Friday 30 March 2018

Film Review: The Towering Inferno

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Release date: December 14th 1974.

Story: During the opening of the Glass Tower (a.k.a the worlds tallest building), a tiny electric spark suddenly causes a raging inferno which traps the guests on the top floors. This then leads to a race against time to stop the fire from consuming the whole building and to rescue the trapped people before it is too late.

My thoughts: Following the success of The Poseidon Adventure, Irwin Allen produced this movie for both Twentieth Century Fox and Warner Brothers. Both studios had required the rights to two novels which both involves a building getting set on fire (The Glass Inferno and The Tower) and Allen (who thought that the two movies would cannibalize each other) propose that the two studios join forces and make one movie. This movie stars big name actors (like the Poseidon Adventure) like Steve McQueen, Paul Newman, and Fred Astaire. This film is also a must see for any Disaster film fan.

My score: Five stars.

Film Review: The Poseidon Adventure.

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Release date: December 12th 1972.

Story: While sailing from New York to Athens during the early hours on New Years Day, The S.S Poseidon is struck by a 90 foot tidal wave... and capsizes. As the ship slowly begins to sink, a small group of survivors make their way upwards to the bottom of the ship in order to escape. Will they be able to get out alive? Watch the movie to find out.

My thoughts: This was released during the golden age of Disaster movies that were released during the 1970's. This movie was directed by Irwin Allen (Who was better known for creating well known television shows like Lost in Space, Voyage to the bottom of the sea, The Time Tunnel, and Planet of the Giants) and was based off of a novel by Paul Gallico. This movie was a massive success and lead the way for more amazing disaster movies like The Towering Inferno, The Swarm, Rollercoaster, Earthquake, and Avalanche. This is a great movie that will leave you on the edge of your seat and I would recommend it for any Disaster film fans.

My score: Five stars.

Thursday 29 March 2018

Film Review: King Kong

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Release date: April 7th 1933.

Story: A film producer named Carl Denman comes across a map which leads him and his crew to an uncharted island in the Indian Ocean. And they discover that not only are there dinosaurs on the island, but that the natives on the island worship and make sacrifices to a giant gorilla named Kong. But things turn bad when their woman lead Ann is kidnapped and sacrificed to Kong.

My thoughts: This movie is amazing. The story, the characters, and the creature effects are really good. Kong himself owns every scene he is in. And the action scenes were he fights dinosaurs are also great. This movie is among some of the greatest movies ever made and I would recommend it.

My score: Five stars.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Film Review: Frankenstein

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Release date: November 21st 1931.

Story: Henry Frankenstein and his hunchbacked assistant Fritz have been stealing dead bodies from graveyards and science labs. In the hopes that Frankenstein would cut them up and sow together a being and then (with the help from lighting and scientific equipment) hopes to bring his creation back to life. But he then soon discovers that he has created a monster... And it then escapes to cause havoc.

My thoughts: Released the same year as Dracula, this is another great horror classic by Universal. Boris Karloff does a great performance as the monster and you really feel sympathy for the character. The other characters are great and the scenery is amazing. This is a must have for any fan of classic horror movies.

My score: Four stars.

Film Review: Dracula

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Release date: February 14th 1931.

Story: Estate agent Renfield travels to Transylvania in order to sell a property to a certain Count Dracula. But it then turns out that the count is in fact a vampire. And he has turned his appetite on London.

My thoughts: Even though this isn't the first film to feature Dracula, it is the best remembered. Bela Lugosi's performance as the count is amazing and the other characters are also great. The sets and scenery are also great. Apart from the fact that the film doesn't have a music track (apart from the opening credits) this film is great and I would recommend it for any horror fan.

My score: Four stars.

Monday 26 March 2018

Film Review: The Invisble Man

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Release date: November 13th 1933.

Story: A scientist named Dr Jack Griffin has discovered a way of becoming invisible. He then moves to a small town in order to find a way of turning visible again. But due to the side effects of the first formula and the constant nosey residents of the town, Griffin begins to suffer violent outbursts and soon reveals to the world that he is invisible. Can Griffin's fellow scientists be able to stop Griffin before he goes too far? Watch the movie to find out.

My thoughts: This was the first of the Universal horror icons that I have watched and my personal favourite. Released the same year as King Kong, it is a amazing achievement for the special effects at that time. Claude Rains plays the character Jack Griffin amazingly. The other characters are great as well and this movie blends comedy with suspense and thrillers. So I would recommend this for those who are a fan of H.G Wells stories. 

My score: Five stars

Saturday 24 March 2018

TV Review: The Munsters

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Release date: September 24th 1964 - May 12th 1966 (Two seasons. Seventy episodes).

Story: The many comedic happenings with a monster family. With the bumbling and childish Herman Munster, his vampire wife Lilly, their son Eddie, Lilly's father Grandpa, and their niece Marilyn.

My thoughts: The Munsters were America's first family of fright (apart from the Adams Family which aired before this). This show is a great treat for those who are into both horror and comedy shows. The characters are great and there are some really great laughs in the show. My favourite character is Grandpa (who's real name is Sam Dracula). Due to his wisecracking sense of humour. This show was a hit when it aired (before Batman came along) and I would recommend this for anyone who wants a chuckle.

