Thursday 1 March 2018

Film Review: Mothra

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Release date: July 30th 1961 (Japanese release), May 10th 1962 (US release).

Story: When a group of scientists explore an uncharted island, they discover two tiny women who say that are the high priestesses of their god Mothra. Thinking that it's just a fairy story, a tycoon kidnaps them and forces them to sing as part of a major attraction. But what the tycoon doesn't realise is that Mothra is very much real. And she will do anything to rescue her high priestesses.

My thoughts: This is a really good movie. The puppetry with Mothra (both her lava and adult forms) are amazing and the human characters are also good. I did enjoy the song that the high priestesses sing that calls out to Mothra (and all of the other versions in the other movies). If you are a Godzilla fan or a fan of giant monster movies in general, then I would recommend giving this a watch.

My score: Five stars.

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