Thursday 3 May 2018

Film Review: Jurassic Park

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Release date: June 11th 1993

Story: After discovering a way of cloning dinosaurs, a multi billionaire builds a large theme park which the dinosaurs are the main attraction. He then asks a group of people to visit the park before it opens to the public and get their views on it. But things go wrong when a hurricane hits the island where the park is. Which ends up cutting the power to the park... allowing the dinosaurs to escape and start hunting the humans.

My thoughts: This is an amazing movie. Everything about it spells amazement. This is one of Steven Spielberg's greatest movies (alongside E.T, Back to the Future, and Jaws). Originally they were going to use stop motion animation for the dinosaur effects but they changed it to a mixture of both animatronics and cgi. This is something that might become a reality in the future. the idea that we might find a way of cloning dinosaurs and creating a park for everyone to visit them. Anyway this is a amazing movie and I highly recommend it for everyone. But take note that there are some scenes that some people might find scary.

My score: Five stars.

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