My score: Five stars.

Gaming Review: J-Stars. Victory +

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Release date: March 19th 2014 (Japanese release), June 26th 2015 (Europe release), June 30th 2015 (North American release).

Platforms: PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita.

Style: Fighting.

Story: The player selects any of the four selected anime heros (Toriko, Naruto, Monkey D Luffy, and Inchigo) and they set out in a multi anime universe called Jump World, as they prepare for the J Battle Festival (which is a fighting tournament that takes place every 45 years). But soon whoever has organised the tournament tells the heros that it was a ruse to gather them as a team in order to combat an evil that is taking over the Jump World. Can the heros save the world and win the tournament as well? Play the game and find out.

My thoughts: This game is a must have for any anime fan. It has many of your favourite anime characters from the likes of Dragonball Z, Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Toriko, And Fist of the North Star among others. This game was released for the 45th anniversary of Weekly Shonen Jump magazine and fans had voted on who they want to see in the game.  This game is only in Japanese language but the texts are in English and other languages. But overall it is great.

My score: Five stars.

Film Review: The Curse of the Were-rabbit

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Release date: September 4th 2005 (Sydney release), October 7th 2005 (United States release), October 14th 2005 (United Kingdom release).

Story: It is the town's annual vegetable growing competition and Wallace and Gromit are in business as pest control. But things are not that easy when you have crossed paths with a professional hunter, your home is overflowing with rabbits, and then an oversized monster rabbit comes to town and starts eating the town's vegetables.

My thoughts: This was the first and only big screen appearance of Wallace and Gromit. The movie is great and the characters are well acted and funny. You can tell that the cast and crew had fun doing this movie and it pays homage to the great horror classics like The Wolfman and the Hound of the Baskervilles. But still have the silliness that a Wallace and Gromit film would give you.

My score: Four stars.

Friday 23 March 2018

TV Review: A matter of Loaf and death.

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Release date: December 3rd 2008 (Australian release). December 25th 2008 (British release).

Story: Wallace and Gromit have started a bakery and have turned their whole house into a windmill (what would the neighbours say). While on a delivery, they rescue a woman and her dog on a runaway bike. The woman turns out to be Piella Bakewell (who used to be the spokesman for another bakery business) and her dog Fluffles. Wallace and Piella hit it off and even Gromit starts to develop feelings for Fluffles. But things are not what as they seem. For there is a serial killer on the loose who is targeting bakers.

My thoughts: This is the fourth and final Wallace and Gromit short and my least favourite. Apart from the sudden dark tones of the short, there is no real mystery to be found. I thought that this was going to be a Agatha Christie type of plot. Wallace and Gromit go to a baker's convention with other bakers and slowly they get picked off one by one and Gromit has to find out who's behind it all before it is too late. But sadly I was disappointed by what we got instead. You know who the killer is and what their methods are before the second act. But on the plus side it is nice that Gromit dose have a love interest.

My score: Two stars.

TV Review: A Close Shave.

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Release date: December 24th 1995.

Story: Wallace and Gromit have started a window cleaning business. And soon they get a costumer who runs a wool shop in the high street near where they live. Which as it turns out is run by a woman called Wendolene (voiced by Anne Reid) and her dog Preston. After they done their job, Wallace and Gromit discover that nearly everything in their house is half eaten by a small lamb. Which Wallace calls Shaun. Little do they know that this lamb will cause them to cross paths with sheep rustlers. And it seems that Wendolene might be involved.

My thoughts: The third Wallace and Gromit adventure. It is known for many things. Apart from the fact that this has a bigger story, it's also known for introducing Shaun the sheep. As well as Wallace's first love interest Wendolene. The climax is again suspenseful and fans of all ages will enjoy it.

My score: Four stars.

TV Review: The Wrong Trousers.

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Release date: December 26 1993.

Story: It is Gromit's birthday and Wallace has brought him an unusual present. A pair of Techno-Trousers. Which were created by NASA for space and planet exploration purposes. Later on that day (while the trousers take Gromit for a walk) Wallace discovers that they are in debt and so puts the spare room to let. And soon they do get a lodger in the form of a penguin. Who is quite impressed with the Techno-Trousers...

My thoughts: The second animated short with Wallace and Gromit. This has more story and a lot more action. The penguin himself is a classic villain. Sinister in a silent way. The climax is amazing and would leave you on the edge of your seats. Also I notice something with Gromit's birthday card in the first scene. Originally it plays 'Happy Birthday to you' but in other VHS and DVD copies, it plays 'For he's a jolly good fellow' instead. But anyways it is a great animated short and one of the greats.

My score: Five stars.

TV Review: A Grand Day Out

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Release date: November 4th 1989 (Bristol Animation Festival), December 24th 1990 (British TV release).

