Monday 5 March 2018

Film Review: Chopping Mall

See the source image

Release date: March 21st 1986.

Story: A shopping centre in California has recently upgraded it's security when it purchases three robots to act as security guards. But things go haywire when an electrical storm causes the three robots to malfunction and go on a killing spree on their first night. Which spells danger when a group of teenagers decided to break into the centre and party all night. Can they survive the night with three killer robots running around? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: This is a good movie. I have to admit the movie's poster does mislead people into thinking that is something like Halloween or Friday the 13th. But the robots are cool and it is funny when after they shoot someone with their lasers, they say "Thank you and have a nice day" afterwards.

My score: Four stars.

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