Tuesday 2 February 2016

Sailor Moon meets the Puppet Master 8

Chapter 8: Something sinister this way comes:
It had been three weeks since Ami was cast out by her friends. And it had been miserable. Not wanting to stay at her apartment at the girls dorm any more (only because her friends were also staying there), Ami had moved into Gary’s spare room in his apartment and once there she threw herself into her work. She had passed her chemistry test and a few others with flying colours. But this did nothing to lift her spirits. Ami was beginning to feel like how she used to feel like before she met Serena. Someone who got good grades but didn’t have any friends. The only person who she can truly call her friend was Gary. He stood by her and helped her in any way he can. He even did most of the house work while Ami was studying. He also did the cooking and would even tell funny stories to Ami in an attempt to cheer her up. Even his puppets did their best to cheer Ami up too. Now and then Ami would look at a photograph of her and her friends. The photo was taken when they had graduated high school. Everyone was so happy back then. They made a packed since junior high that they all have a graduation photo taken together. But now that is no longer going to happen. Her friends made it clear that Ami was no longer a Sailor Scout nor their friend anymore. And they even been advoiding her in classes too. This was torture for Ami. Her friends were nearly in the same classes as her and she couldn’t go and talk to them. She wanted to but no. Ami even had to avoid them during their breaks and while they were going to different classes. Ami never thought that she would be dreading about going to school. She loved school but now it felt like going to a place of pain and misery. The only time she felt relaxed and happy was back at Gary’s apartment. Where she can find comfort with the only person who hasn’t turned their back to her. Gary was a real gentleman and always did his best to make the rest of the day happier for Ami. Ami was always thankful for Gary’s help. She didn’t know what it be like if she was alone (Far worse she thought). Ami’s feelings for Gary grew strong these past few weeks. And Gary even admitted that he was developing feelings for her as well. And it was right there and then where they had their first kiss. It was the happiest moment in both of their lives. Both nineteen years old and they were kissing for the first time. It was much needed relief for Ami. And Gary was happy to help her. The isolation from her friends sadly continued until the first snow of winter came just after November. When things began to get sinister.
It was the tenth day of December. Ami was helping Gary decorate his apartment. Gary was celebrating Christmas and wanted to get everything ready. Even though she didn’t celebrate this holiday, Ami was touched by the fact that Gary wanted to celebrate it with her. Even Gary’s puppets helped out. From Blade, Jester, and Tunneler helping with the decorations. To Six Shooter, Torch, and Pin-Head arguing on what music they should listen too. Ami just finished decorating one side of the tree that Gary insist they put up and stood back to admire her work. “I think I did very well” she said as Gary looked as well. “Very impressive” he said “I wish that you could say the same for my side” It was a bit of a mess. But Ami helped sort it out. Blade meanwhile had just told Six Shooter and Torch off for nearly getting into a fight. It was then when he heard a tapping on the balcony doors. Blade looked outside and saw shoulder deep in the snow…. Someone that he didn’t expect to see. Meanwhile Gary was helping Ami put the finishing touch to the tree. A big star that Ami had been given the privilege of placing it on the tree. Gary was holding her steady as she place it on the top when Blade wondered over and indicated that they were both needed. “What is it?” Gary asked as he and Ami were led into the kitchen. And that’s where they saw him. Artemis sitting on the counter, wrapped in a thick towel, trying not to sneeze. “Artemis!” Ami said “what are you doing here?” “Checking up on you” Artemis said “it has been so long since last time so I came to see you” “You came just to see me!” Ami said “yes” Artemis said “when Luna and I heard about what happened to you, we were shocked that Serena and the others could do that to you. Luna and I protested at this but seeing that Lita was injured and also angry that we didn’t continue. Only Luna knows that I’ve come here but I can’t stay for long otherwise I’ll be missed” Ami picked up the cold, wet cat and hugged him. “Thank you for coming over to see me” she said “I’m glad that you and Luna still think of me as a loyal friend” A tear trickle down her cheek. “Hey come on cheer up” Artemis said “it’s not going to last forever. And everything will come out in the wash” Ami didn’t quite agree with this but said thank you anyway. Gary left them two alone so they have some time to themselves. Ami and Artemis talked for at least forty-five minutes. It was like they had never met each other in a long time. If it wasn’t for the fact that Artemis reminded themselves that he needed to get back that they eventually stopped. Ami then took Artemis back to the balcony. “Thank you for coming to see me Artemis” Ami said as she let him out “It was kind of you. But I don’t want you to be found out. God knows what they’ll do to you” “Don’t worry Ami” Artemis said jumping onto the rails “I’m more cunning then you think” and with that he went off back to his place. Gary waited until Ami had closed the doors before saying “I only just realised something. Isn’t Artemis a girl’s name?”