Story: While looking for a good place to visit during a Bank Holiday, Inventor and handyman Wallace and his trusty dog Gromit decide to have a nice hot cup of tea. And also some cheese and crackers as well. But then they discovered that they have run out of cheese. Instead of popping down to the local corner shop, Wallace decides that they should have their Bank Holiday in a country which is famous for it's cheese. But then he gets an idea when he looks out of the window at the night sky...

My thoughts: This was the very first of four adventures with Wallace and Gromit. It is amazing that the first ten minuets of this short were animated single handily by Wallace and Gromit creator Nick Park before he later got a job at Aardman Animations. The short was his graduation project at The National Film and Television school. In the end, it took him six years to make and was released in 1989. The late actor Peter Sallis (also known for his character Norman Clegg in the British longest running sitcom Last of the summer wine) provided the voice for Wallace and Gromit was even going to have a voice as well (provided by the great voice actor Peter Hawkins) but later changed his mind due to the fact that it was difficult to animate Wallace talking. So Gromit became more as a silent strait man. This has it's awkwardness's at times but it is a masterpiece and I would recommend it for fans of all ages. It was even nominated for an Academy Award for best short animated film. But it lost to Creature Comforts (which Nick Park had a hand in animated it as well).

My score: Three stars.

Thursday 22 March 2018

Film Review: Doctor Who (TV Movie)

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Release date: May 12th 1996 (Canadian release), May 14th 1996 (American release), May 27th 1996 (UK release).

Story: After The Master was exterminated by the Daleks, The Doctor (in his seventh incarnation) is tasked to bring back the Master's remains to Gallifrey in his TARDIS. But something goes wrong when the remains develop a mind of it's own and (after escaping from it's box) causes havoc with the TARDIS's controls. Forcing the Doctor to make a emergency landing in San Francisco's Chinatown on the 30th of December 1999. But things get even worse when the Doctor gets shot by a street gang and (after being declared dead that the local hospital) regenerates into his eight incarnation. The master's remains have taken over the body of a ambiance driver and begins a sinister plot to disrupt time itself. Will the Doctor be able to find and stop the Master before it's too late? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: This was supposed to be the pilot episode to an American take on Doctor Who. And was going to kick start a new series as well. But sadly that never happened. That's disappointing because I would like to see how this series would have led too. It was this movie that stated that the Doctor was half human (which wasn't cannon in either the classic and modern series. Nor in anything else). Another thing that was odd was the Dalek's voices (which sounds more like your stereotypical robot voice rather than what they sound like in the classic series). There are some dark parts of this movie but I would recommend it for any Doctor Who fan.

My score: Three stars. 

TV Review: Doctor Who (Modern Series).

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Release date: March 26th 2005 - present.

Story: The continuing adventures of the Doctor.

My thoughts: I have ups and downs with this revival. On one hand I liked that the show has come back and that a new generation of viewers can enjoy it. But on the other hand there are somethings that I hate about it. For starters they got rid of the four parter adventures and turned them into a one episode adventure. And each series has thirteen to twelve episodes each. Also the eleventh and twelfth incarnations of the doctor were trying to out do Tom Baker's goofiness. I also feel that casting a woman to be the thirteenth and last incarnation of the Doctor was not a good idea. If a woman had played the Doctor in the classic series then I wouldn't had mind. On the plus side however I did like the Christmas episodes and the returning of classic monsters to the series.

My score: Three stars. 

TV Review: Doctor Who (Classic series).

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Release date: November 23rd 1963 - December 6th 1989 (26 seasons. 840 episodes).

Story: The many great adventures of a human looking alien known only as the Doctor.

My thoughts: My all time favourite science fiction show ever. My love for this show all began when I received a VHS copy of Death to the Daleks. Back then I didn't know much about the show. I didn't know that the Doctor was a Time Lord, that he had two hearts, nor that he can change his appearance when dying. But over the years I have learned about the show and nearly have every single adventure on either VHS or DVD. This show has many spin offs, book adaptations, audiobook adventures, a mountain of merchandise, and a even larger fan base. I'm proud to say that I am a Whovian and I would recommend this show for everyone.

My score: Five stars.

Anime Review: Sailor Moon

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Release date: March 7th 1992 - February 8th 1997 (Japanese release). There were various English dub releases through out the nineties by a number of companies for different regions. Five seasons (season five was never translated in the original English dub but there are fan dubs), 200 episodes. Plus a remake in 2014 named Sailor Moon Crystal.

Story: The life of a Junior High school student Usagi Tsukino (a.k.a Serena in the original English dub) takes a weird and mysterious turn when a talking cat named Luna tells her that she is the reincarnated form of a Princess who lived in a kingdom on the moon thousands of years ago. And also she has magical powers that she would use to combat the forces of evil from The Dark Kingdom (a.k.a the Negaverse in the original English dub) as Sailor Moon. So Usagi sets out to protect the earth from the forces of evil with her friends who are called the Sailor Scouts. They are Ami Mizuno (Sailor Mercury), Rei Hino (Sailor Mars), Makoto Kino (Sailor Jupiter), and Minako Aino (Sailor Venus). As well as a mysterious masked vigilantly named Tuxedo Mask. On their adventures they encounter more Sailor Scouts, take on more sinister threats, meet Usagi's future daughter Rini, and make sure that the day is saved for everyone.

