Tuesday 2 February 2016

Sailor Moon meets the Puppet Master 11

Chapter 11: The Puppet Master vs The Toy Maker:

Serena was trying again to untie herself. But it was no use. She had tried everything. From trying to force herself out of the wrapping paper to biting the paper. But everything she did hadn’t work. She then gave up and began to cry. This is truly the end of her and the Sailor Scouts. She thought that this day would never come. But it has and now she must accept it. “Hey why the tears?” said a voice. Serena looked up and tried to see who was talking to her. She knew the voice all too well. “Ami!?” she said “Is that you?!” “Yes it is” Ami said “Now hold still while I just….” She began to untie the wrappings around Serena. In a little time later Serena was freed and soon they began to untie the others. One by one Lita, Rei, and Mina all woke up and were told about the situation. “So this clown freak wants to take over the world?” Mina said “that’s nothing we can handle” “I doubt it” Serena said “I could sense that the clown is too powerful. More powerful than anything we had encountered before. And I regret to say this but we can’t face it alone” “We not going to” Ami said “Gary and his puppets are already helping us. Also Darien is looking for your Sailor wands and together we can defeat this freak” “Yeah about that…..” Lita said. She went over to Ami and (to the astonishment of Rei, Mina, and Serena) she flung her arms around Ami and hugged her tightly. “I’m sorry!” she said “I’m sorry for everything I’ve said. It was completely heartless of me to say that you’ve betrayed us and joined the Negaveres. I’ll understand if you don’t ever forgive me. But I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for everything” Ami was taken aback by all this. Then she too hugged her friend. “Even though those things you’ve said really did hurt me” she said “you four are still my friends. I forgive you. All of you” “Ami” Serena said “I’m sorry too that I forced you out of the Sailor Scouts. With everything that happened to us, I didn’t know what to think. So… you would like to re-join us?” “More than anything!” Ami said happily. “Well, well, well” said a voice. Everyone looked to see the clown standing just behind them. “Looks like I have all four of you in my possession. Now the fun can really begin!” “Gee you think!” Serena said “You failed to realise that we are now free and ready to beat the crap out of you! IN THE NAME OF THE MOON WE WILL PUNISH YOU!” “But YOU failed to realise that only your blue friend has her sailor wand” the clown said “so it will be extremely difficult for you to try and defeat me!” “We don’t care” Ami said “we may be depowered right now but we’ll do anything to protect our friends, love ones, and future generations before us!” Everyone looked at Ami. This was a very brave thing for her to do. Normally it would take all of them to say brave things like that (that doesn’t say that they were brave themselves) but it takes more courage for one to protect their friends who just turned their backs on them. And for the first time since they met it, the clown was slightly less smug about this. But then it grinned again. “Well then” it said “I think that this is gonna be fun!” It then began to advance on the five girls. Only Ami can protect her friends against the clown. But what they didn’t know is that Ami had back up. And timing couldn’t be better because the large doors on the other side of the warehouse were blown apart.

