the fifties that I like. I like stories of science gone wrong, giant monsters running around, and things like that. The only point I have to bring up is the monsters roar. Even though it's an awesome roar (its a public domain roar) it not the sound that an insect makes. Even if it is a prehistoric insect. But overall it is a good film. So if you are a fan of giant monster movies, I would recommend it.

My Score: Four stars.

Monday 12 February 2018

Anime Review: Hellsing (Original)

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Release date: October 10th 2001 - January 16th 2002 (Sub), October 4th-December 27 2003 (Dub). 13 episodes.

Story: When the members of her police squad are picked off one by one, Seras Victoria finds herself at the mercy of a vampire priest and his army of ghouls. But she is saved by a more powerful vampire named Alucard. Seras is fatally wounded so Alucard offers her a choice to become a vampire herself in order to save her life. She accepts and so he turns her into one. She is then taken to the headquarters of the Hellsing Organisation. A secret organisation that deals with supernatural and demonic threats to Great Britain. Lead by Integra Fairgates Hellsing and assisted by her butler Walter. Soon Seras joins them in their fight against the vampire threat.

My thoughts: This is a good action anime with great voice acting. It follows the original manga till episode six. Then the rest of the series follows a different path with a new villain made just for the anime. If you are a fan of vampire, horror, and action animes then give this a watch. 

My score: four stars.

Sunday 11 February 2018

TV Review: The Telegoons.

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Release date: The fifth of October 1963 - the first of August 1964 (two seasons, 26 episodes, each fifteen minuets long).

 Story: These are televised versions of the radio show The Goon Show. Performed by puppets and voiced by Harry Secombe, Peter Sellers, and Spike Milligan.

My thoughts: Even though this is better than Down among the Z men, it still doesn't hold up to the radio show. But still it is a must have for any fan of the show. However no official DVD release has been made. There are bootleg DVDS on EBay but there are in poor quality. But it's the closes we can get to a DVD release. Maybe (like the Adam West Batman show) there will be one in the future.

My score: four and three quarter stars.

Saturday 10 February 2018

Anime Review: Rosario + Vampire

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Release date: Sub 2008, Dub 2011. (Two series. Both with thirteen episodes each).

Story: Due to having poor grades, Tsukune Anono is having trouble continuing his school life. But as luck would have it his father finds a pamphlet about a school that Tsukune can easily enrol in. But when Tsukune later discovers when he first arrived there, that it is a school for monsters. And that humans are seen as the monsters in this world. So Tsukune has to hide the fact that he is a human from the rest of the students. But then he bumps into a girl named Moka Akashiya who tells him that she is a vampire. And that the Rosario around her neck seals away her true powers. As she reveals when they run into a nasty ogre (one of the students who is playing tough guy but is in fact a bully). Once it is removed, she literally changes from a nice charming girl into a badass fighter (also her hair changes colour, her eyes glow red, and her personality changes as well). After all that Tsukune settles down at his new school with Moka as his friend. Soon (like all animes) he starts to gain new friends. Kurumu Kurono the succubus, Yukari Sendou the witch, Mizore Shirayuki the snow fairy, Ruby Tojo who is also a witch, and Moka's little sister Kokoa Shuzen. Most of the episodes are the same. Tsukune and the girls get involved with an activity, someone starts causing trouble, Moka turns into her true vampire form, she deals with the trouble maker, and then it all ends with Tsukune and Moka trying to have a kiss but keep getting interrupted by the others.

My thoughts: This is a pretty good anime. The only downside to this is that there is too much fan service (it can get unnecessary at times. Especially in the second series where there's a lot of it.). There is also some fourth wall jokes in some episodes which I thought were not needed. But you can get some laughs out of it. Plus the characters are great. My favourite character is Kurumu (she is also my favourite character of all time). So if you are interested in harem anime, give this one a watch.

My score: Four stars.

Friday 9 February 2018

TV Review: The Wombles

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Release date: 1973-1975 (60 episodes, 2 series)

Story: Wombles are short, fat, furry creatures that spend their days cleaning up after messy humans. Wombles live all around the world but they can only been seen by humans who believe in them. These stories are about the Wombles who live on Wimbledon common, London, England. They are the lazy Orinoco, the strong Tomsk, the smart Wellington, the bossy Bungo, the cook Madame Cholet, the old and wise Great Uncle Bulgaria, and the handyman Tobermory.

My thoughts: The Wombles are based on the series of books of the same name by Elisabeth Beresford (from 1968 to 1976) and were voiced by Bernard Cribbins (who also played Donna Noble's grandfather in David Tennant's fourth series of Doctor Who). This is my favourite show to watch when I was a child and I still enjoy it to this day (when I come across an episode now and then).

My score: Five stars.

Thursday 8 February 2018

TV Reviews: Red Dwarf. Back to Earth.

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Release date: The 10th-12th of April, 2009 (Three part special).

Story: Back to Earth takes place after series ten. Kochanski is dead and the crew are hurled through a portal and discover that they are just characters in a TV series. Knowing that they will die in the final episode, the Dwafers (in the best Blade Runner traditions) decide to track down their creators to plead for more life. But first the crew attempt to track down the actors who played them in the series and their metaphysical odyssey begins...

My thoughts: This is a very good three parter. And this is also my introduction to the show as well. The cast are able to reprise their rolls as if the show never ended. If you haven't seen this before, check it out and you'll find it funny. On the dvd all three episodes have been combined into one full length feature (but you can still watch the episodes individually). The Blade Runner parodies are in the third and final episode which is also where the cast arrive on the set of  the British soap opera Coronation street.

My score: Four stars. 

TV Review: So what now?

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Release date: The twenty sixth of March to the twenty second of May 2001 (One series, eight episodes).