My thoughts: A pretty good anime. I haven't seen much of this but I have watched random episodes and have brought volumes 1 to 5 of the manga. I have to say that my favourite characters are Sailor Mercury and The Wiseman. There is a lot of goofiness in this but it is mixed well with the serious scenes in it as many animes are. But I have to say that Tuxedo Mask isn't that great in the early episodes. All he did was turn up, sprout a encouraging speech, and then leaves. But he dose have some good moments in the series and also in the remake. So if you haven't seen it, I would recommend you give this a watch.

Also check out my fan fiction Sailor Moon meets the Puppet Master on this blog. Look for it under January and February of 2016. And if you have a YouTube account and do lets reads, then you have my permission to do a lets read of it.

My score: Four stars.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

TV Review: Supercar

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Release date: January 28th 1961 - April 29th 1962 (2 seasons. 39 episodes).

Story: The many adventures of Mike Mercury, Professor Rudolph Popkiss, Doctor Horatio Beaker, Jimmy Gibson, and Mitch the monkey. With their super modern Supercar. As they take on threats, help people, and foil the plans of Master Spy

My thoughts: This is a good show. Created by the legendary Gerry Anderson (who also created Thunderbirds, Stingray, Captain Scarlet, Fireball XL5, and many others). This was the fourth show that Gerry created (the others were the adventures of Twizzle, Torchy the Battery-Boy and Four Feather Falls) and was the third to be in a sci fi environment. The characters are likable and you will get a laugh out of this.

My score: Four stars.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Film Review: The Terminator.

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Release date: October 26th 1984.

Story: In the year 2029, machines have taken over the world thanks to a supercomputer named Skynet.  The remaining humans fight a resistance against the machines. Led by a man named John Connor. Realising that the humans are winning, Skynet sends a humanoid robot called a Terminator back in time to 1984 in order to locate and kill John's mother Sarah before he was born. But the humans are aware of this and send a human named Kyle Reece back in time as well to protect Sarah. Will he be able to locate and protect her before the Terminator gets to her? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: This is one of the greatest films to have come out in the 80's. And it was the film that made Arnold Schwarzenegger a famous name. This movie has great characters, story, and action scenes. So I would recommend this for anyone who likes science fiction, time travel. and action films.

My score: Four stars

Anime Review: Attack on Titan.

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Release date: April 7th - September 29th 2013 (First series. Japanese release). May 3rd - November 1st 2014 (First series. English dub release). April 1st - June 17th 2017 (Second series. Japanese release). April 22 - July 22 2017 (Second series. English dub release). 

Story: In a alternate universe, mankind is on the brink of extinction, due to a race of man eating, human looking giants known as the titans. The last remaining humans built three giant walls (all inside each other) and thanks to them, the humans managed to have a century of peace. Until one day a Colossal Titan appears and smashes a huge hole in the outer most wall. The series follows a series of characters as they try and fight back. Including Eren Yager, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert.

My thoughts: I don't really much like this anime. Mainly it's the characters that let it down for me. For start Eren Yager has serious anger issues. He is like Captain Ahab from Moby Dick. After seeing his mother being eaten by a titan (which to be fair would traumatise anyone), Eren declares a one man war against them and develops an obsession with killing every single titan ever. If Eren Yager was real, no one would allow him to join any military. And I also think that he is way over powered (he has the ability to transform into a titan, can control other titans with his mind, and can summon huge rocks from the ground). Mikasa on the other hand is a bit better. Even though she can rein in Eren, she too is over powered. She basically slays titans without any flaws what so ever (which is a flaw itself). And when she sees her comrades who have literally been through hell fighting titans and seeing their friends getting killed or eaten, Mikasa calls them babies and cowards. The only character who I like is Armin. Someone who was bullied a lot, but managed to make a name for himself as a expert strategist. Are there any other things that I like? Well the titans are impressive (the Armored, female, ape, and the Colossal titans especially) and the scenery is good. And also the first opening theme is awesome. But sadly the rest spoils it for me.

My score: One star.

Saturday 17 March 2018

Film Review: The Dark Crystal

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Release date: December 17th 1982 (American release). February 17th 1983 (British release).

Story: A thousand years ago on the planet Thra, a magic crystal was cracked and two races were formed. The evil and dominant Skeksis and the wise and gentle Mystics. The Skeksis rule over the planet and use the power of the crystal to replenish themselves. They eagerly await for the planet's three suns to align so that they can reign forever. The Mystics also know of this and the oldest and wisest one tells his adopted son Jen (who is a Gelflin and the last of his kind) to find the missing shard of the crystal and restore it before the three suns align so that the crystal can be healed and peace will return to Thra. Will Jen be able to find the missing shard and therefore restore the crystal? Watch the film and find out.

My thoughts: This was the first feature length movie that Jim Henson's company had released in cinemas. The movie itself is very good and the puppetry is amazing. This movie can get dark at times and it has some scary images in it. But it is a great movie and will suit anyone who is a fan of fantasy movies.

