Wednesday 3 February 2016

Sailor Moon meets the Puppet Master 13

Chapter 13: All’s well that ends well:

The dust settled as the last remains of the warehouse collapsed into rubble. The battle was over. The battle was won. Everything was still and quiet. Until a hand shot out from the rubble. Ami forced herself out from the rubble and surveyed the damage. The warehouse was now dust and broken bricks. The explosion also cause several other warehouses some damaged too. But not as much. She staggered to her feet as the others began to emerge from the rubble. “Is everyone ok?” Mina asked “I’m a bit battered and bruised” Lita said “but I’m ok”. Ami stood there looking at everyone. Mina, Lita, Rei, Darien, and even Serena (who was back to normal) were all managing to get themselves free from the rubble and stagger away from the damages. Ami had a feeling that there was something missing. Then it hit her. “Where’s Gary?” she asked. “Gary?” Rei said “Oh my god I’ve forgotten about him. He must be still under the rubble!” Upon hearing this, Ami started to search for Gary. Flinging piles of rubble everywhere. Everyone else help in searching too. After a long time they’ve almost given up until Ami noticed something. An arm sticking out from the rubble. “GARY!” she screamed as she ran over and begun to dig under the rubble. She struggled to lift heavy pieces of brick and stone until she managed to reach Gary. She then managed to pulled him out of the rubble and (with the help from the others) carried him to a safe place far from the collapsed warehouse. Gary was laid down and Ami knelt by his side. She began to check his pulse and to see if there wasn’t any broken bones or internal wounds. Thankfully he still had his pulse and there weren’t any damages. "Is he going to be ok?" Serena said knelling beside Ami. "I hope so" Ami said "I really don't want him to be hurt" “You really care about him don’t you?” Serena said. Ami looked at her and said “yes I do. He is the only one who stood by me when you and the others weren’t speaking to me. He cheered me up, comfort me, and gave me the care and attention like that of a friend. And then our feelings for each other grew until we fell in love for each other! We love each other just as much as you and Darien” She began to cry “now I wish that he just wake up” Tears began to fall down her face and fall onto Gary’s face. Then slowly his eyes opened. “Hey” he asked “why the tears?” Ami couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Gary?!" she said "you're alright!" "Of course I am" Gary said grinning "I'm from England. Therefore I am indestructible!" he added jokingly. Ami was over joyed and hugged her boyfriend who happily hugged her back.

