Thursday 24 May 2018

TV Review: My Little Pony. Friendship is magic

Release date: October 10th 2010 - October 12th 2019 (9 seasons. 222 episodes).

Story: The many adventures of Twilight Sparkle and her friends as they learn morals of life and the true meaning of friendship.

My thoughts: This is a very great show for all ages. It is amazing how this show gained so much fans and followers (mainly Bronies). This show has a lot of fan fictions, fan drawings, fan comics, and even fan made games. Many Youtubers have admitted that they are fans of this show and there are even those who have been reviewing it. The characters are great, the animation is great, and the songs are also great. Many of the places in the series are named after real places with a pony twist in the name (such as Trottingham, Canterlot, and Ponyville). This series has a spin off series and even a movie. Like I said before this is a very amazing and successful show for all ages. And I am looking forward to see where the show goes next.

My score: Five stars.

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