My score: Five stars.

Film Review: King Kong escapes

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Release date: July 22nd 1967 (Japanese release), June 19th 1968 (American release).

Story: While their submarine is being repaired, Commander Carl Nelson, Lt Commander Jiro Nomura, and Lt Susan Watson visit a nearby island which they say is the home of the giant gorilla King Kong. Which is then proven true when Kong saves Susan from a dinosaur (Gorosaurus in it's first appearance. And would later turn up in the Godzilla films). When they get back to New York, Carl gets permission to return to the island and study Kong. But he and the others are unaware that the villainous Doctor Who (not to be confused with the British science fiction tv show of the same name) has kidnapped Kong and has taken him to the North Pole in order to dig out a radioactive ore called Element X. But Kong then escapes and heads to Tokyo. With everyone including a giant robot Kong going after him.

My thoughts: This movie was based on the Rankin Bass cartoon named the King Kong show. Which also has Mecha-Kong and Doctor who in it. And I too was surprised by the fact that the villain was named Doctor Who (which I thought was spelt Dr Hu). The downside to this is that everyone (including the English speaking cast) were dubbed over and some of the lines spoken can be a bit cheeses at times. But the kaiju stuff is entertaining. Mecha-Kong looks cool and the final fight between it and Kong on top of the Tokyo tower is exciting.

My score: Four stars.

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Film Review: Jaws

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Release date: June 20th 1975.

Story: A dead body of a half eaten woman washes ashore near the small seaside town of Amity Island, leading their chief of police Martin Brody to suspect that a rouge shark has arrived at the seaside. But the mayor tells him not to warn the town due to the 4th of July celebrations that bring loads of people to the town. But as the shark claims more victims, the townsfolk can no longer put up with it and Brody teams up with a Marine Biologist and a Shark hunter in order to stop the shark. Will they be able to defeat it or will they get eaten? Watch the film and find out.

My thoughts: This is the movie that (I may be wrong) started the whole summer blockbuster. And was the highest grossing film of that time before Star Wars came along. The shark effects can be laughable at times but at the time, this movie scared a lot of viewers. They did the thing where you don't see the shark until the climax and the suspense is good. The characters are also great and if you like shark movies, then this should be number one on the list. This movie also started the (I may be wrong again) whole Eco Horror genre (a.k.a nature horror movies like Grizzly, Venom, Alligator, The Swarm, and the Day of the Animals). 

My score: Five stars.

Monday 12 March 2018

Youtube Review: Godzilla and his amazing friends.

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Creator: Goji73.

Number of  episodes: 18

Story: The adventures of Godzilla and his friends Anguirus and Rodan on Monster Island. Featuring kaiju from both the Godzilla and Ultraman series.

Completed?: Not yet.

My thoughts: This is a really amazing show. This has a lot of heart and effort into making it and it shows. A lot of your favourite kaijus are in this show. I have to admit I have never heard of any of the Ultraman monsters and I am looking forward to see where the series is heading.

Ideas for future episodes: Gamera appears as a Intergalactic Protector, Godzilla and Geronimon being force to join forces and take on a bigger threat, Godzilla and his friends come across the pacific rim kaijus who are the ancient guardians of a lost civilisation, and perhaps Zilla making a appearance.

Would I recommend this?: Yes

My score: Four stars.

Sunday 11 March 2018

Film Review: The Giant Claw

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Release date: June 1957.

Story: While doing radar testing in the North Pole, a civil aeronautical engineer named MacAfee spots a unidentified flying object and sends three jets out to investigate. But one goes missing and MacAfee gets blamed for a hoax.. But soon planes start disappearing all over the world and people keep radioing reports of something "as big as a battleship" is responsible. It turns out to be a gigantic bird that supposingly had come from a antimatter galaxy. Could MacAfee and everyone else stop this bird before its too late? Watch the film and find out.

My thoughts: This movie is a classic B movie. It's characters are ok and most of the action is good. However the puppetry for the giant bird is laughable at times. Also you better get used to the phrase "As big as a battleship!" As it will be mentioned constantly through out the movie.

My score: Three stars.

Saturday 10 March 2018

TV Review: Joey

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Release date: September 9th 2004 - August 23rd 2006. Two seasons, forty six episodes.

Story: After the events of Friends, Joey Tribbiani moves west to Los Angeles to pursue his acting carrier. Were he meets his sister Gina Tribbiani, her son Michael, his new agent Roberta "Bobbie" Morgenstern, an inspiring actor Zach Miller, and his neighbours Howard and Alexis "Alex" Garret.

My thoughts: Even thought I found this funny, it sadly doesn't hold up to its predecessor. But it is still a enjoyable series. It was sad that this got cancelled after two seasons. I would like to see what this show would have led too. Joey getting an Oscar? Other characters from Friends making guest appearances? Or something else perhaps? We might never know.

My score: Three stars.

Thursday 8 March 2018

Film Review: The Taking of Pelham 123

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Release date: October 2nd 1974.

