Thursday 3 May 2018

Film Review: Friday the 13th

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Release date: May 9th 1980.

Story: Many years after it's closer, a lakeside summer camp is being reopened and a group of teenagers are sent to do some finishing touches and to fool around. But the locals are telling them that it is a bad idea since twenty one years ago there were a series of murders that happen at the camp. But the teenagers ignore them and soon they began to get picked off one by one by a unseen killer. Who is the killer? And has this got to do with the killing twenty one years ago? Watch the movie to find out.

My thoughts: This is a great movie. The first in the Friday the 13th series and one of the best slasher killer movies at the time. There was a lot of work put into the effects and they are very good and convincing. Even though this movie didn't created the Slasher Killer genre, it did make them popular enough for them to dominate the horror films of the 80's and 90's. So if you are a horror fan I would recommend this.

My score: Five stars.

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