Thursday 24 May 2018

Film Review: Thinner

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Release date: October 25th 1996.

Story: An obese upper class lawyer accidently runs over an old gipsy woman. When he managed to get away with it in court (with the help of some bribery), the woman's even older father places a curse on him. And pretty soon the lawyer begins to loose weight at an alarming rate. At first he likes it (he has been trying to loose weight at first) but then he realises that he's going to die unless the curse is removed. So he then goes in search of the old gipsy man in order to make him life the curse. Will he be able to do it in time? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: This movie was based on an Stephen King book (author of The Shining, Cujo, The Stand, and Salem's Lot) and it is an ok film. It didn't do well when it was first released but later gained a cult following in alter years along with the book. The film follows the book until the end where it was changed due to the reaction from test audiences. If you are a Stephen King fan or a horror fan in general, then I would give this movie a watch.

My score: Three stars. 

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