Thursday 3 January 2019

Film Review: The 6th Day

Release date: October 28th 2000 (the Tokyo International Film Festival release). November 17th 2000 (theatrical release).

Story: At some point in the near future, it is now common to clone animals and human organs. It is however illegal to clone a human being. But someone doesn't follow the rules and clones a charter pilot Adam Gibson (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger) without him knowing. Adam finds out that the clone has taken over his life in his absence and so sets out to find out who cloned him, why they cloned him, and to try and get his family back.

My thoughts: Even though this is a box office disappointment, I kinda like this film. The film gives light to what could happen in the near future (cloning, self driveable vehicles, and a fridge with a built in computer that tells you when you are low on items and you can order them as well). And this film has a great twist ending in my opinion. If you are a fan of Schwarzenegger films then give this a watch.

My score: Three stars. 

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