Wednesday 9 January 2019

What if: What if Godzilla and kaijus are real?

Godzilla is the king of monsters. First appearing in the 1954 film of the same name and has spawned a series of movies and a huge ton of franchise. He is a well known icon of films and there have been many parodies about him. Yet there had always been a question being pondered by fans. What if Godzilla and other kaiju like him was real? In the first of a new series I am now doing (beginning with What if Pokémon were real), I am going to explore a possible world where fictional creatures and beings are real. And where to start but with the King of the monsters himself. So here we go.

The pros:
It would be an experience living in a world where Godzilla and other kaiju are real. Just imagen looking out of a window (either in a building or a vehicle and seeing either Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, or another kaiju roaming around). And it would be another thing watching either two of them or a whole group of them battling each other. There would also be a real Monster Island where all of the kaijus would be move to in order to study them and also keep them from rampaging through inhabited areas. And there is the fact that if Earth was ever invaded by aliens, we would have a living weapon to counter attack. There might also be those who would chase Godzilla similar to those who chase storms. In order to pick up some information that might help us.

The cons:
No one would want him alive. Godzilla is known to rampage through cities and destroying many places in his path. It will be like a natural disaster only ten times worse. And knowing that he swims in the oceans, cities on the coast will be evacuated and everyone would either move inland or underground. Meanwhile all of the nations will try and develop new ways of killing Godzilla or at least drive him away from their countries. People may begin to form cults and begin to worship him like a living god. Trade and travel would become a thing to worry about. In the fear that planes and ships might be attacked at any moment. If not by Godzilla then by any of the other kaijus as well. And then there is the fear that any rogue nation or organisation might attempt to tame Godzilla and use him for their own desires.

It is a mixed bag. It would be cool to see Godzilla in the real world but it will not be a great world to live in. But what are your thoughts on this? Let me know in the comment section below and I will see you next time.

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