Tuesday 2 February 2016

Sailor Moon meets the Puppet Master 10

Chapter 10: The Sinister Toy Maker:
Serena stirred and woke up in a cold disused warehouse. She had no idea how she got there or why she was there. But then everything came flying back to her. The creepy snowman, Mina in trouble, Darien being thrown out of a window, and then…. Serena couldn’t remember anything else afterwards. She looked around herself and saw her friends. All tied up like Christmas presents. Serena found this slightly comical. Until she found herself tied up in the same way. She tried to loosen the straps on her bondages but it was no good. Serena was about to wonder how to escape and free her friends until she heard someone talking. Whatever was talking, it wasn’t human. “So you have four of them?” it was saying “that means that there is still one left. Still that can wait. Show me the four that you’ve already caught” Serena then began to hear footstep. But these footsteps are heavy and squelchy. Then something came into view from behind a stack of empty crates. It was a group of toy soldiers. Serena sighed with relief. But then something else followed behind them that made her terrified again. It was a clown. A big clown. A big, obese, demonic clown with a face that looks half melted and with teeth that were sharp and crooked. “Arrr… you must be Serena” it said “a.k.a Sailor Moon, a.k.a Neo Queen Serenity. Future queen of Earth!” “That’s right” Serena said “and who are you?” “Forgive me” the clown said “how rude of me for not introducing myself. My name is Bobo. The Toy Maker!” Serena didn’t react to this. Seriously that was the best name it could come up with? Ok its appearance is horrifying to look at but it could get a better sounding name. But the clown was still talking so Serena went back to listening. “I have learnt so much from you and your previous battles. Queen Beryl, the Death Moon Clan, the Heart Snatchers, the Dead Moon Circus and the Shadow Galatica. And now it’s my turn” “Your turn?” Serena said “your turn to do what?” “To conquer the world of course” The clown said “I have an infinite army of toys at my command that will, given time, will dominate the whole world. But then I realised that only you and your friends would be the only obstacle in my way. So I decided to take you lot out. One by one. So far I have managed to capture you and these three” He waved his hand in the direction of Lita, Rei, and Mina. Serena then realised that Ami was the only one left. At least she will come to their rescue….. Oh wait. Ever since she and everyone else declared that she was no longer a Sailor Scout, Ami had been advoiding them ever since. And she was extremely sad about this. Would she come to rescue them after what they had done? Dose she even know about this? Will this be the end of Serena and her…“WILL YOU LISTEN TO ME WHEN I’M TALKING TO YOU!?” the clown screamed in Serena’s ear. Covering her face with saliva. “I’ll have great pleasure in killing you” the clown said “better yet I might turn you into my personal Barbie doll” The clown then grinned. Serena was now desperate to get untied and send this clown back to where ever it came from. But she needed to keep it talking so it wouldn’t notice. So she then said “So you want to take over the world right? Well you are the only one who had done their homework. Getting rid of us one by one was a good decision you’ve made. But you should had killed us when you’ve had the chance. Because you’ve made the biggest mistake ever in keeping us alive” “Oh have I?” The clown said “because I was just planning on ways on killing you. I had sent some of my servants ahead of me before my arrival so they can spy on you and learn about you lot. You know to see if you have any weaknesses. Haven’t you seen any suspicious activity for the past few months?” Now that it come to mention it, Serena had heard some suspicious rumours. About small figures spying on everyone at the college. She and her friends thought that it was Gary’s doing. And that thought grew stronger when they found out that he had living puppets. So if it weren’t them then it was this abomination’s toys. Serena then made a mental note to apologise to Gary. But then the clown started talking again. “I have plenty of ways of dispatching you and your friends” it said “And if you are wondering where your Sailor wands are…. Well I’m not going to tell you” Then he laughed loudly. Serena was both horrified and a little annoyed by everything the clown had said. It wants to conquer the world with a killer toy army. That sounds like something out of a weird low budget B movie. Serena just hoped that Ami would forgive her and rescue both her and the others. If she knew about it. 

But what she didn’t know is that Ami was already about to rescue her. Because just overlooking the hanger was a series of large windows. And that’s where both Blade and Six-Shooter were when the clown was giving its speech about world domination. Quickly and silently they slipped off the sloping roof and headed towards a small hut just close to the warehouse. And inside was were Ami, Darien, Gary, and the rest of the puppets were hiding. Jester was on watch. Looking out from the little window he could see everything. And he saw Blade and Six-Shooter heading towards them. Jester spun his head and stopped at his happy face. He then turned and signalled to Gary that they are coming. “Oh thank god” Gary said opening the door to let them in. “So what did you discover?” Ami said as they stood in a circle around the only light there is (which was a rubbish bin filled with paper that Torch had set alight). Blade and Six-Shooter did their best to explain what they have seen and heard. Gary was the only one that understood what they were saying. “Serena and the others are safe but there is a demonic clown that wants to take over the world using killer toys” he translated. “Oh god this sounds familiar” Darien said “what do you mean by that?” Gary said “let’s just say that we’ve encountered something similar before Gary” Ami said “well other sailor scouts have. Just before we encountered Queen Nehelenia” Gary nodded. He didn’t admit it but he was nervous. Not that he was about to go into battle. But because he had just awaken one of his grandfather’s most powerful puppet. The Decapitron. It stood quietly with the other puppets and they too were well aware of its presents. Gary must use it carefully. Otherwise it would be disastrous. He didn’t want it to overload with power and take out the whole of Tokyo. “So do we have a plan or something?” Darien said interrupting Gary’s thoughts. “Not at the moment” Gary said “just let me think”. And he began to plan something that would lead to the ultimate showdown in both of their history. And with the lives of everyone on the planet at stake, they just had to win.

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