Wednesday 14 March 2018

Film Review: Jaws

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Release date: June 20th 1975.

Story: A dead body of a half eaten woman washes ashore near the small seaside town of Amity Island, leading their chief of police Martin Brody to suspect that a rouge shark has arrived at the seaside. But the mayor tells him not to warn the town due to the 4th of July celebrations that bring loads of people to the town. But as the shark claims more victims, the townsfolk can no longer put up with it and Brody teams up with a Marine Biologist and a Shark hunter in order to stop the shark. Will they be able to defeat it or will they get eaten? Watch the film and find out.

My thoughts: This is the movie that (I may be wrong) started the whole summer blockbuster. And was the highest grossing film of that time before Star Wars came along. The shark effects can be laughable at times but at the time, this movie scared a lot of viewers. They did the thing where you don't see the shark until the climax and the suspense is good. The characters are also great and if you like shark movies, then this should be number one on the list. This movie also started the (I may be wrong again) whole Eco Horror genre (a.k.a nature horror movies like Grizzly, Venom, Alligator, The Swarm, and the Day of the Animals). 

My score: Five stars.

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