Thursday 24 January 2019

Film Review: Red Heat

Release date: June 14th 1988 (premiere release). June 17th 1988.

Story: Arnold Schwarzenegger stars as Captain Ivan 'Iron Jaw' Danko. A police officer from the Soviet Union who is sent to Chicago, USA to pick up a drug kingpin and crime lord (named Viktor Rostavili) who has fled after a failed attempted to arrest him. Ivan is assigned with loudmouthed Chicago detective Art Ridzik (played by James Belushi). Can east and west work together in order to capture the criminal? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: This is one of those buddy cop movies (two opposite characters teaming up to solve a case and end up becoming close friends). And I kinda like it. It is one of those movies with an interesting concept and the comedy is good. Even though Arnold is playing a Russian cop, the scenes that were supposed to be in Russia are in fact filmed in Hungary and Austria. This film is a must have for any buddy cop collection.

My score: Three stars.

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