Thursday 3 May 2018

Film Review: Lake Placid

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Release date: July 16th 1999 (US release). March 31st 2000 (UK release).

Story: When a series of deaths occur at a large lake in Maine, a team which is made up of a sheriff, a palaeontologist, a fish and game officer, and a mythology professor is sent to investigate what is going on. And soon they discover that there is an abnormally large saltwater crocodile is the cause behind the deaths. How it becomes a mayhem as they discus if they would either capture it or kill it.

My thoughts: This is a very dull and disappointing movie. I remember watching a tv trailer for this movie on television when I was younger and it frightened me. But then years later I watched it and was utterly disappointed by it. I was expecting a Jaws like movie with a giant crocodile but instead I ended up watching a what could only be described as a parody of a giant monster movie. The climax is also a let down. You would expect an ending similar to Jaws when they finally caught the creature. But no. What we got is a load of "but we need to preserve it!" and "we feel sorry it" even thought it has killed a number of people. And then another crocodile appears out of nowhere and is quickly killed with a grenade rifle (perhaps only to show off the gun). If you want a better crocodile movie then I would recommend Rogue.

My score: One star.

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