Monday 7 May 2018

Film Review: Funny-Man

See the source image

Release date: October 7th 1994.

Story: After winning a new house in a card game, Max Taylor quickly moves in with his family (and with his brother bringing their things and a few hitchhikers along as well). But soon things start getting weird as a demonic jester is awaken and starts picking them off one by one.

My thoughts: This is a weird movie. A mixture of horror and comedy. Tim James plays the title character and he gives a great performance. The Funny-Man himself is like a British Freddy Kruger or Pennywise. As in a supernatural jester that alters reality and gives out one liners. Christopher Lee himself also stars in this film (in one of his lesser known roles). His character is the original owner of the house which he looses in the card game (which leads me to a theory that he deliberately sells his home in order for the satisfy the Funny-man with new victims). Sadly his character isn't in the movie much. He just appears now and then and says weird poems and riddles. Even Velma from Scooby Doo is in this as well as one of the hitchhikers (although I don't think that she is Velma and just someone who looks like her). But anyways it is a good movie (although there is a lot of blood, gore, swearing, and weirdness in it) and I would recommend for any horror fan.

My score: Four stars.

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