It was getting dark when Artemis arrived back at Mina’s apartment. He had to avoid the traffic when he crossed the roads which was always a problem nowadays. Anyway he climbed up the drainpipe and tiptoed along the ledge towards Mina’s bedroom window. Luckily she left it open slightly to freshen up everything. And what is also lucky is that she wasn’t at home so he sneaked in without being noticed. Artemis made his way to the living room where Luna was curled up on the carpet. She noticed him as he settled down beside her. “How did it go?” she asked “is Ami ok?” “It’s like she has gotten over it so fast” Artemis said “but she still feels horrified about what happened. Gary is actually a decent guy and is helping out the best he can” “Yeah I am starting to regret saying that he is a member of the negaveres” Luna said “but all the same…” “Oh god enough already” Artemis said “I’m getting annoyed with all this conspiracy crap!” Ok, ok calm down!” Luna said “and since when did you started swearing?” “Only when I get annoyed” Artemis said. He sat next to his wife and then asked “by the way where is Mina and everyone?” “They’ve gone shopping” Luna said “they’ll be gone for hours. So that means that we have the place to ourselves. Perhaps we should get started with naming our kittens” “But they aren’t born yet” Artemis said “and besides I would rather try and think of an idea on how to get everyone to forgive Ami and get her back in the team” “We can’t” Luna said “we can’t force them to forgive her. Sad as it is we must let them forgive Ami in their own time. And haven’t you forgot what Blade did to Lita?!” Artemis sighed and nodded. “Ok then” he said “I suppose I have to bide my time” But what he or Luna didn’t know is that Ami’s homecoming would be sooner than expected.
Far off in the distant corner of Tokyo is the abandoned warehouse district. A large group of buildings that nobody used or needed (apart from the odd homeless person). They come in a variety and shapes and sizes. And it is in one of these warehouses where that thing arrived. An obese creature from parts unknown materialised and looked around to figure out where it was. It grinned to itself as it was satisfied by its surroundings. It then knelt down and placed a large bag on the ground. It was going to make itself at home.
Meanwhile just on the other side of Tokyo it was madness. The shopping district was having a half-price sale and every shop was at least overflowing with shoppers. Among these were Rei and Lita. Fighting their way through the waves of angry shoppers fighting over the latest bargains. Lita was particular pissed due to the fact that several women tried to steal the dress that she had already brought. “Get away from us!” Lita said as she karate kicked yet another woman for trying to steal a box of makeup from Rei. “I agree” Rei said retrieving the makeup box from the woman (who was by now gasping for breath) “don’t these people understand that we’ve already brought these things” With some luck they managed to get out of the shop and stood panting outside in the frosty air. “So where to now?” Rei said “I think we should go to the jewellery shop” Lita said “I hear that they got those Arabian earrings in stock”. Rei nodded in agreement and the two girls went off. While they walked, Rei was wondering if she’ll asked Lita about her only purchase item. A blue dress that had blue jewels sown into it so it sparkled when light falls on it. Rei had an idea why Lita brought it but dared not asked because she didn’t want to stir up unconfutable memories. “Rei are you ok?” Lita asked. Rei suddenly realised that she was staring and said “sorry I was daydreaming” “You were wondering about this blue dress aren’t you?” Lita said. Rei sighed and nodded. Lita looked ahead and said quietly “I brought it for Ami” “For Ami?” Rei said “I thought you weren’t speaking to her again?” “Rei it’s been two months now” Lita said “I just wanted to meet up with her and tell her that I am sorry for all the mean things I said. And I hope this dress would help as well. I was so angry at her for the first few weeks but as the days past I began to feel regret. I have begun to notice Ami advoiding us when we were in the same classes. I had seen her diving out of sight in the hallways when she thought that we didn’t notice. I did wanted to call out to her but she kept disappeared into the crowd. This must be absolutely torture for her” “I understand” Rei said “I also want to apologise but I couldn’t find the right time. I even went to the Gary’s apartment and almost rang the doorbell. But then I heard something odd. I looked thru the letter flap and saw both Ami and Gary in the hallway. And they were kissing! I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. And when they paused before going back to it, Ami had a look on her face that said that she was better now. That all of her troubles had gone away now. I felt that I’ll ruin the moment between them if I rang the doorbell so I left when they went back to kissing” “Ami and Gary?!” Lita said astonished “Our brain box and that Englishman with the sentient puppets? Has the world stopped or am I crazy? Do Serena, Darien, or Mina know too?” “No they don’t” Rei said “and I think that it’s for the best that they don’t find out. Ami could get into more trouble! And god knows what would happen to Gary” Lita agreed and they continued on their way. But as they rounded the corner they came across something strange. 

