Wednesday 3 February 2016

Sailor Moon meets the Puppet Master 12

Chapter 12: The Final Confrontation:

There was a scream. A loud scream. A scream from someone who was experiencing a huge amount of pain. But it was not Ami who was screaming. The clown yelled in agony and dropped both Ami and the knife. Everyone had no idea why the clown was like this. Then they found out. Tunneler was drilling into one of the clowns ankles and green goo was flying everywhere. Ami didn’t think twice before hitting the floor. Once she did, she immediately got up and ran to the others. The clown swung his foot and Tunneler was flung towards a pillar. Where Pin-Head caught him. The clown roared in agony and then said “YOU WILL ALL DI………” but got no further. Because a foot had whacked across its face and it was sent flying to the other side of the warehouse. Everyone looked at who kicked the clown and were delighted to see who had done it. “Darien!” Serena said. Happy to see her boyfriend again. “Serena!” Darien said “are you ok?” “Yes I’m fine” Serena said “but out of curiosity, why didn’t you do your signature entrance with the rose?” “Well apart from the fact that I was getting tired of it” Darien said “I was told that if I wanted to fight someone then I mustn’t stand around talking about it and just do it. Which reminds me” He opened his inside pocket and took out the four missing sailor wands. “You’ve found them!” Rei said “Thank you so much”. “Hey it’s nothing” Darien said “I couldn’t have achieve it without a little help from some friends” He indicated Jester and Tunneler, who had re-joined the other puppets.

Everyone gathered around Darien and (after retrieving their wands) changed into their sailor scout outfits. Ami on the other hand went over to Gary. “Are you ok?” she asked “yeah I’m fine” Gary said “but what about you?” “I’m alright” Ami said “a little worn out but ok”. She then hugged Gary tightly. “Thank you for being concerned about me” she said “it was so sweet of you. You would had risked your life to save mine. This is why I love you” Gary then gently lifted her head up so that they were looking in each other’s eyes “I know” he said “I love you too” Then he kissed her. They kissed lovingly but then they felt like they’ve being watched. They stopped and looked to see… everyone else looking at them. Serena, Rei, Lita, Mina, and Darien were looking at both of them with ether a “well this is a surprise” or a “what on earth?” looks on their faces. Embarrassed Gary and Ami stepped away from each other. “Would someone explain to me what just happened?” Serena asked. “Well what does it look like!” Lita said. She then indicated for Ami to continue. “Well you see….” Ami started but she was interrupted by a loud growl. A very inhuman growl. Then something began to emerge from the other side of the warehouse. It was the clown. But there was a strange glowing smoke around it. It looked at them with an even more sinister look on its face. “So you really think that you can defeat me?!” it said. And (to the horror of everyone present) it began to change. It grew larger, longer, and its appearance began to change too. So in the end it was no longer a clown. It was now a hybrid of a gorilla and a lizard. But it still had its clown’s face. “I AM FAR MORE POWERFUL THEN ANYTHING YOU CAN EVER IMAGEN!” it shouted “ESPECIALLY NOW THAT I AM IN MY ULTIMATE FORM!” It then roared at them, expecting them to be frightened. Well they were but not as much. “Do you really think that you can just come here,” Serena said walking up to the thing “kidnap us, and threaten to take over our world?” As she walked, a strange glow appeared around her. And her wand was beginning to glow brighter as well. “I have face freaks like you” Serena continued “and they are no longer around to tell you that you are making the biggest mistake ever! SO YOU BETTER GET READY TO JOIN THEM BECAUSE IN THE NAME OF THE MOON I WILL KILL YOU!” And with that she was engulfed in a white ball of energy. Everyone was half blinded by this. Gary wanted to know what was happening. But Ami assured him that everything was ok. After a while the ball went away. Leaving Serena behind. And boy did she looked different. Her hair was longer and more golden, she was wearing a white dress with golden trim, and there were sparks flying off of her. She also had butterfly wings. Gary was spell bound by all of this. He wanted to have a closer look but he was stopped by Darien. Who indicated that Gary should stay back. Serena then raised her wand and aimed it at the creature that stood before her. And a white beam shot out from it. But the clown thing managed to block it and shot out a similar black beam at her, but she blocked it too. 

