Thursday 8 March 2018

Film Review: Robocop

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Release date: July 17th 1987.

Story: In the far future, the American city of Detroit, Michigan is over run with crime. When trying to arrest a group of criminals at their hideout, Officer Alex Murphy was gunned down by the criminals and dies. But then a company named OCP brings him back to life by turning him into a cyborg police officer named Robocop. And he proves to be a big hit. But then he starts to get memories of his murder and the criminals who killed him. Will he be able to bring them to justice yet uphold the law as well? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: One of the greatest movies of the 80's. The jokes can be corny at times but it makes up for in it's action. This film does have a lot of blood and gore and also some things that viewers might find disturbing or unconfutable. Robocop looks cool and the robot ED-209 is awesome. If you are into Sci Fi and action films, Then I would recommend this.

My score: Five stars.

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