Sunday 14 February 2016

Valentines special

My date with Kurumu.

Gary Matrix stood at the edge of the forest early that evening. The sun was setting over the trees, giving it a glowing red look. Gary sighed and looked at his watch for the sixth time. Half past five. "She is running late" he thought to himself "I could never understand that girl" Gary had been waiting for an hour and a half now and he was getting a little annoyed. This wasn't the first time that his was kept waiting. He was just about to phone her to see if she is alright when he heard the familiar flap, flap of wings. Gary looked up to see his date flying towards him. "I'm sorry I am late Gary" Kurumu said landing next to him "I missed the bus and had to fly here" The nineteen year old girl with blue hair retracted her wings under her tight jumper and adjusted her long socks. "Well I'm glad that you're here Kurumu" Gary said smiling "I was about to give up. Now we can get going on our date. Oh and by the way these are for you" Gary handed her a bunch of flowers and a Valentines day card. "Thank you Gary" Kurumu said taking them from him. She read the card as they walked along the dusty path back to town. It was getting late now and the night was closing in. Kurumu loved her card and showed it by holding onto Gary's arm as they walked into town. It would be a lie if Gary said that he didn't like it.

"So where first?" Gary said "It's your treat so you get to decide where to go" "Lets start with dinner" Kurumu said "flying really make you hungry" "Ok then" Gary said and they went off to the restaurant. After they were shown to their table (a quiet corner table where they were alone), they ordered their drinks. "Gary?" Kurumu said as the waiter went to get their drinks "may I ask you something?" "Sure" Gary said "what is it?" "How long have we been seeing each other?" Kurumu said "err.... about three weeks now" Gary said thinking "I could remember that it was a Tuesday that we met....." "Gary!" Kurumu said "be serious please. Yes we have been dating for three weeks but that's not the point. I am a succubus. A female demon that lures males with their attractiveness and then (after a long night of passion) eats them alive. I told you this when we went out the third time. Doesn't that make you feel strange?" Gary thought for a bit when the waiter brought over their drinks. After the waiter had left, he said "Kurumu. The fact that you're a succubus doesn't make me feel weird. I had always admired you as a wonderful person. I never known how much you meant to me until that time I rescued you from that minotaur" "Hey!" Kurumu said "I was doing fine until you showed up. I got that giant freak where I wanted" "Kurumu, he had your head under his foot!" Gary said "he was about to crush it until I ran up and knocked him off his feet" "Well I did say thank you didn't I?" Kurumu said. Gary paused and then said "yes you did" They sipped their drinks in silence for a while. Then Kurumu said "it was kind of you to protect me like that. You managed to distract it long enough for me to get to safety. While Tsukune was rescuing Moka" She said that last bit with a slight anger in her voice. "Well she was trapped under a tree" Gary said "he couldn't leave her like that" "Yeah but I was in more danger than her!" Kurumu said "When he went to rescue Moka, I lost all respect for all men. But then you came and saved me. You made me realise that not all men are bad"  Kurumu reached over and hold Gary's hand. "Gary.... I love you" she said. Her cheeks going red with embarrassment. Gary felt embarrassed too. This was the first time in his life that a girl had said this to him. What should he say in return? Then he knew what to say. "Kurumu..... I love you too" he said smiling. He lent forward and kissed Kurumu on her hand (making her blush even redder). They then ordered their food and spent the rest of the time chatting about resent events in their lives.

After their meal, they went to a nightclub and danced the night away. Kurumu was a great dancer and practically swept Gary off his feet. This was the most wonderful time in both of their lives. Then came the moment that they were dreading. The time for them to go home. Gary decided to walk Kurumu back to Yokai academy. Gary was one of a few humans who know of the academy's existence and had kept it a secret from the rest of the world. As they walked, they continued to talk. "Thank you for a lovely time Gary" Kurumu said "Hey it's alright" Gary said "anything for my girl" "Gary please!" Kurumu said half giggling "I'm too embarrassed as it is". They continued to walk for a long time until Kurumu asked "Do you want to take our relationship to the next level Gary?" Gary looked at her. She was so beautiful in the moon light. "I thought we already are? Aren't we?" Kurumu looked at her boyfriend. "I feel like we are" she said "but I want to know what you think. Should we or not?" Gary thought about it. And then said "I think I will like that". Kurumu smiled and (with a sudden burst of excitement and energy) leapt onto Gary and began to make out with him. Poor Gary was pinned up against a tree. But then he gave in and began to kiss her too. They kissed for a long time. Then they stopped and they continued towards Yokai academy. Which was now in sight. After several more steps, they reached the girls dorm. "I'm afraid I have finals to study for the rest of the month Gary" Kurumu said "but afterwards I am free. So how about another date some time next month?" "Certainly" Gary said "I'll be looking forward to it". "Well see yah" Kurumu said and (after kissing Gary again) she went inside. Gary watched her go inside and then went on his way. Gary and Kurumu were definitely an item and very soon they will be a couple. Gary loved Kurumu and she loved him back. And that is why we have Valentines Day. So that we can show how much we love our loved ones.

Happy Valentines day everyone.

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