The battle that followed was long and savage. But it was mainly one shoots a beam at the other while dodging the others beam. All who were watching had to jump out of the way at times. Gary just managed to dodge a massive tail that swung past his head when he notice something. Serena was in agony. And her nose was bleeding. “Oh my god she’s going to die!” he said. He then told the others that Serena was going to die if she continued to fight. “We have to help her!” he said “We can lend her our powers” Mina said “but that will be no use. That thing’s way to powerful!” “Perhaps I could lend a hand” said a voice. Everyone looked to see a small figure entering through a shattered wall. It was one of Gary’s puppets. But this was nothing compare to the other puppets. It was as tall as Six-Shooter but it had two long arms, was wearing a brown leather coat, and grey trousers with black boots. Its head was dark silver with indents where its eyes and nose were supposed to be. Only Gary, Darien, and Ami knew what this puppet was. “The Decapitron!” Darien said “So now you’ve decided to show up!” “We’ll have none of that” the voice said again. The voice in question was like that of a gentleman with a French accent. A voice Gary knew all too well. “Grandfather?” he said “is that you?” The Decapitron turned to face Gary. “It is me Gary” it spoke “I have transferred my soul into this puppet. Even though I wasn’t activated, I was with you where ever you are. I’m proud of you for taken over from me as puppet master. And you have done well. You have uphold the honour of me and your great grandfather. But sadly I can’t talk anymore” The puppet turned towards the clown monster “I have this thing to deal with” it then said and started towards the monster. “Well that was something” Ami said “yes it was” Gary said “but I still think we should help Serena. Lend her your powers and let us defeat that thing together”
Serena was getting a battering. Even thou she wasn’t being hit, she felt like a large hammer was smacking her around. This monster was way too powerful for her to handle. It was now standing over her gloating as she was forced on her knees. “WHO’S TALKING NOW!” it was saying “NOW IT’S YOU WHO IS GOING TO DIE!” Serena could do nothing but conger up a force shield to protect her. But it was beginning to fade. “Well” she thought “It was fun while it lasted”. She closed her eyes waiting for then end. But the end never came. Serena wondered what was happening. Then she heard a loud yelled. She opened one eye and saw something extraordinary. The clown monster was being bombarded by a series of what could only be described as bombs made out of light. Where were they coming from? And who was shooting them? Then Serena’s questions were answered. There was a puppet (that looked like a silver shop window dummy) that was shooting those glowing bomb things. Could this be another one of Gary’s puppets? It must be because it was weird enough. And boy was it powerful. “I’m glad my powers are still up to date” it said in a French accent. “WHO ARE YOU?” the clown monster said “DO YOU INTEND ON FIGHT ME TOO?” “No” the puppet said “I intend on defeating you! You are an evil I cannot allow to live. And you must be stopped!” “WELL THEN DIE!” The clown monster said and turned its attention on it. Leaving Serena to rest for a bit. She collapsed on the rubble gasping for breath. The clown monster was now battling that puppet. But the puppet was doing a better job than her. Serena just wanted to close her eyes and hopefully she’ll wake up in her bed back home. But then she felt something. A sudden warmth flooding thru her. She found the strength to stand up. Serena looked around her and saw her friends on the opposite end of the warehouse. Mina, Ami, Rei, and Lita all were glowing and concentrating on her. They were lending Serena their powers. “Thank you my friends” Serena thought and she picked up her wand and went towards the clown monster. Which was by now being hammered by the Decapitron. “How can something so small be so powerful?!” it was saying “I am far more powerful than you think” the Decapitron said “I can if I want do this!” It then shoot out lightning bolts from its palms at the clown monster. Which were supper affective. “Impressive” said a voice. The Decapitron turned its head to see Serena walking up to stand by its side. “So were you” It said “with our powers combined, we can defeat this abomination” “let’s do it” Serena said. They combined their powers together and attacked the clown monster. The clown monster did its best to strike back but by now its powers were getting weaker. Then the Decapitron struck. He sent a lightning bolt at the left hand side of the clown monster’s chest. Causing a massive explosion that torn the clown monster’s chest apart. Leaving a massive open wound, exposing everything inside. Including its heart. “THERE!” the Decapitron said “KILL IT SERENA! STRIKE AT THE HEART!” Serena knew just the right finishing move. “MOON LIGHT ULTRA BLAST!” she screamed. A gigantic white beam shot out from her wand and strike the clown monster’s heart. It exploded and then continued through the clown monster, bursting out from its back. The clown monster roared in pain. “DAM YOU!” it screamed “DAM YOU ALL TO HELL!” And with that it exploded.

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