Everyone gathered around them as Ami helped Gary to sit up. “Gary” Serena said “all of us here own you an apology. We are so sorry that we declared you a member of the negaveres. With everything that’s happening we just didn’t think……” she stopped talking when Gary put up his hand. “Even though you’ve said some hurtful things Serena” he said “You are forgiven. And so is everyone else” “Thank you Gary” Rei said “I must say that your puppets are amazingly impressive. Especially their fighting skills…….” “Oh my god! My puppets!” Gary said “they must be still under the rubble!” He tried to get up but Ami stopped him “You are in no condition to shift rubble Gary” she said “you need to rest!” “But I can’t leave them!” Gary said “They were left to me by my grandfather and I was trusted to look after them! I have to help them!” “I know that Gary” Ami said “but not now. Just rest and we’ll look for them later” “I don’t think we have to” Darien said pointing towards the rubble. Everyone looked as to their amazement, Gary’s puppets began to emerge from the rubble. Blade, Torch, Pin-Head, Jester, Six-Shooter, Miss Leech, Tunneler, General Cyclops, Ninja, and even the Decapitron. All of them were alright. Gary was happy as they walked out from the ruined warehouse and towards him and the others. “Thank you my friends” he said as they gathered around him “you did well” And as everyone looked on, the puppets hugged their master. “You’ve led them well Gary” the Decapitron said. And then (to everyone’s amazement) its head morphed into that of an old man in his late fifties. With silvery white hair and beard. “The evil we’ve faced today has been defeated” he said “you lot have fought bravely. Well most of you have” Lita, Rei, and Mina didn’t know whether to laugh or be angry. “I’m glad that my grandson has found great friends and allies” Andre Toulon said “and a lover I believe?” Ami nodded in agreement. “You Ami Mizuno,” Andre said “have taken the oath that you’ll keep my family’s secret. I must ask that your friends also take the oath as well. And I take it that Gary will keep your secret too?” Gary nodded in agreement. “Sir I will keep your grandson’s secret safe” Serena said “we all will” Darian added. Andre smiled and then said “Then I’ll leave feeling happy that our legacy will continue for millennia onwards. I am with you Puppet Master. And I am with you too Sailor Moon” And with that his head morphed back into the Decapitron. And then collapsed face down on the ground. “Is he alright?” Mina said “It’s ok Mina” Gary said “his energy has run out. He won’t be coming back until we need him again” Gary then got up and picked up the puppet. "Thank you grandfather" he said quietly. “Come on everyone” Serena said “let’s go home”. “Ok Serena” Lita said “but first….” She then wondered over to Blade, and then violently kicked him. The surprised puppet flew for yards until hitting the ground with a loud thud. “Now we’re even!” Lita said seeing the shock look on the others faces.
They made it back to Gary’s apartment just before dawn. Luna and Artemis had come over when they noticed that their friends had returned. Mina and Rei told them about the battle that just happened and their reactions were mixed. Luna and Artemis were both horrified that they took on a creature from the negaveres without their powers and disappointed that they weren’t contacted and had been there to help them. But at least that the evil was gone for good. The rest of the month went smoothly. Ami decided to stay permanently at Gary’s apartment and had lent her old one to a new student. She and Gary then settled down together with Gary’s puppets. Come Christmas day, Gary invited Serena, Darien, Mina, Lita, and Rei over for Christmas dinner and a party. Even though they didn’t celebrate Christmas, Ami happily told them about the holiday and they all enjoyed the food and the fun. But what they especially enjoyed were the presents that Gary and Ami had brought them. Serena got a silver neckless, Darien got a white scarf, Rei got an elephant plushy, Lita got a pair of silk gloves, and Mina got a small basket of chocolates. Ami meanwhile was given the dress that Lita had brought for her and Gary was given a ring with a symbol of a crescent moon on it. This (Gary was told) was given to those who are friends and loyalist to the Moon Kingdom. And Gary accepted it with great pride. Luna and Artemis also had a reason to feel happy as well. Because Luna just had her kittens. All nine of them. They were all slivery grey with the crescent moon on all of their heads (the same as on Gary’s ring). Luna and Artemis also had apologised to Gary and Ami for what they said. Ami and Gary accepted their apologies and were even told that they can have one of the kittens. The one they chose was a boy with greyish eyes. Which Gary named Icarus.

Afterwards the party was over. Everyone had now gone home and Gary and Ami cleaned up the apartment. Gary’s puppets also helped and after they put Icarus to bed, Gary was left to sweep up. His puppets had gone back to the trunk (they like to sleep there) and Ami had disappeared into her room. Gary swept up a lot of confetti, used crackers, and party hats. He binned them and was just putting his broom away, when he then heard the radio being switched on and tuned to a soft mellow number. Gary went into the lounge to see Ami (wearing the blue dress) diming the lights. “At last” she said turning to face him “we are finally alone” Smiling she offered Gary her hand. Smiling too, he took it and they slowly danced together. As they danced, they hold each other close. Ami laid her head on Gary’s chest and Gary gently stroked her hair. “I’ve always wanted to do this” Ami said “to dance with a guy who I’m in love with. I just get this empty feeling when I see Serena and Darien together. In fact Mina, Lita, and Rei also get the feeling as well” “You lot deserve someone in your lives” Gary said “Well we almost did” Ami said “You see Darien did have some generals at his command when the Moon Kingdom was at its height. Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, and Kunzite. They were going to hitch up with me, Lita, Mina, and Rei but they betrayed us to Queen Beryl. They are now dead but they can be summoned if Darien wants it. But because of their betrayal they can never have a physical form again” “So you’re saying that I may have competition?” Gary said concerned “No Gary” Ami said “They are long gone. And Zoisite the one who was meant for me turned out to be gay. And besides Lita has Prince Midnight of the Nightmare Kingdom (I’ll tell you some other time) and I have you” They gazed into each other’s eyes and then kissed. They kissed for a long time. Then Ami lent forwards and whispered into Gary’s ear “Gary Matrix. Take me to your bed!” Gary wasn’t expecting this but (knowing that he wanted to make Ami happy) he lifted her up (in the same manner as a groom carrying his bride) and he took her to his room. Where they partake in what lovers do when they are alone together.

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