Wednesday 2 January 2019

Film Review: Reign of Fire

Release date: July 12th 2002.

Story: After accidentally awakening a group of hibernating dragons under the streets of London, mankind is nearly whipped out and the dragons are now the dominant species. Now in 2020, a small group of survivors try and survive in the dragon ruled world. Until one day a group of American dragon slayers arrive with the intent of slaying the alpha male dragon. But the two groups of humans have a hard time getting along. Will they be able to get along with each other and help save mankind? Watch the movie and find out.

My thoughts: This is a ok film. The dragons look great yet the characters are a bit hit and miss for my taste. But it's cool to see Christian Bale (before his Batman years) and Matthew McConaughey's characters butting heads. If you are a fan of post apocalyptic films then I would recommend this.

My score: Three stars.

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