Saturday 5 January 2019

Film Review: Monkey Shines

Release date: July 29th 1988

Story: After being hit by a truck and ending up as a quadriplegic, Allan Mann has difficulty adjusting to his new life. That is until he gets a specially trained monkey to help him. But what he doesn't know is that the monkey is a test animal from a science lab that conducts experiments by injecting the monkeys with human brain tissue. And the horrifying effects of these experiments begin to show...

My thoughts: This movie was directed by George A. Romero and was based off of a book written by Michael Steward. This is actually a great movie. The monkey herself (who is voiced by famous voiced actor Frank Welker) is great in her role and the other characters are also memorable. This film has one of the most memorable shots in cinema history. A undershot of the monkey leaping through the air with a bolt of lightning behind her. If you like horror movies that has a slow but worth while build up, then I would give this a watch. 

My score: Five stars.

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