Monday 1 February 2016

Sailor Moon meets the Puppet Master 7

Chapter 7: The Second Confrontation:
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN AMI HAS BETRAYED US?!” Lita said as they sat around Mina’s dining room. Luna had called an emergency meeting and had gathered Lita, Serena, Mina, and Rei to tell them of what she and Artemis had discovered. “I’m telling you it's true!” Luna said “Ami has told Gary all about us and even did her Sailor Scout transformation in front of him!” “But this doesn’t mean anything!” Lita continued “how do we know that she did it on purpose! For all we know Ami could have been hypnotised or was blackmailed into telling Gary our secrets” “How do we know that Gary is just a nice guy who Ami wants to be in her life?” Serena said “Seriously enough with the finger pointing! Ever since poor Gary has arrived here and we discovered that he has puppets that are alive, you lot have been accusing him of being in league with the negaveres! And now you are telling me that one of our closest friends, someone who has been through hell and high water alongside us has just given our secrets to him!?” “SERENA CALM DOWN!” Luna said “I understand that you can’t believe it but trust me it is!” Serena was taken aback by this. Ami a traitor?! Ami was never like that! She would rather die than back stabbed her friends. But then…. No! Serena would have none of it. And looking at her friends, they too shared her thoughts. “I’m sorry Luna” Rei said “I would only believe you if and only if Ami confesses herself” “What are you talking about?” said a voice. Everyone jumped and looked towards the direction from where the voice is coming from. Then got angry at the tall boy who was standing by the front door. “Darien!” Serena said “why didn’t you say something when you walked in? And anyway how did you know where we are?” “I got the message as well” Darien said “Luna wanted to meet us in Mina’s apartment at four pm. And also bring one bag of cookies” He flung the bag in question on the sofa amongst several others. Even Luna was wondering who asked for the cookies. But Artemis was silent. Luna then informed Darien about what she had told the others. And like them he did not believe her one bit. But it was only when Luna mentioned that Gary was the puppets leader then he took notice. “Seriously him?!” Darien said “he has an army of living puppets at his command?! I find that very hard to believe. But then again it does explain why he had that large trunk with him” “How do you know that?” Luna said “I helped take his luggage inside his apartment when he first came here” Darien said “What?” Luna said “you mean that you met him on the day he arrived? Didn’t you ask what was in the trunk?” “Hey it wasn’t my place to ask him” Darien said “I didn’t want to be seen as nosy” “I agree” Serena said “and you should have told me that you were over here a week earlier” she added angrily. After arguing for a long time, Luna finally said “Look it is obvious that you lot need further proof on Ami and Gary. So why don’t we go to Gary’s apartment and make them confess!” “Don’t be stupid Luna” Lita said “I’m not going to….” She was cut off when Mina screamed at something outside the balcony doors. Everyone looked to see a little figure suddenly running away from the doors and slide down the drain pipe. A foot tall figure in a black trench coat and hat with a hook and a blade instead for hands. “WHAT THE HELL?!” Serena said “QUICK! GET AFTER IT!” Luna yelled “IT WAS SPYING ON US. WE NEED TO GET IT BEFORE IT GETS BACK TO ITS MASTER!”
Blade was running as fast as he could possibly can. He had been caught spying and that was no good. Why did he disobey his master and left the safety of the apartment? Because of those two cats and the fact that they kept breaking into his master’s home. He had to find out who they are and with that he followed those cats to their home. And it was there that he heard and saw everything. Blade now believed that the cats and their friends are conspiring against his master and his fellow puppets and he had to warn them of the danger. Blade jumped over a fence and found himself in a large empty car park of a shopping centre. Blade decided to pause here and get his bearings. He had no idea how far he was from his master’s home. He looked around him and saw a road sign. Luckily he could read any type of language. He was in luck. The college’s campus was only just a few blocks east. Blade could make it back in time if he hurried. He was about to set off when something struck the ground in front of him. It was a rose. A bright red rose that had implanted itself in the concrete. Blade was wondering where did it came from when he heard a voice. “Stop right there!” it said. Blade looked up to see a tall person standing on the fence. It looked like a man wearing a cape, a top hat, a white mask across his eyes, and a black tuxedo. “I know you can understand me” he was saying “so I am going to make this clear. Surrender now and there will be no struggle” Blade continued to stare up at him. “I know that you were spying on me and my friends” Darien said jumping down from the fence and approaching Blade “Do you think that we’ll just going to let you walk away” he added. But Darien made the mistake in going to pick Blade up. Blade lashed out and gave Darien a nasty cut on his palm. Darien staggered back and Blade made a run for it. But then he found himself surrounded. Serena, Rei, Lita, and Mina had changed into their Sailor Scouts outfits and have by now circled him. “If you dare strike us pal” Lita said “you’ll see a side of us that you are not going to like!” Blade didn’t care. He was ready to fight all five them (including Darien) and if necessary kill them. Blade had been told by Gary and his grandfather before him to defend himself at all cost. “So what’s the plan?” Rei asked “stick to the one that Luna told us” Serena said “which is?” Rei said. “Err…….NOW!” Serena said and all four of them lunged at Blade. But Blade just jumped aside and all four of the Sailor Scouts hit their heads at once. Blade then made a dash for it with Darien giving chase. “Oh what a great plan that was!” Mina said rubbing her head “thank you very much Serena!” “Don’t yell at me!” Serena said “let’s just get that puppet!” 