Story: Four criminals (known as Mr Blue, Mr Green, Mr Grey, and Mr Brown) hijack a subway train and say that they will kill the hostages unless New York city pays one million dollars. It is up to a New York Transit Authority Police Lieutenant (played by Walter Matthau) to try and save the day. Will he be able to do it? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: This is a great movie.  It may be slow but it makes up for it with great characters and a nail biting climax. If you are interested in action/suspense movies then this is the movie for you.

My score: Four stars. 

Film Review: Gremlins

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Release date: June 8th 1984.

Story: During the Christmas season, a young man receives a present from his father. It turns out to be a mysterious creature called a Mogwai (which has the name Gizmo). But there are three rules that the owner has to follow when keeping a mogwai.
  1. Keep the mogwai away from bright light. They hates bright light. Especially sunlight.
  2. Do not give the mogwai any water at all.
  3. No matter how much the mogwai cries or begs..... Never feed it after midnight
Somewhere down the line, the rules get broken and chaos happens. What kind of chaos? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: Another great movie from the 80's. The creature effects are great and the characters are also great. This movie started the whole "Tiny monsters on the loose" movie craze. I would recommend this for everyone.

My score: Four and a half stars.

TV Review: The thin blue line

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Release date: November 13th 1995 - December 23rd 1996. Two series. Fourteen episodes.

Story: The comedic life and trials of the policemen and women at Gasforth police station.

My thoughts: Even though this has the great Rowan Atkinson in it, it sadly not a very good show. Despite of there only being two seasons, the jokes are often not funny and sometimes the characters are not that likable. Like in the first episode of series two, Inspector Fowler (Rowan Atkinson's character) deliberately allowed a criminal to walk free in court in order to keep his morals (despite the fact that the evidence was planted) and in the last episode of series two when Detective Inspector Derek Grim of CID keeps stating that Fowler will never get a promotion due to the fact that Fowler is not married yet lives with his lover for ten years. The jokes are also too adult and not to my liking. But if you like Rowan Atkinson in anything then give this a watch.

My score: Two stars.

TV Review: Red Dwarf

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Release date: February 15th 1988 - April 5th 1999 (original series). October 4th 2012 - present (Revived series). Twelve series.

Story: 3 million years into deep space, the mining ship Red Dwarf sails on it's endless voyage home. It's crew are dead. Killed by a radiation leak. The only survivors are Dave Lister (who was placed in suspended animation due to smuggling a cat on board) and his cat who was safely sealed in the cargo hold. After Lister had been released 3 million years later, his only companions are Arnold J Rimmer (a hologram of his dead bunk mate), Cat (a humanoid lifeform that evolved from cats), Kryten (a mechanoid who was rescued from a crashed spacecraft), and Holly (the ship's computer).

My thoughts: I never thought that comedy and science fiction could go together. But then I watched this and was immediately a fan. The first ever Red Dwarf thing that I ever watched was the Back to Earth three part special. But the first episode of the original series that I'd watched was Guns of the Apocalypses. I like the characters, the episodes, and the space crafts. I would recommend this for those who are fans of both science fiction and comedies alike.

My score: Five stars.

Anime Review: Soul Eater

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Release date: April 7th 2008 - March 30th 2009 (Japanese release). 2010 ( English dub release). 51 episodes.

Story: Somewhere in Nevada, United States, is Death city. Which is home to the Death Weapon Meister Academy (or the DWMA for short). A school for pupils who can turn into weapons and for humans who can wield these weapons called Meisters. The school is run my the Grim Reaper himself and the goal for the students is to become one of Death's many weapons known as Death Scythes. The only way that they can do that is to (apart from doing normal school work) is to collect ninety nine souls of evil humans plus one witch's soul. The students that the anime follows are Maka Albarn, her weapon Soul Evans (a.k.a Soul Eater), Black Star and his weapon Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, and Death's own son Death the Kid and his weapons Liz & Patty Thompson.

My thoughts: A very cool anime. The characters are amazing, the animation is top notch, and the first opening song is great. This is a very perfect addition for any anime collection.

My score: Five stars. 

Film Review: Robocop

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Release date: July 17th 1987.

Story: In the far future, the American city of Detroit, Michigan is over run with crime. When trying to arrest a group of criminals at their hideout, Officer Alex Murphy was gunned down by the criminals and dies. But then a company named OCP brings him back to life by turning him into a cyborg police officer named Robocop. And he proves to be a big hit. But then he starts to get memories of his murder and the criminals who killed him. Will he be able to bring them to justice yet uphold the law as well? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: One of the greatest movies of the 80's. The jokes can be corny at times but it makes up for in it's action. This film does have a lot of blood and gore and also some things that viewers might find disturbing or unconfutable. Robocop looks cool and the robot ED-209 is awesome. If you are into Sci Fi and action films, Then I would recommend this.

My score: Five stars.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

TV Review: The Trap Door

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Release date: 1984 (Series 1). 1986 (Series 2). 40 episodes.

