Wednesday 2 January 2019

Gaming Reviews: Fallout 76.

Release date: November 14th 2018.

Type of game: Role-playing, open world, online multiplayer.

Story: Years after nuclear war had nearly destroyed the whole world, a handful of people managed to survive in specially built bunkers deep underground. You play as one of these people who goes outside in order to repopulate and rebuild. So you venture out into the world where you encounter ghouls, super mutants, and the other things that are associated with the Fallout series.

My thoughts: This game is a let down. Apart from the various glitches and mishaps the game has (there is a three hour video on Youtube all about the various mishaps the game has), the adverts show huge groups of players teaming up to explore the world and rebuild civilisation. Yet when you play, all of the players are scattered all over the map and on rare occasions do you bump into other players. Also I know that you can't pause an online game but there are times when you just need to recheck your stuff on your pip-boy or what ever it is called, you still get attacked. And more annoyingly your weapons brake and you have to mend them (which is also a problem when you are in the middle of a battle and you are open to attacks when you have to stop and select a new weapon or health items. And there is no point of running to cover because the enemies follow you and keep up the attack) which is in the previous games (apart from Fallout 4). Also some of the weapons and items you collect cannot be used until you reach a higher level. So if you are a fan of Fallout games then you can play this if you want but I wouldn't recommend it. Although there might be a update with new material that might improve the game.

Things that I want in a future update or DLC: Perhaps something where we can explore a pre-war world (something I want for every Fallout game) and perhaps one where you can play as a Super mutant or something.

My score: Two stars.

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