Everyone (apart from Ami) jumped at this. “WHAT THE?” the clown said running to see what caused the explosion. Ami and the others also went to see. And all of them arrived to see a silhouette of a figure stepping through the smoke. And as the smoked cleared, everyone saw who it was. “I don’t really like the idea of a fat git like you terrorising a group of girls like that!” Gary said stopping just forty yards away from the clown “Especially when my girlfriend is one of them!” (Ami literally blushed at this). The clown growled angrily at this new comer. “WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!” it said “YOU DARE MOCK ME!” It then began to rant and rave insanely. But failed to notice Gary signalling to Ami to take the girls and flee. Ami nodded and the girls ran off. Gary then turned back to the clown and said “My you don’t have any control over your temper don’t you” The clown stopped ranting and glared at Gary. “Well then” it said getting back to its sinister style of voice “it looks like there’s one more to me to kill” “Well if I am to die” Gary said “would you mind telling me who you are?” “I am Bobo the toy maker!” the clown said “and who are you again?” “I am Gary Matrix” Gary said loudly “The Puppet Master!” And with that, all of his puppets stepped out from the demolished door. Well not all of them. Two of them are on a mission of their own. The clown looked at the puppets with amazement. “What is this?” it said laughing “your back up? Tiny figures? You must be mad to try and……” The clown was cut short when a brick hit it in its face. It fell to the ground clutching its face in pain. Gary glanced at Pin-Head (he had thrown the brick) “Thank you” Gary said “I needed that. But remember the plan ok. Darien, Tunneler, and Jester need time to locate the Sailor wands. So we need to distract this thing long enough…..” “WHAT THERE’S OTHERS?” the clown said. He then yelled at the top of its lungs “WE HAVE INTRUDERS IN THE BASE. FIND THEM AND KILL THEM!” And from everywhere in the base, toys of all descriptions came pouring out from crates and boxes. From toy soldiers to creepy looking dolls, they began to swarm everywhere like insects. Gary groaned to himself. Why didn’t he keep his mouth shut? But anyway he then gave his puppets their orders. “PUPPETS ATTTACK!” he said and the puppets attacked. The battle had just begun.
Meanwhile elsewhere, Darien was looking various other rooms in another part of the warehouse. He was looking for the stolen sailor wands that he hoped might be in one of these offices. But so far he had no luck. Nor did the two puppets that Gary lent him. “Did you find anything?” Darien asked as Jester and Tunneler met up with him in the corridor. Both of them shook their heads. Jester even spun his head so that his “sorry” face was showing. “It is ok guys” Darien said “I’m having no luck ether. I’m beginning to think that they are not here at all……” He stopped as he noticed a door at the end of the corridor. Darien hadn’t notice this door before. Maybe they are in there? Darien headed towards the door with Jester and Tunneler following behind. Darien pushed open the door and entered quietly. The room was empty except for a table. And on the table were the sailor wands! “There they are!” Darien said going over to the table. Quickly he picked them up and put them in his inside pocket. “Right” he said “now I have to get back to Gary. Luckily he’s with the girls by now” But then he heard a comical yet creepy laugh. Darien turned to see…. A creepy rabbit toy. “What’s yah doing?” it said in a voice that came straight from a 1950’s children’s show. “What is it to you?” Darien said “you are stealing the wands aren’t you?!” the rabbit said “I’m afraid that can’t happen” it then picked up a basket of Easter eggs and selected two of them. It then thrown them at Darien who ducked out of the way. But these were no ordinarily eggs. They exploded as soon as they hit something. Darien was blinded by the flashes. He had to take shelter behind the table as the rabbit threw more exploding eggs. But then Jester attacked the rabbit. He had spun his head and selected the angry face. Jester punched the rabbit and then whacked the basket of eggs out of reach. Darien watched as the puppet then grabbed the rabbit’s paws and hold it back. Then Tunneler stepped forward. The drill on his head began to spin wildly. Then lowering his head, Tunneler charged at the rabbit. The drill went straight into the rabbit and (after some time) it a circuit. The rabbit went up in a ball of flames and fell dead on the floor. Darien got up from behind the table and looked at the burnt out remains of the psycho rabbit. Jester and Tunneler both looked up at Darien with a “what now?” look on their faces. “I can see why Gary likes you lot” he said. The puppets nodded in response. Darien made a mental note to stay on their good sides and all three of them went off to find the girls.