Story: Somewhere in the dark and nasty regions; where nobody goes, stands an ancient castle. Deep within this dank and uninviting place, lives Berk. The overworked servant to the thing upstairs. But that's nothing compare to the horrors that lurk beneath the trap door. Cause there is always something down there. In the dark.... Waiting to come out. Join Berk and his friends Boni the skull and Drat the weird spider thing as they try to deal with what ever emerges from the trap door.

My thoughts: This show is amazing. I liked it when I was a kid and still enjoy it today. The only complaint that I have is with the last scene in the last episode. Where they did a fake death. It wasn't something that I was expecting from a show like this. It should have been in a cartoon like The Last Airbender or Batman the animated series. But overall the show is great and I would recommend this for everyone.

My score: Five stars.

Film Review: Night of the Living Dead.

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Release date: October 1st 1968.

Story: When visiting the grave of their father, Barbra Blair and her brother Johnny are attacked by what at first they believed to be a mad man. The mad man kills Johnny but Barbra manages to escape and finds a abandoned farmhouse. But as she looks around to see if it is safe, she runs into Ben who protects her from the many mad people who it turns out are zombies. And (as they barricade themselves inside and nail boards across the windows) they find that they are not the only ones that have taken shelter in the house. As more and more people emerge from the cellar. Can they set aside their differences and help each other as waves of  man eating zombies threaten to brake into the house? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: Even though this isn't the first movie to show zombies (White Zombie and I walk with a zombie came out decades earlier) this was the first one to make them popular. This is the first in the zombie series created by George A. Romero. There is a lot of suspense and drama in this movie and the zombies are both frightening and shocking. This movie will be celebrating its 50th anniversary this year (along with Godzilla's Destroy all Monsters) and I'll be looking forward to see how it will be celebrated.

My score: Four stars.

Film Review: Godzilla vs Gigan

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Release date: March 12th 1972 (Japanese release). 1977 (American release).

Story: While working on a new Theme Park, a concept artist discovers that the people behind the construction are in fact aliens who want to colonize the planet. With the help from King Ghidorah and a new monster called Gigan. But luckily Godzilla is aware of this and (along with Angurius) sets out to stop the aliens.

My thoughts: This is the twelfth movie in the Godzilla franchise. This movie has some funny parts in it. Like the part were Godzilla and Angurius talk to each other (In the Japanese release they had speech bubbles). Another thing that made fans wonder is how come King Ghidorah has returned? Wasn't he killed in Destroy all monsters? Well my theory is that there is a whole species of Ghidorahs and that the one that appears in the movie is just another member of the same species. Overall it is a great movie, Gigan is a cool looking monster, and the only downside is that most of the monster fight scenes are stock footage from previous Godzilla movies. But the movie is still awesome.

My score: Four stars.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Film Review: 20 million miles to Earth

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Release date: June 1st 1957.

Story: When a spacecraft crash lands off the shores of Sicily, only one crew member and a container were the only ones who were saved from the crash before the whole craft sinks into the ocean. The container it turns out, contains a creature that is sold to a traveling scientist and his daughter. But the creature escapes and wonders the countryside. It is then learned that the more it breaths, the bigger it gets. So will everyone manage to recapture the creature before it get too big? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: This was the last of the Ray Harryhausen movies that feature a giant monster on the loose (until the Valley of Gwangi in 1969). The creature looks fantastic and the suspense is also great. The climax with the creature runs havoc in Rome and climbs the colosseum (paying homage to King Kong) is amazing to watch and I would recommend it. Fun fact the creature was originally planed to be a cyclops but was later changed. But the cyclops design was later used in The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad.

My score: Four stars.

Anime Review: Fairy Tail

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Release date: October 12th 2009  - December 26th 2015 (Japanese release). September 30th 2010 - November 10th 2015 (English release. Unfinished). Seven seasons, two hundred and sixty five episodes.

Story: In the mythical kingdom of Fiore in the magical universe known as Earth-Land, people have the ability to perform magic and become great and powerful wizards. And thus were able to form Wizard guilds. These guilds offer magical skills for paid jobs. These are the stories of the Fairy Tail guild. Whose members include the fiery Natsu Dragneel, the heart warming Lucy Heartfilia, the ice cool Gray Fullbuster, the fearsome Erza Scarlet, and Happy the cat.

My thoughts: If you mix Lord of the rings, Dungeons and Dragons, a little bit of Harry Potter, and just blend it all with fantasy anime, Fairy Tail will be the resulting smoothie that you would get. This anime is amazing. From the characters and scenery to the story arcs and voice talent. If you are an anime fan then I would recommend this for you.

My score: Five stars.

Monday 5 March 2018

Film Review: Benemoth the sea monster (a.k.a The Giant Behemoth).

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Release date: March 1959.

Story: When hundreds of radioactive fish wash up dead on the beaches of England, an American scientist is called to help investigate the mystery. Soon reports of a giant dinosaur have been sighted all across the coast and so the scientist orders the closer of the river Thames in order to protect London. But the monster ends up in London and wreaks havoc on the city. Will they be able to stop the Behemoth before it's too late? Watch the movie to find out.

