Tuesday 2 February 2016

Sailor Moon meets the Puppet Master 9

Chapter 9: Sailor Mercury & the Puppet Master to the rescue:
Meanwhile at Gary’s apartment, it was quiet and peaceful. Both Ami and Gary had just finished dinner and now they were just sitting on the sofa, relaxing, and telling each other stories. “And there was the time that I got stuck up an apple tree when I was five” Gary said “I just climbed it to get a few apples and then to my surprise I was stuck. Dad had to help me down. And even after all that I still didn’t get a single apple” Ami giggled “That’s so adorable” she said “I wish I could had been here. I know how to climb trees” she smiled and then moved closer to him. Ami then laid her head on Gary’s shoulder and hold onto his arm. “Thank you for standing by me” she said “I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t around” “You are welcome Ami Mizuno” Gary said putting his arm around her “you are a really wonderful friend” Ami looked up at him and smiled. “Thank you Gary” she said “that makes me feel so happy” She then put her arms around Gary’s neck and kissed him. They kissed for a long time. When they stopped, Gary suddenly thought of something. “I have something to show you” he said getting up. Ami watched as he went into his bedroom. He was in there for some time. But then he finally came out… with four new puppets. Ami was astonished at the sight of them. Gary must have been working on them for the past month. They stood in a line in front of the coffee table and Gary introduce them to Ami. They were General Cyclops (which was wearing a general’s outfit with an egg shaped head with one eye), Ninja (a puppet had all of the knowledge of a ninja warrior), and Doctor Death (which was a skeleton wearing a doctor’s uniform). But it was the fourth one that caught Ami’s eye the most. Because it was an exact copy of her. A foot tall puppet that had the same face, the same hair colour and style, and the same figure as Ami. Wearing a nurse’s uniform. Ami didn’t know what to say. “I see this one takes your fancy” Gary said picking the puppet up and putting it on the coffee table. “This is Nurse Mercury” he said “I know it’s an odd name but that’s all I got till I can find some other name…” Gary was interrupted by Ami pulling him down onto the sofa and started to make out with him. Ami had never felt so happy in her life. And that’s when her true feelings for him suddenly burst out. “Thank you Gary” she said “this is so kind of you. Not only have you stood by me when my friends turned their backs on me, but you had made a puppet in my image. This makes me realise how much I mean to you. In fact because of all this, I had decided that I would like to go steady with you” Gary looked amazed. “You mean…” he said “that you want to be my girlfriend?” “Yes” Ami said nodding “yes I do. You have been so kind to me these past two months. And my feelings for you have gotten stronger. So yeah lets become boyfriend and girlfriend. Please?” Gary looked at her and smiled “Ok Ami” he said “as of his moment on you are officially my girl…..” There was a serious hammering on the front door. “OH WHO CAN THAT BE?!” Gary said annoyed. He got up and went to open the front door. But when he opened it he gasped. Ami then came up behind him. “What is it?” she said. Then she saw what made Gary gasped. There laying in a pool of blood was Darien. Wearing his Tuxedo Mask outfit and struggling to stand up. “Oh my god Darien!” Ami said “What happened to you?” Darien looked up. “Ami” he said weakly and then he passed out.
Darien was in complete darkness. He had no idea why he was in darkness but all he did know that he was in incredible pain. He hurt all over and he also had a strange feeling that someone was poking him with a sharp object. He struggled to sit up but something forced him back down. Then Darien began to hear voices. “Is he going to be ok?” a male voice asked “I think so” a female voice answered “I stopped the bleeding and got the shards of glass out of him. BLADE I WOULD APPRECIATE IT IF YOU STOP POKING HIM!” “Blade do as you are told!” the male voice said and the poking stopped. “Let’s now leave him be” the female voice said and Darien heard footsteps walking away. He didn’t know what to do now. But then he began to see a light glowing in front of him. It got brighter and brighter until…. Darien woke up. He was lying on a sofa in a living room with the lights dimmed. His shirt was open and everything from his chest to his stomach was bandaged up. Darien was about to call out when he noticed something. Two small figures were standing on the coffee table. One a skeleton in a doctor’s uniform and….. Ami?! Yes it was a miniature Ami. Wearing a nurse’s uniform and talking to the skeleton in a weird language that Darien didn’t understand. They did not notice that Darien was awake. Nor did they not notice that he was trying to sit up. But then a sharp pain shot through Darien and he groaned loudly. This caused the mini Ami and the skeleton doctor to noticed that he was awake. The skeleton then told the mini Ami to do something and she ran out of the room. Darien then tried to sit up again but to no avail. Then the mini Ami came back into the room. Followed by the real Ami, several other puppets, and Gary Matrix. “Darien you’re awake!” Ami said kneeling beside him. “Yeah I guess I am” he said looking at the number of puppets that gathered around the coffee table (Gary had quite a collection). “How do you feel?” Gary asked “how do you think?!” Darien said a little annoyed at the question “I have been stabbed four times, been thrown through a window, landed on broken glass, and had to drag myself all the way to your apartment!” “But how did this happen?” Ami said. “Serena and Mina have been kidnapped by a deranged snowman when they entered a toy shop” “They’ve been kidnapped!” Ami said “this is terrible!” “Do you have any idea who was behind it?” Gary said “no I don’t” Darien said “the snowman did say something about a master who wanted them for himself” “A master?” Ami said “This must be the creature from the negaveres that Luna had prophesised. What about Lita and Rei?” she asked “I haven’t seen them” Darien said “they went their separate ways when we went shopping. I have no idea where they are nor how to contact them” “Perhaps I could lend a hand” said a voice. Everyone looked down to see a china doll who emerged from between Pin-Head and Jester. “Oracle?” Gary said “I don’t mean to be horrible but how can you help?” “Let me have a crystal ball and let me do the rest master” Oracle said.