There was the jewellery shop just insight of them. But next to it was something that Lita and Rei did not expect. It was a toy shop. It was brightly coloured and lights surrounded various doors and windows. As if it wanted to be noticed. “When was the last time we were here?” Lita asked “Err… last month” Rei said “I don’t remember there being a toy shop there before”. They walked up to the shop and gazed inside through the windows. Inside was everything you would expect to be inside a toy shop. Only a bit weirder. There was nobody inside. Lita and Rei didn’t know either this is because the shop just opened or that nobody had noticed. “I wonder how long this place has been open for?” Lita said. Then she noticed Rei about to enter. “Rei what are you doing?” she asked “I’m going to have a look around” Rei said “Come on when was the last time we visited a toy shop. I haven’t been inside one since I was little. When my mum brought be a cat plushy” She smiled at the happy memory and then went inside. Lita groaned slightly and went in after her. Maybe some nostalgia would be nice. Inside was completely different. Wood flooring and wooden walls. Like that of a carpenter’s shop. Along the walls were shelves full of old fashioned toys. From teddy bears and toy soldiers, to china dolls and toy drum kits. All were well crafted and painted to perfection. Both Rei and Lita were filled with nostalgia as they glanced around them. They did not know where to start. Just as they were about to start looking, a door behind the counter opened and a man stepped out. Obviously the shop keeper. “Welcome ladies” he said in a quiet yet slightly strained type of voice “welcome to my little shop. It is a privilege to attend you seeing that you two are the first costumers to set foot inside my shop” “Are we really?” Rei said “so you just opened” “quite right” the shop keeper said “and as you two are the first one to enter then I’ll knock half of the price of anything you wish to buy” “Really?” Lita said “that’s kind of you”. The two girls spent some time looking around the shop. But all the while Lita was beginning to get suspicious. If this shop had just opened, then why isn’t there any more people? Shouldn’t the shop keeper splash out on advertisement? Make a huge song and dance act over the opening of his shop? This was getting to sound weird. Rei didn’t thought about this cause she was too busy looking at the various toys that lined the shelves. Then she notice a huge pile of cuddly toy animals. As she lent closer to have a better look at them, Rei noticed a small flower on one of them. Rei wondered if this was part of the toy itself. But when she picked it up, she had a blasted of red mist in her face. Rei had no idea what it was but she was beginning to feel weird. 