My thoughts: This movie is similar to The Beast from 20.000 fathoms. In that its about a giant dinosaur wreaking havoc on a city. The stop motion effects were done by Willis O'Brian (The mentor of Ray Harryhausen and who did the stop motion effects for King Kong, The Lost World, and The Black Scorpion). This is a great movie for those who like giant monster movies.

My score: Four stars.

Film Review: Chopping Mall

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Release date: March 21st 1986.

Story: A shopping centre in California has recently upgraded it's security when it purchases three robots to act as security guards. But things go haywire when an electrical storm causes the three robots to malfunction and go on a killing spree on their first night. Which spells danger when a group of teenagers decided to break into the centre and party all night. Can they survive the night with three killer robots running around? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: This is a good movie. I have to admit the movie's poster does mislead people into thinking that is something like Halloween or Friday the 13th. But the robots are cool and it is funny when after they shoot someone with their lasers, they say "Thank you and have a nice day" afterwards.

My score: Four stars.

Sunday 4 March 2018

Film Review: Planet of the Apes

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Release date: February 8th 1968.

Story: When their spacecraft crash lands on a unknown planet, three astronauts (one named Taylor and played by Charlton Heston) escape the wreckage and explore the desert surroundings. But then they discover that the planet they are on is in fact a planet of super intelligent apes. And soon Taylor and his friends are captured by the apes. Only Taylor survives and he soon makes friends with two chimpanzee scientists. Can Taylor escape his captors and somehow escape from the planet of the apes? Watch the film and find out.

My thoughts: This is a great movie. The makeup effects and the characters are great and the story is also good. And the twist ending is one of the most famous movie scenes of all time. This movie has spawned four sequels, a tv series, a cartoon series, a remake by Tim Burton, a trilogy remake, and tons of merchandise. I would recommend this for any sci fi fans.

My score: Four stars.

Saturday 3 March 2018

Film Review: It came from beneth the sea

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Release date: July 1955.

Story: When a submarine is attacked by an unknown source, a three teamed marine biologists discover that the attacker was in fact a giant octopus. But the military officials scoff at the idea. But when swimmers and boats begin to disappear, they then stop all boating traffic in the North Pacific. Then the octopus begins to attack people on beaches and then makes it's way to San Francisco. Can everyone be able to stop this monster from reeking havoc on San Francisco before it's too late? Watch the film and find out.

My thoughts: Another great Ray Harryhausen movie. The special effects are great and there is a lot of suspense in this movie. The scene where the octopus attacks the Golden Gate bridge is one of the movie's most famous scenes. So this film I would recommend for any giant monster film or just a fan of Ray Harryhausen movies.

My score: Four stars.

Friday 2 March 2018

Film Review: Gorgo

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Release date: November 27th 1961.

Story: While salvaging sunken treasure off the coast of Ireland, two divers encounter a giant  dinosaur like monster who the locals named Gorgo. After managing to capture the monster, they then take Gorgo to London, England and is a major attraction. But as it turns out that Gorgo is an infant. And his mother is on her way to rescue him.

My thoughts: This movie is awesome. Gorgo is the British version of Godzilla and it shows. The special effects are amazing and the final act as Gorgo's mother rampaging through London is also amazing. I hope that Legendary gets the rights to Gorgo and put him in their Kaiju cinematic universe.

My score: Five stars.

TV Review: The Real Ghostbusters

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Release date: September 13th 1986 - October 5th 1991 (Seven seasons. 140 episodes).

Story: A cartoon continuation of the Ghostbusters's movie. Where the ghostbusters (Peter, Ray, Egon, and Winston) continue to battle ghosts and other supernatural threats to New York city. Along with their friends Janine the secretary and Slimer the greedy ghost.

My thoughts: This is a great show. The first two seasons are amazing with great stories, amazing and scary ghosts, and well liked characters. But it starts to go downhill at the start of season three. As the creators were told to change characters, put a certain secondary character into the foreground, add bits in that were unnecessary, and recast the voice actors. But apart from that it is a great show and I would recommend it.

(For more information, check out the many reviews of The Real Ghostbusters by Phelous.)

My score: Seasons 1 and 2: Five stars. Seasons 3 to 7: Two stars. 

Thursday 1 March 2018

Film Review: Mothra

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Release date: July 30th 1961 (Japanese release), May 10th 1962 (US release).

Story: When a group of scientists explore an uncharted island, they discover two tiny women who say that are the high priestesses of their god Mothra. Thinking that it's just a fairy story, a tycoon kidnaps them and forces them to sing as part of a major attraction. But what the tycoon doesn't realise is that Mothra is very much real. And she will do anything to rescue her high priestesses.

My thoughts: This is a really good movie. The puppetry with Mothra (both her lava and adult forms) are amazing and the human characters are also good. I did enjoy the song that the high priestesses sing that calls out to Mothra (and all of the other versions in the other movies). If you are a Godzilla fan or a fan of giant monster movies in general, then I would recommend giving this a watch.

My score: Five stars.