Monday 1 February 2016

Sailor Moon meets the Puppet Master 6

Chapter 6: Luna and Artemis meet the puppets.
It was finally the weekend. No more school for a whole two days. Everyone was enjoying the free time. Some more than others it seems. “SERENA WILL YOU JUST RELAX!” Mina said as the girl in question shot out of the bus into the streets of Tokyo “We’ve only just arrived” “But its Saturday!” Serena said “And besides it’s a special day for me!” “Why is that?” Rei said “Darien is in town” Lita said “and she’s going to spend the whole day with him” “OH MY GOD! THERE HE IS!” Serena screamed. The boy in question was standing on the corner. He waved as Serena ran up to him and the two of them walked off together. “Well that’s just leaves the three of us” Mina said “It’s a shame that Ami isn’t with us. What could be more important than shopping with her friends?” “Well there’s that science test that she was jabbering on about” Lita said “that might be why she hasn’t come”. 

But in fact that wasn’t what Ami was doing at all. She was in fact at an arcade just on the other side of Tokyo. Where she is now eating a burger and fries with someone. “And then Chi-bi Chi-bi went back to her own time and everything went back to normal” she said sipping her milkshake “and that’s basically everything” “So let me get this straight” Gary said as he dipped a chip in ketchup “You and your friends are reincarnations of some space princesses, you defend the planet from the forces of evil (aka the negaverse), This Darien is a vigilante called Tuxedo Mask (which to me sounds like he should be fighting alongside the likes of Zorro), and he and Serena are going to become King and Queen of the whole planet in the far future. Along with their daughter Rini who can also time travel” “Yes indeed” Ami said “and also we have two talking cats who are both our guides and friends. Luna and Artemis” “Wait a minute!” Gary said “was one of them black and the other white?” “Yes” Ami said “and to answer your other question yes they are the ones who broke into your apartment and stole your book” Gary did already know about this but said thank you anyway. They continued eating when Gary said “You know I was just wondering. Why have you told me about yourself and your friends?” “Well you told me about yourself and your friends” Ami said “so I thought it was only fair that I told you about me” “But don’t you realise that you might have betrayed your friends” Gary said “that you’ve just gave away a massive secret. I could be someone from this negaveres” “I know that Gary” Ami said looking at him. “But I know you’re not. Cause I can tell” She leant forward and hold his hand. “I’m starting to like you” she said blushing. Gary didn’t know how to react. They had just met five days ago and already she was developing feelings for him? This was the first time in his whole life that something like this happened to him. Then he smiled and said “You know what? I’m starting to like you too” They both smiled and (realising where they were) they continued their lunch.

Afterwards Ami took Gary around the famous locations in Tokyo. From the Imperial palace and Rainbow Bridge to the parliament building and the Fuji television headquarters. Ending up at the Tokyo tower. Gary had never had such a wonderful time. It was well known to his family that he was very interested in Japanese culture. Everything from anime to Godzilla. He even enjoyed the Onigiri that Ami had brought them (partly because she liked him but mainly because Gary still haven’t worked out the currency). But it was the fact that Ami was with him that made everything ten times more wonderful. Later on that day they were strolling thru the park. “Gary?” Ami said as they walked over a bridge “can I ask you, where are your puppets now?” “They’re back at my flat” Gary said “I ask them to look after the home when I am away” “You mean like a security system?” Ami said “I just hope that they don’t seriously hurt anyone. I mean no offence but they look lethal”.
Meanwhile back at Gary’s apartment, the puppets are doing their usual things. Since there wasn’t anyone to order them about, they just did what they felt like. But within reason of course. Since their master Gary was away, Blade was in command and made sure that everything was running as smoothly as possible. Everything was fine until Jester got trapped under a chair. Pin-Head had to lift it up in order to let him out. That’s one thing about Gary’s puppets. They work as a team and will always help each other out. Blade then told Jester off for getting himself into trouble and then made him clean the kitchen floor. While Jester was cleaning, Blade heard a loud scrabbling outside Gary’s balcony doors. Checking what it was he saw….. Two cats trying to open them. One black and the other white. Blade remembered them from three nights ago. Ok he wasn’t there but he remembered being told about them. He hid out of sight and watched as they tried to open the doors. “How long is this going to take Artemis?” the black one said “look Luna I can’t do this with you nagging me!” the white one said “Look I don’t understand why we are back here anyway. Even if Gary had taken the book back, it doesn’t mean that he’ll bring it back here!” “Look this proves that Gary is in league with the negaveres if he had his minions retrieve it for him” Luna said “he has minions as well?” Artemis said “Did Gary employed them after they did the second film?” “No not those minions?” Luna said groaning “You must stop watching those films all the time” While all this was going on, Blade walked away and told the other puppets what’s happening. They knew what to do in this situation (seeing that they had stopped several burglars before. Much to Gary and his grandfather’s annoyance) and went off to prepare their ambush.