Sometime later Oracle was on top of the kitchen counter with a large crystal ball in front of her. Jester and Tunneler were both holding it to prevent it from rolling away. Gary, Ami, and Darien were watching her chanting quietly as she waved her hands over the ball. “Are you sure this will work Gary?” Ami asked “it will work Ami” Gary said “I never known Oracle to get something wrong” Darien couldn’t help but nod in agreement. Even though he (nor Ami for that matter) had never seen or heard of Oracle till now. But that wasn’t the only issue. Ami and Gary were holding hands. How and when did this started? But then Darien was interrupted when Oracle began speaking. “Master!” she said “I found them!” “Good girl Oracle” Gary said walking over to her “where are they?” “I can see them in the Abandoned Warehouse District just north from here!” Oracle said “You have an abandoned warehouse district?” Gary asked Ami “Hey the Power Rangers need somewhere to film their fighting scenes” Ami said. “Anyway….” Oracle said getting back to the subject “I can see four of them tide up in the warehouse” “Four of them?” Ami said “what do they look like?” “Two have blonde hair” Oracle said “one has brown hair in a ponytail while the fourth one has long black hair” “That’s Lita and Rei” Ami said “they too have been captured. Whoever has kidnapped them is wanting to get rid of the Sailor Scouts. And I’m the only one left!” “Don’t worry Ami” Gary said “whoever is doing this will have to get past me if they want to get you” Ami smiled and hugged Gary. Darien suddenly had a flash back when he said something similar to Serena. He was glad that Ami has found someone. But that someone is owed a lot of apologies. “Oracle” Ami said “can you pin point the exact warehouse where my friends are being held?” “They are in the large one just near the docks” Oracle said “the one that has the pointed roof” “Right then” Ami said. She went over to a draw in the kitchen and opened it. She looked around inside and took out her Sailor Wand. “It’s a good thing that this wasn’t taken away from me” Ami said closing the draw “Ami what are you doing?” Gary asked. “I’m going to save my friends!” Ami declared “I know that they don’t want me anymore but they are in danger and I want to help them” “You’re not going alone are you?” Gary said “Let me come with you!” “No Gary!” Ami said “I don’t want you hurt or killed. Because I….I...I” “Love me?!” Gary said. Ami couldn’t speak. She couldn’t tell Gary that he just guessed correctly. But he might as well know. Even Darien (by the look on his face) knew as well. Ami looked down and nodded. Gary walked up to her and lifted her head up with his hand. “Please let me help you” he said “you can’t do this on your own. My puppets can help in many ways than you can imagen. And I too want to help you. I can’t stand by and let someone get hurt. I’m an Englishman so it’s in my blood that I must help people” Ami looked at her boyfriend. And (with a smile) kissed him gently. “Thank you Gary” she said “you and your friends can come. But we must hurry if we are going to save my friends” “Hey I’m coming too!” Darien said getting up from the sofa “you are certainly not!” Gary said “you are seriously injured and you can hardly stand” “The girl that I intend to marry has been kidnapped!” Darien said “there is no way that I’m going to sit back and do nothing!” Being an Englishman, there was no way Gary was going to let anyone push him around. But looking at Darien and due to the situation that they are in, there was no time for an argument. “Ok then” Gary said “but don’t come crying to me if the pains are getting too much” Darien didn’t like being talked to like that but nodded in agreement. They had a few minutes to prepare themselves. Ami took her Sailor wand and transformed into Sailor Mercury, Gary made sure that his puppets were ready for combat, and Darien put his Tuxedo Mask outfit back on (even though he won’t admit it, he was still suffering. But his girlfriend was more important than cuts and bruises so he put up with it). Gary then asked Oracle to get some more information on whatever they were going to face. She considered her crystal ball and (after a short amount of time) said “The thing that is holding Ami’s friends is powerful. Too powerful for one of us to take on alone” “So we team up right?” Darien said “Serena, Ami, Mina, Lita, Rei, and even Rini have all faced powerful enemies before and we’ll came out alright” “But this one is something else Darien” Oracle said “I’m afraid that the Sailor Scouts and my master’s puppets may not be enough to defeat it. Which means only one thing….” Ami and Darien had no idea what Oracle ment by that last statement. But then they looked at Gary. The look on his face was like he had just seen something scary. “No!” Gary said “you can’t mean the…. But it’s too powerful!” “Who or what are you talking about Gary?” Ami said. Gary sighed and looked at her. “Remember when I introduced you to my puppets Ami?” he said “well I left one out because I hadn’t awaken it. But the only reason why it isn’t awake is because it’s too powerful for me to handle. I don’t want to bring it to life because it may turn on me” “Is it really that powerful?” Darien said “It is” Gary said “too powerful in my grandfather’s case. He said that I must only use it only if necessary” “But master” Oracle said “only your grandfather’s most powerful puppet can take on the evil that we are going to face. I know that you rather not do it but I’m afraid that we have no other choice. You must awaken it my master! You must awaken the Decapitron!”

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