Friday 11 May 2018

TV Review: Lost in space

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Release date: September 15th 1965 - March 6th 1968 (3 seasons. 83 episodes).

Story: While traveling to Alpha Centauri system in order to start a new life, The Robinson family and their pilot Major Donald West are forced to land on a planet when their ship (The Jupiter 2) is sabotaged by Doctor Zachary Smith and their robot. They then try and repair their ship whilst encountering many strange and weird aliens and monsters.

My thoughts: This sci fi show was based on the Swiss Family Robinsons story. And it has it's ups and downs. For the first two seasons, they are stranded on a planet and have to repair their ship in order to escape. Season three was what I though the series was going to be. Them traveling through space and coming across things. Doctor Smith starts out as a bad guy like person in the first season but soon ends up becoming the comedic relief. he is also the most selfish and cowardly person in the show. There have been many times when they are in danger and Smith would either run away or side with the enemy in order to save his skin and get back to Earth. But many of the other casts are like that at times. Like in one episode (at the cliff-hanger before the end titles) Mr Robinson refuses to let Smith eat because he skipped out from doing chores (even though Mrs Robinson had cooked it especially for him). And Major West is seen to be aggressive towards him at Smith as well. Like in one episode were Smith mistakenly presses the wrong button while repairing the ship (causing a major electrical eruption), West threatens to beat him up. Many of the monsters and villains are just the same creature used over and over again. Like in one episode they could be a rampaging creature but in another they are a intelligent being. And also the famous Robby the robot makes an appearance in the first and third seasons. This show can be a bit silly but it is still entertaining.

My score: Three stars.

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