After a while Artemis managed to open the balcony doors. He smiled in satisfaction and entered the apartment. “Finally. It took you long enough” said a voice. Artemis looked around and saw Luna walking in from the kitchen. “What the….” he said “wasn’t you just right behind me?” “No the kitchen window was open and seeing that you needed to concentrate I just let myself in” Luna said. Artemis responded by telling Luna to do something that was physically impossible to do. “Don’t you dare talk to me like that!” Luna said slapping him “I hope that our children don’t pick up things like that?” She then told Artemis to search the rooms on one side of the apartment while she checked the rooms on the other. “And call if you find that book” she said and went off towards the kitchens. Artemis growled to himself and went off towards the bathroom. Maybe he should try to stop with the swearing. Artemis poked his head inside the bathroom and failed to notice the large fist that walloped him on his head. While she was looking thru Gary’s clothes, Luna heard a loud yelp coming from the bathroom. “ARTEMIS?!” she called as she went to investigate “DID YOU GET STUCK IN THE TOILET AGAIN?” She didn’t get an answer when she entered the living room. But was stopped in her tracks by what she encountered when she walked around the sofa. Artemis was being pinned down to the carpet by both of the Pin-Headed and the Jester puppets. “GET OFF ME!” he was saying “WHY DO I ALWAYS GET MYSELF INTO THESE SITUATIONS?” “Because you don’t look before you leap!” Luna said. She went to help him but two more puppets stood in front of her. The cowboy one and another one with an odd stump for a right hand and a combined skull and world war one German helmet for a head. Luna put on her ‘Don’t you even think about it’ face. She did this when she wanted to win an argument with someone. A slight snarl and glare combined that will make even Serena loose her cool. But this didn’t seem to work because Luna found herself surrounded. Luna had no idea what to do. But then one of them stepped forward. The skull faced puppet with a hook for one hand and a knife for another. It then indicated that they just want to talk and that they were not going to harm Artemis. But only if Luna backs down. Luna understood and stood down. Blade then turned to Pin-Head and Jester and ordered them to let Artemis go. Which of course they did. Artemis got up and (after grumbling about the roughness) re-joined Luna. “Thank you for letting my husband go” Luna said “But this doesn’t change anything. You are still servants of the Negaverse and you must be defeated!” There was a long pause. The puppets looked at each other. They had no idea what Luna was on about. Then Jester did something that made Luna and Artemis both feel shocked and queasy. Jester’s head was made out of three parts. The top of the head, the middle of the face, and the lower part where the chin is. All three of these parts began to spin in opposite directions until they stopped with a completely different expression all together. From his normal cheerful face to a confused one. Even though Jester was a puppet made out of wood, Artemis felt like he was going to throw up. “This is getting ridiculous” Luna thought as Blade sent Tunneler and Miss Leech off to get something “do they want to talk to us or are they wasting our time?” It took sometime but finally Tunneler and Miss Leech returned. And with them was…. What can only be described as a china doll. It was the same size as the rest of the puppets but it was wearing fortune teller’s clothes. Luna and Artemis looked on as Blade then whispered something into its ear. Then its eyes slowly opened and (like it had been sleeping) stirred. It then blinked and looked at Blade.