It was something you had to see to believe. Five college students in fancy dress running around a supermarket car park during early evening. Well that’s what Ami and Gary thought when they arrived at the place. You see they discovered that Blade had gone off on his own so they had to go look for him. So Gary gathered his other puppets and he and Ami went to look for Blade. They were having no luck until they heard the commotion coming from the supermarket car park. And that’s where they both saw Serena and co running around like headless chickens. “Is this what you do?” Gary asked “not always” Ami said a little annoyed. But then they saw Serena pick up something. It was Blade! “Now we’ve got you!” she said “Now you either give yourself up or in the name of the moon, I will……” “STOP!” someone shouted. Serena, Rei, Mina, Lita, and Darien all looked to see Gary, Ami, and the other puppets running towards them. “That puppet belongs to me!” Gary continued “go and find your own!” “You have a nerve talking like that Gary!” Serena said “or should I say Puppet Master!” “So you know about me then!” Gary said “well I wouldn’t be surprise” “Us nether!” Rei said “seeing that you know everything about us! Thanks to her!” She pointed at Ami. “Me?” Ami said “what did I do?” “You have betrayed us to him!” Mina said “You told him all of our secrets, you told him about what will happen to us in the far future, and worst of all you deliberately did your Sailor Scout transformation in front of him!” “ARE YOU SAYING THAT I AM A TRAITOR?!” Ami said angrily “HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT TO SOMEONE WHO HAS BEEN YOUR FRIEND SINCE THE VERY BEGINNING!?” “YOU WERE OUR FRIEND!” Lita said walking up to her “WE HAVE SWORN TO PROTECT OUR FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES FROM THE FORCES OF EVIL! AND NOW THIS GUY JUST FLIRTED WITH YOU AND YOU GAVE AWAY ALL OF OUR SECRETS! I DON’T KNOW WHOSE SIDE YOU’RE ON ANYMORE!” “HEY!” Gary said standing in-between her and Ami “I DIDN’T FLIRT WITH HER! SHE FOUND ME OUT AND SHE FORCED ME TO TELL HER EVERYTHING! AND IN RETURN AS AN ACT OF SORROW SHE TOLD ME EVERYTHING ABOUT HER AND YOU LOT! IF YOU WANT TO HURT SOMEONE THEN HURT ME! LEAVE AMI OUT OF THIS!” “Fine then!” Lita said “If that’s what you want!” She grabbed Gary by his neck with her left hand and raised her other hand above her head. “LITA STOP!!” Ami begged “DON’T DO IT! THIS ISN’T WHAT WE DO!” “Stay out of this!” Lita said. Sparks began to fly furiously from her hand and what looked like a lightning bolt shaped spear formed in her hand. “LITA DON’T DO THIS!” Serena said “THIS ISN’T LIKE YOU!” “SHUT IT!” Lita said now very angry. “JUPITER THUNDER STRIKE!” she shouted and plunged the lightning spear at Gary. But then she screamed. 

It seemed that seconds before Lita plunged the spear into Gary (ether seriously harming him or killing him), Blade jumped free from Serena’s grasp, ran towards Lita, jumped up, and sliced a large and deep cut on her arm. Howling in pain, Lita let go of Gary and sent the spear flying off. Luckily it didn’t cause any damaged as it hit the ground and exploded. Gary laid on the tarmac. He just had a near death experience and that was something no one should ever have to experience. He then snapped out of it when he heard Lita’s agonising groans. Her right arm was seriously cut and there was a lot of blood. Blade was now standing in front of Gary. Protecting his master. The other puppets join Blade and they all surrounded Gary. Lita was in a lot of pain. And was also angry. “YOU LITTLE…..” she began as she went for them but Ami stood in her way. “Don’t Lita” she said “just don’t! You have already made threats against their master. They will kill you!” Lita didn’t care about this. She was going to teach those little freaks a piece of her mind but….. “Lita!” Serena said calmly but firmly “stand down!” Lita growled but did what she was told. She turned and walked back to the others. “Lita!” Ami said walking after her “I’m sorry….” “Keep away!” Lita snapped. Ami stood there. She wanted to help her friend. But by the look on her face, Ami was force to keep her distance. But she had to say something. “I’m sorry!” Ami said “I’m so sorry!” “Ami” Serena said “we know. But because of everything that’s happened, it would be wise to stay away from us” WHAT?!” Ami said “as of this moment on” Serena continued “you are no longer a Sailor Scout. You are not allowed to use your sailor wand nor your powers. I’m sorry Ami but that’s that” and with that she and the others turned and walked away. Darien didn’t know if he should protest against this but then he too walked off with them. 

Ami just stood there. Tears were trickling down her face. She had just been kicked off the team. This was the worst moment in her life. Not wanted to hold back anymore, she began to cry. She cried so hard that her eyes were hurting. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and saw Gary standing next to her. And by the look on his face, Ami understood that he felt incredibly guilty. “I am so sorry Ami” he said fighting back his own tears “this is all my fault. If I didn’t decided to come here, this would never had happened! Now your friends had cast you out. And I….I….I” He too began to cry (but not as much as Ami). Ami turned to face him, and then put her arms around him. “Don’t blame yourself Gary” she said “I shouldn’t have told you about me and my friends. You are right. I did betrayed them. Because you told me your secret so I thought that it was only fair that I told you mine. Only because I like you. I like you a lot. In fact I think I am beginning to develop feelings for you!” “Oh Ami!” Gary said putting his arms around her and holding her close. They stood there holding each other while they cried quietly. Gary’s puppets stood quietly beside them. Even thou they can’t talk or show expression (except for Jester), you can tell that they too felt the same. Ami then wiped both of her and Gary’s eyes and tried her best at a smile. “Take me back to your home Gary” she asked “I’ve had enough of today” Gary nodded and they all went home.

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