Lita was still browsing through the shelves when she heard Rei gasping over something. “Rei what is it?” she asked as she walked over to find her friend…… in amongst some plushies of various animals. She was literally rolling around in the huge pile of cuddly toys as if she was a child. “Rei what the hell are you doing?” Lita asked. “Aren’t these things so cute?” Rei said in a voice that isn’t her own. She picked up a furry elephant and hugged it tightly. “Rei stop this at once!” Lita said “you are acting very childishly! What is the shop keeper sees you!?” “I don’t care!” Rei said hugging all of the plushies that she can reach “I always wanted something to cuddle” “What’s gotten into you?!” Lita demanded. Rei ignored her and laid back on the plushies. She was in heaven right up to the moment when giant teddy bear claws sprung out from the plushies and grabbed Rei around her waist. “WHAT THE HELL!?” Rei said suddenly snapping out of her delusion. She struggling to get free but her efforts just made whatever was holding her tighten its grip. “Rei!” Lita said “don’t move! I’ll help you”. Dropping what she was holding and tied to free her friend. But as she almost freed Rei, Something else grabbed Lita from behind and pulled her back. “LET ME GO!” Lita shouted kicking who ever grabbed her. Then she found out that she was grabbed by a giant toy solider. Then the shop keeper came along. “I see that you two have found something interesting” he said in a less friendly voice. Lita and Rei tried to break free from their captors but they were too weak. Rei’s captor emerge from the mound of cuddly toys to be reviled as a giant savage teddy bear. “LET US GO!” Lita said again “WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!” “Oh I’m nothing” the shop keeper said “I’m just a servant. Following my master’s orders to the full” “Your master?” Rei said “who is your master?” “Oh you’ll meet him in time” the shop keeper said “now sleep!” He then blew some dust onto Rei and Lita faces and they fell asleep.
Serena was in a tiswas. She has been waiting for fifteen minutes now and she was considering whether to get angry or let Darien do it for her. She had been waiting for the shop assistant to return with her requested item. Which is a catalogue of wedding dresses. Even though she was nineteen, Serena and Darien were engaged to be married and she wanted to start on the wedding plans. Serena didn’t want to tell her parents yet due to the fact that her father hated Darien with a passion (due to the obvious fact that Darien was five years older than Serena). Anyway the shop assistant finally arrived with the catalogue and she happily began to flick through the pages. “You are very serious about weddings aren’t you?” said a voice. Serena looked up to see both Darien and Mina approaching her from the direction of the hair dressers and beauty parlour. Where Mina had gone through a fall make over (well not quite she just had her hair washed and her nails done) “yes I am darling” Serena said (she had been secretly practising her young couples nicknames) “and I am wondering when will it be. Seriously it has been five years since you gave me that ring and I really want to marry you!” She was really serious about this. So serious that she made Darien back away slightly. “Serena calm down!” Mina said “just wait until college is over and then start planning your wedding. Meanwhile let’s just go about our shopping. And hopefully meet up with Rei and Lita for a coffee” Everyone nodded and they went off.

They went around the various shops and brought a lot of cool items. Apart from Darien who had to pay for everything. While they were out Mina suddenly thought of something. She wanted to get something for Luna and Artemis’s kittens when they are born. But looking at the time, it was getting late and most of the shops were going to be closed for the night. This is one of those moments were you either save till tomorrow or hurry before the shop closes. She was just thinking on what to do when she noticed something. There was a toy shop just off in the distance. A small yet very modern toy shop. Mina then noticed a sign in the window that read “we also do toys for your pets”. Delighted, Mina headed towards the well-lit shop. Mina entered and was surprised by what she saw. It was very modern with lots of tall, glass cabinets. Each of them filled with very well made toys. From robots and Tablets to plushies that talk and even mini Mecha suits. Mina really wanted to explore this weird place. But realised what she had come in here for and started to look around for pet toys. As she searched, Mina was thinking of something. Why aren’t any other customers? Where’s the person at the till? It was very strange being in an empty shop with no one around. Has the shop keeper gone in the back for a cigarette while the shop had no one inside? Mina had no idea. But she then found a display of pet toys so she forgot about it. Mina was looking for something special to buy Luna and Artemis. Something that said “Congratulations for your family” all over it. But there wasn’t anything here that said it. Mina searched long and hard but nothing came up. She was about to give up when she noticed something. A cat basket with a velvet interior. That was exactly what she was looking for. Mina picked up and looked at the price tag. It was a bargain so she decided to buy it. But as she turned to go to the check-out counter, she heard something. A kind of rustling noise. Like something was running around. Mina decided that it was just her imagination and went to find the check-out counter. There it was again. Only this time it was closer. Mina was getting nervous. She then turned a corner and then saw something that made her jump. An animatronic snowman with a creepy smile on its face. But what was creepier about it was the fact that it wasn’t here when she entered. Perhaps Mina missed it as she walked in. Anyway Mina made the mistake by turning her back on it. Because it then came alive and grabbed her from behind. Mina screamed when she found herself in danger. Dropping the cat basket, she struggled to break free but it was no use. The snowman’s grip got tighter. Then it spoke. “If I were you, I won't struggle” it said "unless you want to be a human ice cream cone!".