“Why did you woke me up Blade?” she asked in a soft female voice. Blade pointed out Luna and Artemis and the china doll wondered over. “You two must be Luna and Artemis” she said. Luna and Artemis looked at each other. “Err….. Yes” Luna said “How did you know what our names are?” “My name is Oracle” the china doll said “and I have psychic powers. I can sense that you have a lot of questions” “Yes we do” Luna said “you and your friends have a lot to answer” She and Artemis ask their questions and Oracle did her best to answer them. After a while they finished. “Most interesting” Oracle said “I can assure you that we are not members of this Negaveres that you speak off. We are just as curious about you as you are about us” And all of the puppets began nod in agreement. Luna tried to look like she believed them. But secretly she didn’t. Luna learnt from past experience that never trust anyone for the first time unless otherwise. Artemis also knew this as well. Just then they heard commission outside the front door. All of the puppets turned and ran off in different directions as if they knew who was outside. Giving Luna and Artemis a chance to leg it. They jumped into a wicker basket and with just a few seconds to spare. Because Gary and Ami just entered the apartment. “Thank you for helping me with the shopping” Gary was saying as he and Ami put several shopping bags of food and water on the coffee table. “Hey it’s ok” Ami said “you don’t know how to use the currency yet so it’s the least that I do” “What is she doing with him?!” Luna whispered as she and Artemis hid in the darkness within the basket. They were watching them through the gaps in the wreathing and Luna wasn’t liking what she was seeing. “Didn’t we tell her not to get close” she was jabbering “this is serious” “keep it down or they’ll hear us!” Artemis whispered angrily. They watched as Ami helped Gary put his shopping away. And to their horror Gary asked Ami about something that they never expected to hear. “Ami?” Gary said “you know that sailor wand of yours? How does it work?” “My wand?” Ami said “well let me just get it and I’ll show you” “SHE’S NOT SERIOUS!!!!” Luna almost screamed but Artemis managed to prevent her from doing so. They continued to watch as Ami took Gary into the living room and (after searching through her bag) manged to find her wand. Both Luna and Artemis’s worse fears began to ring true. Ami took her wand and said “you’ve better shield your eyes Gary” Gary nodded and Ami raised her wand above her head. “MERCURY CRYSTAL POWER!” she shouted. And the wand let out a shine that was so nearly bright that Gary had to shield his eyes. But what was more was that Ami began to change. Not physically but her clothes sort of turned into a liquid form. Then (after circling around Ami while she was doing some sort of dance) they melted onto her and morphed into clothes again. Only this time they were a girl’s sailor outfit. Blue and white with gold trimming. Ami then required long boots, silk clothes and (to top it all off) a gold tiara. She then finished the whole transformation off with a victory pose. Gary was gobsmacked. 

“Well?” Ami asked “what do you think?” “You seriously have to go through all that when you change into Sailor Mercury?” Gary said “what’s wrong with the ‘changing in a phone booth’ option?” “You know I have absolutely no idea” Ami said “I didn’t came up with the whole thing. And what’s a Phone Booth?” Gary and Ami chatted with each other for some time and then (after Ami changed back into her normal self) Gary took Ami out for some drinks. After they’d gone, Luna and Artemis climbed out of the wicker basket. “Thank god they’ve gone!” Artemis said “my feet are asleep” “Artemis that’s not important right now!” Luna said “Ami has betrayed us!” “Betrayed us?” Artemis said “that’s a little strong. Don’t you think that she just wanted to show Gary who she is and what she does?” “After what we’ve seen and heard?!” Luna said “I don’t know why and how but Ami has switched sides! This is serious” “Yeah but come on Luna” Artemis said as they left the apartment and headed back to their safe house (Mina’s apartment) “you are jumping to conclusions. We still don’t know that Gary is working for the Negaveres? How do we know that Ami is deliberately betraying us? For all you know Gary is a nice guy who Ami wants to be in her life. And all you are doing is point the finger at him” “Artemis!” Luna said stopping in her tracks. She turned to her husband with a looked that says that she does not know what to think anymore. “I have no idea what to think” she said “Gary might be a great guy and might be trustworthy in keeping our secrets. But with the puppets and the formula that brings things to life, that doesn’t circle true for me”

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