Story: After being thrown out by his wife, Lee Evans is forced to move into boarding house with his best friend Stuart (played by Steven O'Donnell) and it's landlady Heather (played by Sophie Thompson). Where madness and hijinks ensue.

My thoughts: This show was funny when I first watched it all those years ago and it is still funny today. If you are a fan of Lee Evans stand up dvds, then I would recommend giving this a watch.

My score: Four stars.

Film Review: The Super Mario Bros

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Release date:  July the 9th, 1993.

Story: Two Italian plumbers (Mario and Luigi) encounter a student (named Daisy) who ,while on a archaeological dig, is kidnapped by Iggy and Spike. Who are working for the villainous King Koopa. Mario and Luigi go after her and soon encounter a whole new separate world where dinosaurs haven't gone extinct. Can Mario and Luigi to save Daisy and stop Koopa before it's too late? Give it a watch to find out.

My thoughts: This is an amazing movie! I just saw this at a shop and instantly liked it. The characters, the story, the scenery, and everything else. I don't understand the huge amount of hate this movie has been receiving. I know that this has hardly anything from the games but not all films based on games are. GoodBadFlicks (a Youtube reviewer) says that this is one of his favourite films ever and goes into great depth in reviewing it. This movie is umber three in my top ten favourite films ever.

My score: Five stars.

Film Review: Down amoung the Z men.

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Release date: October the 1st, 1952.

Story: Harry Secombe stars as a shop assistant named Harry Jones who stumbles across two enemy spies (one being played by Graham Stark) who are trying to steal a secret formula from a professor named Pure Heart. After Harry tells them that he is a fan of spy novels, they say that the professor is creating the formula for evil purposes and ask Harry to steal the formula. But after finding the formula at the shop, Harry decides to return it to the professor instead. But then ends up getting enrolled in an army squad named the Z men.

My thoughts: Even though this is one of the first ever big screen appearances of  Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe, Spike Milligan, and Michael Bentine, this is sadly not a good movie. It wasn't a success when it first came out and it hasn't approve with age. The movie didn't even get a theatrical release in America until Peter Sellers became a massive star. This film actually took two weeks to shoot (including two dance numbers) and can be funny at times. So if you are a fan of the Goon Show, then check this movie out.

My score: Two and a half stars.

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Anime film Review: Hetalia. Paint it white!

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Release date: 2010.

Story: Earth is invaded by a race of faceless beings named The Pictonians. And they are literally taking the colour out of everything. So the main eight characters (Italy, Germany, Japan, America, England, France, Russia, and China) decide to join forces and infiltrate the alien's craft (after they tried to defeat them separately but failed) and save the world. This then leads to hijinks and other comedic mishaps.

My thoughts: Even though I'm a fan of Hetalia, I have to admit it that I don't really like this movie a lot. Like the anime, most of the jokes are not that funny. Another thing that I don't like this movie is that they take sketches from the actual series and put them in at random places as filler. But despite those two things, this is a good movie for Hetalia fans. Even the song that plays during the end credits would make you want to get up and dance.

My score: Three stars. 

Anime film Review: One Piece. Strong World

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Release date: December the twelfth 2009.

Story: While on their way of searching for the One Piece, Monkey D Luffy and the crew come across a flying pirate ship captained by Golden Lion Shiki (who not only has the ability to alter gravity but has recently escaped from jail. And also had lost both of his legs during the escape and now walks around on sword blades). After Nami helps them avoid an oncoming storm, Shiki offers her a place on his crew. But she declines. Shiki doesn't accept this and kidnaps her. Shiki then takes Luffy and the others and scatters them all over his domain (which is a series of floating islands inhabited by strange monsters and a town of people with bird wings). Will Luffy and the others be able to regroup and rescue Nami before Shiki unleashes his plans to world domination? What it and find out.

My thoughts: This is a must have for any anime fan and One Piece fans alike. It is full of jokes and action as with many anime films. Nami is especially great in this (as she tries to escape from Shiki and find her friends). There is a running gag in this with one of Shiki's henchmen (a clown) who wears shoes that make fart noises whenever he walks. The battle at the climax of the movie would take your breath away (especially the final fight between Luffy and Shiki). So I would recommend you either stream it of buy it. In either sub or dub.

My score: Four and three quarter stars. 

Film Review: Invasion Earth (the aliens are here).

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Release date: August the twenty second, 1988.

Story: Alien insects (led by a brain with tentacles) secretly take over a small American town's cinema (movie theatre) which they are using as their base of operations in order to take over the planet Earth. Their plan is to hypnotise the townsfolk by making them watch a series of old fashioned B-movies from the fifties and sixties. Meanwhile two teenagers (who had sneaked into the cinema to watch movies without paying) have uncovered the aliens plan and try to defeat them at all cost.

My thoughts: I love this movie! Even though the characters can get annoying at times, it is still a good cheesy movie to watch. It is mainly clips from B-movies like The Blob, The Giant Claw, The Thing from another world, Behemoth the sea monster, and other films like that. If you are a fan of old fashioned monster and alien invasion movies, I would recommend checking this out.

My score: Five stars.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Film Review: Tom & Jerry meet Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory.

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Story: Basically its just Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory but with Tom and Jerry mixed in.

What do I think?: Despite the large negative reviews this movie has been getting (some even questioning it's existence), I think that this is a good movie. It a good blending of a Tom and Jerry cartoon with the Willy Wonka movie. The original songs are good as well. But the oompa loompa songs are not that good. Also there's a cameo by another well known cartoon that might make you chuckle. The tunnel scene is also less scary than the original. So if you are a fan of both Tom & Jerry and Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory, I would recommend you give this a watch.

My score: four and a half stars.