Meanwhile somewhere else, Serena was showing Darien a dress that she found. “Isn’t it beautiful?” she said “it matches my eyes” “Doesn’t it make you look fat?” Darien said “look at the woman wearing it, it makes her look pregnant with triplets!” “One thing at a time Darien” Serena said a little sarcastic “well then what about….” She was interrupted by a scream. A scream so loud that it could have been heard in New Zealand. And it was a scream that Serena knew all too well. “That’s Mina!” she said “she’s in trouble!” “You’re right!” Darien said “we must help her! But where is she?” “I think that it’s coming from one of those shops Darien!” Serena said. And she was right. The scream were coming from a toy shop. And they ran inside. To their horror, they found Mina being pinned against a wall by an animatronic snowman who was doing its best to silence her. “Stop screaming witch!” it was saying in a robotic like voice. “HEY!” Serena said making the snowman turn around. “LET MY FRIEND GO!” she added. “Can’t do that sweetie” the snowman said “my master wishes to have her in his possession. In fact he wanted you as well!” It then blew some sort of freeze breath on Mina and she was frozen to the wall. The sheer cold was too much for Mina and she passed out. Then the snowman turned and began to advance on Serena. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way sweetie” it said as it prepared to snatch Serena. Then suddenly a rose in beaded itself in the floor in-between it and her. “WE’LL DO THIS THE WAY OF THE MOON!” someone shouted. Serena and the snowman looked upwards. Darien was on top of a glass cabinet. Wearing his Tuxedo Mask outfit (how he changed in a record time of 5.0 seconds is anyone’s guess). “Serena!” he said “get Mina free and get out of here! I’ll take care of Mister Frosty!” “But Darien….” Serena said “Don’t worry about me” Darien said “just get Mina out of here……” he was cut short when a sharp icicle sliced through his side. Causing a deep cut just under his kidney. “If you wanted to fight me” the snowman said “then fight me. Don’t just stand around glorifying about it!” Darien then fell off the cabinet and hit the tiled floor with a thud. The snowman then shot three more icicles into Darien just for the hell of it. “DARIEN!” Serena screamed. But the snowman silenced her by whacking her across the room. Then it wondered over and picked Darien up. “And for your information” it said raising Darien above his head “My name is Jack Frost!” and with that it threw Darien out of the window. Darien flew for forty yards until he landed in a huge mound of broken glass. And for some reason none of the passers-by saw this. The snowman then laughed evilly. “That got rid of fancy pants” it said. Then suddenly a bright light flared up behind it. And as it turned around to see what was happening, it saw a very angry Serena. Now in her Sailor Moon outfit plus a red face. “First you attacked my friend!” she said “then you said that you in temped on kidnapping her. I was going to give you a quick defeat but now you’ve severely injured the man I love! NOW IT’S PERSONAL!” She said no longer holding back on her anger “IN THE NAME OF THE MOON I WILL KILL YOU!” The snowman just laughed and sent hundreds of smaller icicles at her. Serena managed to dodge them all and took a strike at the snowman. Taking its arm clean off. But it just laugh it off and grew a new arm. Serena fought the snowman for quite a long time until it managed to get the upper hand and (after covering its fist with ice) punched Serena out cold. Serena fell to the floor like a lifeless doll and laid there. “Snowman one, Sailor twerps zero!” the snowman said laughing. It then pick Serena up and flung her over its shoulder. It then unfroze the still passed out Mina and carried her under his other arm. “Time to pay the boss a little visit” the snowman said "perhaps I could get a bonus for this" and it walked out of the toy shop. As it did, the shop vanished. Leaving an empty alleyway in its place. “Looks like I’m going to have to walk here” the snowman said annoyed. It then headed towards where its master is. Completely forgetting about Darien and the fact that he was still alive. And that not killing him would be the biggest mistake it had ever made.

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