Meanwhile there was chaos back in the warehouse. Puppets fighting toys and toys fighting puppets. With humans caught in-between. Ami and Gary did their best to protect the others. But it wasn’t easy seeing that the toys vary in size and shape. Rei found herself against a corner by a savage teddy bear. The same savage teddy bear that kidnapped her in the first place. It swiped at Rei and tore at her skirt. But then Blade dashed over and pushed Rei out of the way. Then Blade and the teddy bear went at it savagely. Swiping at each other with blades and claws. But finally Blade got his hook into the bear. Within seconds the bear was in shreds. Rei thanked Blade for rescuing her and she went to find a safe place. Meanwhile Lita was annoyed. “Let go of me!” she said as she flung a ragdoll off of her. But then she heard a voice from behind her. “Hey hot head” it said “just chill would you?” Lita turned to see a creepy looking snowman standing right behind her. It was holding icicles in its hands like daggers and it was grinning madly. “What do you want pal?” Lita said “Oh I just want to show my cold side” the snowman said. But before it could do anything, something small walked in-between it and Lita. It looked up at the snowman and raised its stumpy right arm. “And what do they call you?” the snowman said “Twinkle toes?” Torch ignored the question and activated his flamethrower. The snowman was engulf in a fireball and melted within seconds. Lita thanked Torch and went to find Rei. Elsewhere Gary was having trouble with a giant slinky. It wrapped itself around his throat and was choking him. Ami noticed this and ran over to help Gary. With Ami’s help, Gary managed to tare the slinky off of him and threw it away. Ami then gave Gary a quick kiss then she ran off to save Serena from a singing doll. Blade and Pin-Head were also having difficulties. Pin-head had just encountered a robot and was having difficulty trying to defeat it. Blade then jumped on its back and managed to distract it long enough in order for Pin-Head to break its arms off. Miss Leech was also fighting alongside her friends. She didn’t have any fighting skills but her special trick is that she can vomit up legions of leeches and send them out to do her bidding. Which came in use when she had to fight off a large clockwork spider. Rei and Lita managed to find a stack of crates and hid behind them. “This is insane” Rei said “I hate not having my sailor wand with me. I would clean out this place” “me too” Lita said “I just hope that our wands would be found soon so we can get on the action……” “HELP ME SOMEONE!” someone shouted. Lita and Rei looked over the crates to see Mina. She was in danger. A Jack in the box had freed itself from its box and had wrapped itself (like a snake) around Mina. “I CAN’T GET THIS THING OFF OF ME!” she was yelling “I CAN’T BREATHE!” “Don’t worry Mina!” Lita said “we’re coming!” She and Rei jumped over the crates and ran over to help their friend. But the jack in the box was more savage then they thought. It then bit Lita on her hand. But its triumph didn’t last because tiny bullets began to bounce off its head. Six-Shooter was letting loose a fury of bullets at the jack in a box and eventually it let go of Mina. The Jack in the box then went after Six-Shooter who was still firing at while Lita and Rei carried Mina to safety. Six-Shooter then continued to fight the Jack in the box and managed to defeat it by blowing its head off. Six-Shooter then did the traditional cowboy trick (spinning his guns and then placing them back in their holders) and then went off to help his allies. 

Serena was behind the crates when Lita and Rei arrived with Mina being supported between them. “Is she ok?” Serena asked as they laid her down. “She just needs to get her breath back” Lit said “Oh I wish I had my sailor wand with me! I really want to get back at those toys!” “Me too!” Rei said “this is our fight and we are reduced to the typical damsels in distress” “If only Darien can retrieve our sailor wands” Serena said “then we can help Ami and Gary. But at the moment we must keep our heads down….” Suddenly the crates were flung everywhere. Gary it seems had been thrown against the crates and now the only safe haven they had was demolished. “Oh man sorry” Gary said getting off of Lita (who both liked and disliked a boy landing on her). Then there was a loud yell. The clown had caught Ami and was now holding her up by the neck. “Not so powerful now are you!” it was saying. “AMI!” Gary yelled as he saw her in danger. Hearing this, the clown then lowered Ami to the ground and stood behind her (still holding on to her from behind) “Don’t get any ideas pal!” the clown said. It then produced a long knife from its sleeve and hold the blade against Ami’s throat. “Make any move what so ever and I’ll slice her up!” it said. “DON’T YOU DARE!” Gary said. He was about to lunge at the clown but Lita grabbed his arms and hold him back. “Don’t Gary!” Lita said “it’s no use!” “LET GO OF ME!” Gary demanded. Serena looked at him. He had tears in his eyes! Is it possible that he had feelings for Ami? He was determined to rescue her from that clown. Serena then heard Ami calling out to him. “Gary please” she was saying “listen to Lita. Stay back”. Gary didn’t want to, but did as he was told. “That’s a good boy” the clown said “now you can stay there and….. WATCH YOUR FRIEND DIE!” It raise the knife up and was ready to plunge it into Ami’s throat.

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