Wednesday 3 February 2016

Sailor Moon meets the Puppet Master 14


In the far off distant future of the next millennium, there was a gigantic city. A city that was built years after the apocalypse. But this city was that of peace and tranquillity. This city was called Crystal Tokyo. And it was the capital of the world. Many of the buildings were futuristic in their design and even the transport was futuristic. But was most impressive was the crystal palace. Looking like shards of pinkish purple crystals, it can be located in the centre of the kingdom. And that is where the now grown up Serena and Darien lived with their daughter Rini. Also located at random places in the city are similar crystal palaces. But these were smaller and simpler than the main palace. These four are of different colours. One green, one orange, one red, and one blue. These are the homes of the other sailor scouts. Rei, Ami, Lita, and Mina (although since Lita married the now King Midnight, she had to keep going in-between ruling a kingdom and serving a kingdom). And as you guessed, Ami lived in the blue crystal palace with Gary (who was now her husband) and their two children Andre and Naoko. Even though it was the next millennium, Both Gary and Ami were alive and well. And also in their early thirties (due to a fact that there was a mystical element in the air that made everyone immortal). 

One late afternoon, Gary was teaching Andre (who also went by the name Alex. Due to the fact the most of his teachers and friends can't pronounce French names) the ways of being a puppeteer. “You’re really getting the hang of it” he said as Andre managed to make his puppet dance “some more lessons and you’ll be ready when we perform for Rini’s birthday” “Thank you dad” Andre said "but I don't think that I am ever going to be as good as you are" "Hey come on Andre" Gary said "you are getting there. I mean this is the ninth time you didn't give up half way through. And also the fourth time that you didn't storm off in a temper. I'm proud of you. But son you don't have to do the same job as me. You can be what ever you want" Andre looked at his father. "Thank you dad" he said smiling "but I do want to become an entertainer just like you. I see the happiness on your face when you perform at the theatre. When you make the audience either laugh or cry or gasp. I also want to do that for people. I mean it's either that or become a doctor like mum. But I don't want to poke around peoples insides" "I understand Andre" Gary said "it also makes me feel queasy. Especially after she went into great details about a heart transplant that she had to perform on Darien" he shuddered at the thought. From a shelf just overlooking them, Gary’s puppets looked down at Gary and his son. Yes every one of them are still alive and intact. Blade, Pin-Head, Six-Shooter, Torch, Tunneler, Jester, Miss Leech, General Cyclops, Doctor Death, Nurse Mercury, and Ninja were given the freedom to walk about the palace and the shelf was now their new home. Only the Decapitron wasn’t present (only because it was deactivated) and sadly Oracle was no longer with them. 

After half an hour Andre’s lesson was over and Gary took his son to the kitchen for a milkshake. As they walked along the hallway, the front doors opened and Ami (now sporting a short ponytail and glasses)  and Naoko walked in. “Hello you two” Gary said seeing them entering “how have you been?” “Great thank you” Ami said “we’ve got some news for you!” “Really?!” Gary said “what is it?” “Tell them Naoko” Ami said. “I’ve past!” Naoko said “I’ve past my final test!” “Really?!” Gary said “how wonderful!” “Yes it is!” Ami said “now Naoko is a member of the Junior Sailor Scouts” She then looked down to congratulate her daughter again, only to notice that she was beginning to cry. “Oh darling what’s the matter?” she said hugging her. “Has it been too much for you?” Gary said. Naoko looked at her father and nodded. “Andre why don’t you take your sister into the living room and play a game or something?” Gary said to Andre “I’ll bring you both a milkshake each” “Ok dad” Andre said and he led Naoko to the living room. 

“You’ve handled that very well” Ami said closing the front doors. “Yeah my father did the same thing” Gary said. Then he and Ami secretly had a kiss in the hallway. "I've got something for you" Gary said feeling around in his top coat pocket. Ami looked on as her husband brought out a small velvet case. "Happy anniversary honey" Gary said handing it over to her. Ami opened it to find a blue crystal neckless inside. "Oh my god Gary this must have cost you a fortune!" she said "and you remembered as well!" She threw herself on Gary and hugged him tightly. "Happy anniversary too Gary" she said "I'm sorry but I was the one to forget this year. I'll make us a perfect dinner to make up for it" "No need" Gary said "I have booked us a table at Le Cigare Volante for dinner. Then perhaps we could take a romantic stroll in the park afterwoulds?" "That's wonderful Gary" Ami said "but what about Andre and Naoko?" "I asked Mina and Itachi and they said that they would be happy to babysit for us" Gary said. Ami felt tears in her eyes. "You are such a wonderful person Gary" she said hugging Gary again "I knew I did the right thing in marrying you and having your children" She kissed Gary more passionately and then said “well if it’s alright for you, I’m going to have a shower before getting ready” She smiled and went on her way. As she walked she then said “and no peaking you two” before heading upstairs. Gary looked to see Blade and Pin-Head peering round the corner. Obviously Ami was talking to them. Gary laughed and then went off to get his children their milkshakes. That was basically what life’s was like since Ami met Gary. And to be completely honest, life couldn’t be happier.
The End

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