Monday 26 March 2018

Film Review: The Invisble Man

See the source image

Release date: November 13th 1933.

Story: A scientist named Dr Jack Griffin has discovered a way of becoming invisible. He then moves to a small town in order to find a way of turning visible again. But due to the side effects of the first formula and the constant nosey residents of the town, Griffin begins to suffer violent outbursts and soon reveals to the world that he is invisible. Can Griffin's fellow scientists be able to stop Griffin before he goes too far? Watch the movie to find out.

My thoughts: This was the first of the Universal horror icons that I have watched and my personal favourite. Released the same year as King Kong, it is a amazing achievement for the special effects at that time. Claude Rains plays the character Jack Griffin amazingly. The other characters are great as well and this movie blends comedy with suspense and thrillers. So I would recommend this for those who are a fan of H.G Wells stories. 

My score: Five stars

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